Sophie Patricia Davis

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Red pills when you find them - Should always be prescribed

Because sheeple followers of BS, definitely need something to stop triggered nappy wetting


Red pills when you find them - Should always be prescribed

Because sheeple followers of BS, definitely need something to stop triggered nappy wetting

Jesse Lee Peterson vs. #BlackLivesMatter activist…:

The MSM 14 days after the nonstory broke, are STILL pushing this BS. STILL chose to ignore - 4 Labour MPs before him

* Kevin Jones went to a Birthday party. MSM? Nothing because they're politically aligned and motivated to deny Brexit
* Vaughan Gething attends a picnic gathering. MSM? Nothing because they're politically aligned and motivated to deny Brexit
* Stephen Kinnock who drove over 100miles to bust parents. MSM? Nowhere, because they're politically aligned and motivated to deny Brexit
* Yahir Ali attends a funeral which would have included a community buffet. MSM? Nowhere, because they're politically aligned and motivated to deny Brexit

ALL 4 are factually breakers of rules, can not dare claim exceptions - To name just a few

But notice NOT ONE WORD from any of those scum about the insulting obvious breaking guidelines by kids virtue signalling sheeple will follow any sh*t, including a motivated lie - Just to gain 'thumbs up' from other like minds

In keeping with a scripted agenda, it was only a matter of time for the subject of Climate Change would return

And the BBC did this in two different slots

1) Rebecca Newsome is a Socialist Activist who wants to 'give away' money (virtually her words)

Newsom heads up Greenpeace UK’s political unit, working with MPs (majority left wing) and other decision-makers across the political spectrum (majority left wing) on the issues of renewable energy, ocean conservation and tackling air pollution

She has previously worked as Campaign Manager for ShareAction, as Senior Account Manager for Political Lobbying and Media Relations (PLMR), and as a consultant for Tellus Mater Foundation

Interesting body the Tellus Mater Foundation

BBC having given air time to 1 clown, changes subject in the next report - On the subject of vaccinations needing to restart in 3rd world countries. Before sliding into the subject of Covid-19 and.. Yep. The subject of Climate Change

2) Prince Charles is given air time, to 'pretend' he had Covid-19 'symptoms', but is okay now

To then drone on about the need for dealing with Climate Change !!!

Predictable BBC BS and narrative - Start to finish

If it wasn't for the fact sheeple swallow this program of indoctrination and then dig their own graves by surrender of their future's - It would be laughable

But the education standard of sheeple, is why sh*t continues

We've bearly ended the lie we call Covid-19 and the threat of a NWO 'sterilisation program' funded by Gates on 2 fronts, IS on its way

The Obfuscation of facts means MSM can and do push Moral Platitudes (funded by pharmaceutical companies) to act as PR to Population control

Today, the BBC (Gates through his funding of a so called Charity - BBC Media Action. Hence vomits it's normal BS) use the WTO and it's founded contribution to push the need for a list of 3rd World countries (Gates's £b income stream) to return too the 'normality' of vaccines- Because the viruses the inoculations don't stop are coming back (a cycle of dependency designed in)

I've posted on this already..

This IS what's going to happen in the UK in pretence of 'prevention' of future outbreaks of Covid-19

What WE ALL should worry about is for some damn reason Boris has agreed a Global vaccine convention, planned for this year, in the UK

Seriously.. Let that sink in!

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Defy anyone to challenge this girl's amazing reality checking narrative

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Everyone will agree what happened in the US was murder

What many don't know is both Police officer and victim, have a back history of working as Bouncers for a club.
That the victim was at the time of arrest under influence of drugs

Murder, technically 3rd degree, was because of a medical condition which kicked in, under influence of drugs and arrest situation stress.
The resultant heart attack, that a 'mechanical' asphyxiation (knee on his neck in a mannerto deny breathing) become murder

The result is now a Soros funded, Antifa incited riots on our streets. So Globalists not content to crashing a global economy to deny Nationalism to the US and UK.
The riots trashing deepening an already hurting economy and businesses - Have been given the Antifa and BLM coffin nails

Add more poverty and sh*t on our streets via the Left wing indoctrinated fuc wit kids utterly clueless as to damage to their pathetic lives they're creating for at least the next 20 year's


Where was the outrage when innocent WHITE people are murdered?

A man of colour dies in the hands US Police officers no evidence of it being racist. While in the UK

A white man dies in the hands US Police officers no evidence of it being racist

Media silence and in the UK when reported ?

Where were the burning buildings?
Where were all the lootings?


Remember those 'Social distancing' rules?

Don't do this, that, whatever . YOU know the list that includes

# Your not allowed to meet, hug or sit in close contact each other

# No Party's, weddings, funerals or even play sport where distancing rules are broken

# Your not about to stay in some hotels, travel on buses (signed up to say so) without a mask and a maximum passenger count of 20

$ If you can goto work, do so but where you work must have social distancing

# Anyone, called Cummings who breaks Social distancing rules, must be attacked by MSM at every opportunity

# That for some reason people of 'Colour' are more affected by Coronavirus (making it racist) so special treatment is required


# MSM virtue signalling and celebrating riots over a murder in a different country

# The Police stand around like wet rags while property and businesses get trashed

# And amount of damage being allowed to happen by kids lead by funded thugs - Ignore Social distancing

£1 says this will 'create' a fake senario, a 'spike' in Covid-19 infections and an extended lockdown

Because the political left and MSM, live one rule for antiBoris bashing and banshee shreek at anyone proBoris

Think its now OFFICIAL- Lockdown is over and time we got off our arses and put a stop to this Coronavirus BS

Because when it's under your nose, it stinks

I have said it before, I'll say it now. Whatever the establishments final word on the subject. It IS duplicitous in an unwarranted lockdown and draconian measures to ensure fear 'keeps' steeple subservient

This has cost more in terms of the destruction lives, pushed people into unemployed and screwed over everyone who's lost family, friends from no follow up medical treatment for life threatening conditions

I could list, but our high street's will see empty shops. Fear will drive more business into failing

And as Gov't coninues with fake infections rate knowing that BS was debunked weeks ago. The lie, we know as Tack and Trace, will be Big Brother monitoring next phase.
Followed by cynical insurance of being made to be vaccinated

Every false reason to extend lockdown, leads towards the potential of delaying Brexit (meaning deny Brexit) our economy will be in un-recoverable poverty

Will those who suffered from being placed in a ward for every version of medical condition, but Coronavirus. Denied family and friends for comfort. Not given the appropriate help for their conditions because departments are locked down. And die without accountability or even autopsy and finally dispatched to an anonymous hole or cremation...
...To be listed as a statistical lie to perpetuate the destruction of the UK economy and destroy business's, just add - Cause of death? Covid-19 on death certificates

Will they be given a voice?


And when Italy starts as Europe's Covid-19 pandemic epicenter and literally overnight, over 1000+km away and crossing Italy, France and the Channel. The UK is suddenly the epicenter


The BS that's bankrupt thousands, made millions unemployed

I'll put 2 YouTube videos together on the same subject

Before you watch them both, on the subject of the scum of the political left are trying to deny Brexit for a 6th time, having an 'in writing' a letter from Barnier in reply to an illegal (treason?) correspondence with Brussels

The EU market is a mere 10% of the global markets. Has a population of 500m against 3.4b ready to trade with

German banks were already in serious financial crisis before the pandemic

The Germans know the Euro is a counterfeit currency and is watching it fail. It also knows, when this happens, global debts will cripple the EU into member states returning to their original currency.
With potentially Europe's biggest gold reserves, it's not keen to cover SM debts

The EU bail figure is set to be potentially €1.8trillion. But a number of members are not willing to be given a % of that amount, as a bill.
So the subject of economic crashing drives Italy facing the prospect of leaving the EU rather than sink with it


I have said this already, but here its matter of factually relevant

IF Boris surrenders 1 line of Sovereignty. Be this via compromise or extension in any form. Democratic process is dead and no matter the dumb fuc opinion or idea of removing him at the next GE. We will not be a Sovereign country, will have no say in any aspect of our lives full stop. MPs will be (as they are now) nothing more than receivers of law from Brussels and responsible to over overseeing them implemented

WE FUND the robots for Brussels in pretence of living in a 1000 year old democracy - That ended day 1 of EEC (EU) membership

As often said (like a record on auto repeat) the false narrative and nonsense information from MSM on the non pandemic and Gov't assessment status of flu

This Gov't farse of stages of lifting lockdown,is statistically NO LONGER justifying any continuation or pretence of consern measures, for a lockdown in the first place

I'd go further and say the preambles of having a vaccine before 'return to normality' dead.
The Test, Big Brother T̶r̶a̶p̶ Trace and Trace app isn't going to accepted. And no amount Moral platitudes and Social Responsibility speeches is going to change this

The idea of demanding anyone to self isolate because of a test claims a presence of the Coronavirus, without evidence of context. Is an idea that should stop before started.
Because if some abstract logic, demands a whole area be closed. This isn't going to sit well.

Enforcing by lying, endless excuses to extend lockdown has been exposed as Gov't having an agenda and MSM controlling the narrative.
It is because investigative reporters and those who understand the significance of the facts around Covid-19. The truth is reaching the wider public

So, let's not pretend differently and continue to roll over to a lie and demand we get back to work and rebuild our lives and livelihoods

Here's a blunt but matter of fact. And it takes man of colour to step up to spell this out

That this clearly proving (as if it's not proven year in year out), is its got NOTHING to do with race, or white privilege or supremacy. Everything with NO stable upbringing and what is habitually bed hopping into single parent life styles

A child of ANY colour without mentor or life skills guidance, IS going to grow under feral survival conditions. It's not long before peers from the same estate or area and from the same social economic background, will meet. Will group and will form 'packs'

That's where the gang mentality and world view bubble develops. And where there's a leader, a purpose, a family become a street culture and gang

Facts that gave the US a social experient of carrot and reward before stick. For every gang member in a trial area, an education and skills to find employment, to self improve motivated with new skills. Based on a negotiation of timetable around core educational requirements

That experiment was allowed to fail. But morons from the UK education system copied the idea and after understanding nothing about the subject, introduced it into the UK - What we call the 'Comprehensive Education' system

Our streets are a mirror of American streets in infancy. Left wing indoctrination has created what we see in the US, is pushed to be the norm here

Just found this. I'm embarrassed by not lifting this sooner. 4 months old and may need up dating.
Although since then and now the fake pandemic has hit us all. But thst said, post lockdown and economic rebooting. The EU SM will be on life support, if not already beyond saving.

We must not forget that if we're made to tie our economy into the EUs, we will be committing more than social economic suicide. We will be thrown into a nightmare depression that may take generations to climb out of

Inconvenient fact: The SM is was bearly 10% of a global market. And tight now it has a mere 5-6%

This is 19hrs old at the time of posting. But it's hopefully end of , if not definitely finals inconvenient facts on the subject

The politically left hypocrisy against Cummings has been unpacked into bite sized 'slap downs'

Listen learn use

And for an opinion of the MSM towards the non position.of MSM and fake hysteria

The BBC having dropped the rabid pusher of BS the V̶D̶.. I mean Victoria Derbyshire Show and replacing it in pretence of being the oddly same length slot called - BBC News

The race card is being pushed and inconvenient issues like a funded group of thugs are being moved around.
This isn't about race IF looters are factually not just the black community

No mention that if 'Black lives matter', exactly what's justifying trashing people's lives by burning churches, businesses and cars?
What what exactly justifys trashing stores and looting?

And to ensure 'her' limited message Is devoid of context to totally ignores inconvenient facts, Derbyshire is bordering on incitement for kids to copy riots here

And this IS what the antiBoris scum in the MSM want to see happening here

Yesterday's news might just be tomorrow's victory. Italy's now had enough of being sacrificed to the cynical corrupt corporate interests of the EU

Treated with the same patronising contempt as was Greece (look at the mess that EU member is in) - They've had enough

Will be interesting to see if they get a referendum (EU banned I believe) to vote leave

Since when did the tit high sack of BS get promoted to status of important?

Our Capitol City is a lawless sewer and if we don't get off our bluddy arses and remove him from office. London WILL become a Muslim Caliphate

CNN fake news pushers are showing just easy it is to side step the insanity of leftist thugs trashing people's lives and livelihoods. Turning their streets into war zones and literally beating anyone who has a the wrong opinion, to pulp

The dysfunctional left are already responsible for freedom counties that are near lawless, are clearly showing no signs of restoring law and order now

When the pandemic ends, life will ve a tough return and rebuildingto normality.
But living in post war zone where key stores already struggling to support communities and provide employment, are now permanently closed

Antifa will get on the coach's and leave town, wage in hand, job done

In what CNN calls a phone call made by Trump to the Governor of Minnesota (a private phone call made public, or a fake call made in spark faux controversy?)

Not mentioned Minnesota spent $24m on Police trading on how to descalate potentially explosive situations.
It clearly didn't work!

What's interesting is the instances of the left to use the race card over a Tweet from Trump saying if looting starts, shooting starts.
I personally interpret that as saying shop owner's are already armed and ready to protect their property (as a legal right under US law).
And evidence of store owners are standing against looters armed.
But if your race baiter, what you won't be reporting this

I struggled to find mentioned is the officers involved with the death of Mr Floyd - Have history's

Fox News reports on Minneapolis

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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