Scotland Eternal

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A channel devoted to the history and culture of Scotland. Pro-Scotland, Pro-Celtic. See @CelticMyths @CelticEsotericism for more Celtic content

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Coat of Arms of Scotland

Scottish Crofters on the Isle of Skye

"The people of the Outer Isles, like the people of the Highlands and the Islands generally, are simple and law-abiding people, common crime being rare and serious crime unknown among them. They are good to the poor, kind to the stranger, and courteous to all. During the years that I lived and travelled among them, night and day, I never met with incivility, never met with rudeness, never met with vulgarity, never with aught but with courtesy. I never entered a house without the inmates offering me food or apologizing for their want of it. I was never asked for charity in the West, a striking contrast to my experience in England, where I was frequently asked for food, for drink, for money, and that by persons whose incomes would have been wealth to the poor men and women of the West.
From The Carmina Gadelica
Introduction Vol. I
Alexander Carmichael

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