As the information battle will continue to intensify over these coming months, it’s important to keep in mind that we’re continually being hammered with propaganda from all directions.
If you’ve not yet done so, it’s the perfect time to spend a few hours reading Bernays’ Propaganda. It’s the foundational blueprint for how we’ve been herded to this point with techniques still in use today.
Seriously. There’s a lot of money being made in herding sheep & it’s not exclusive to the left, so always do your own research to determine fact from propagandized opinion designed to manufacture both engagement & consent.
It’s of no benefit to anyone, including your own self, when you have an extreme emotional reaction to what a pundit/journo/talking head says in response to talking points from the other side of the coin.
Emotions aren’t facts so use care in allowing others to play on & gain control of your emotional reactions, including those you follow on SM platforms.
Quotes like this: “The fact that Trump is still supporting vaccines tells me everything I need to know about him,” is to manipulate both the thoughts & emotions of the reader.
Who controls your emotions; you or the dude to whom your responding?
There’s so much transpiring in which we aren’t involved beyond the role of spectators, taking control of your mental & emotional states will have a significant effect on the experience of those things you participate with as real.
This is the Universe constantly recreating itself to give you more of that which you make real based on the feedback provided energetically.
And because the Universe is impartial in its continual recreation of itself, if it’s intense outrage being sent out, you’ll get more things about which to be enraged.
Opt out of the control mechanism of manufactured consent while creating consciously by using your mental & emotional energy wisely; being right in a “I knew this was going to happen,” isn’t much fun if it doesn’t bring joy or happiness.
If you’ve not yet done so, it’s the perfect time to spend a few hours reading Bernays’ Propaganda. It’s the foundational blueprint for how we’ve been herded to this point with techniques still in use today.
Seriously. There’s a lot of money being made in herding sheep & it’s not exclusive to the left, so always do your own research to determine fact from propagandized opinion designed to manufacture both engagement & consent.
It’s of no benefit to anyone, including your own self, when you have an extreme emotional reaction to what a pundit/journo/talking head says in response to talking points from the other side of the coin.
Emotions aren’t facts so use care in allowing others to play on & gain control of your emotional reactions, including those you follow on SM platforms.
Quotes like this: “The fact that Trump is still supporting vaccines tells me everything I need to know about him,” is to manipulate both the thoughts & emotions of the reader.
Who controls your emotions; you or the dude to whom your responding?
There’s so much transpiring in which we aren’t involved beyond the role of spectators, taking control of your mental & emotional states will have a significant effect on the experience of those things you participate with as real.
This is the Universe constantly recreating itself to give you more of that which you make real based on the feedback provided energetically.
And because the Universe is impartial in its continual recreation of itself, if it’s intense outrage being sent out, you’ll get more things about which to be enraged.
Opt out of the control mechanism of manufactured consent while creating consciously by using your mental & emotional energy wisely; being right in a “I knew this was going to happen,” isn’t much fun if it doesn’t bring joy or happiness.