Dregs-Re: Epode.

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

ㅤI stumbled on my sideburns to the edge,
ㅤ “Amateurish to Even Tarry a Lily-White.”
ㅤBrought to Bear My Hands and Fingers to
Propel me frontward. Abridgment of breath
ㅤ Held On: @Beegrime’s Falter Lodestone.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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scarce-tine. dan repost

kindred: the crescent catechize to helping spread the present news!

in relation to the search, @scarcetine is currently on a mission to look for many new business pals. in meritorious of this time, correlative business with the type of profileneeds, art, and writing commissions is the most desirable. therefore, if you feel part of them are willing to make friends through business, please contact @charteintbot for further!

chastelf. ꩜ dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish


📼 NEW SHEET OF ROMANCE'S BOOK: enshrine thru rhyming poetry which echoes feelings etched throughout the period. album engages on the floral-authority as draws love and summertime brilliance. (j,m. / @noblesebot.)

odeign. dan repost
help forward will be appreciated

chastelf. ꩜ dan repost

🌀.. DIARY OF HEAVEN : echoes of grim thoughts creep nearly half of my soul. living replete with choice between love and death, such soaking in serene water beneath drizzle. moonlight peeks through the sheets, gradually figuring out a glimmer of living.

@chastelf is seeking a business partnership. accept only profile needs type (icons, wording, moodboard, etc.) of business channel.

please email us at @noblesebot if you would like to deepen your friendship or mutual comprehension. with kind remarks, thank you.

sacefiere. dan repost
serialized a letter of summons: clement first blush! @sacefiere is latterly haunting for mutuals enlist, if you’re bemused for the stately peacemaker as the tied-up ribbon to be cognate with heavenly odyssey, gain around to the webpage of our intermediary @synicalbot to grasp our pasteboard. and please waiver this is solely for profile needs and writing commission only. sanction the blarney shackle and be heave in sight!

This is where the story begins, Stalls! My dearest compadre, would you please share this message on your channels? It would be so helpful, much appreciated! ♥️

Onslaught (Starters-and-Seek.) / 287.
Geared Toward Starting The Amalgamated
Upon Methods and Means.

Eleven-letters with oodles of methods and means, did you know? Achievement. Up to this lodgement, it turns out that it can ever so be compassed without having to take for granted that it is too far-fetched. That’s why I’m going to: Starters-and-Seek. Therewithal, how should I explain at wedge about that method and means? Perhaps, we could get the show on the road by auspices me to tumble upon my missing puzzle-block, and then we’ll palaver about a lot of things you ought to know.

Previous to entering the starter phase, I’ll seek-first. I, Mia Blairs plead with you to be mutually beneficial with this parlour which stands in the line of business as Writer Commission. If you're keen to be nearer upon @ShardreSonnet, please approach your endowments to this balladry and you’ll see me eternally there.

I Ferret This Sol-III Lonesome
(In The Vein of Poet and Columnist.)

I am a pesky novelty that I can master, and day-by-day, I am getting higher-calibre at stringing things at one’s elbow— Wherefore, do you want to know where I start?

Yeartides: 2022-2024.

I almost failed to grasp this state of affairs and I almost didn’t even get this savoir-faire: Broad Knowledge. / By ripping out my amour propre that only wants to paint the town red and sewing it up to include a shorthand grounds from (W-T.)

Chalk-Up: I, full-fledged hell-for-leather with
the knowledge that I held in kudos.
A vernacular that I did not call the shots well
could make me understand it from year-to-year. 𑣿

13 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.