English for everyone

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First of all I want to thank you all for joining to me channel am really grateful.
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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Vickey Gupta dan repost
right there is full course schedule only in 500 /- For 50 Hr class live recorded videos, notes, Live support, Discussion group etc. Starting from 1 sep. Hurry Limited seats

contact at 8178267663

Coreldraw learning dan repost
Hello Everyone,

We are going to start professional CorelDRAW course in that course you will get the proper guidance a group so that you can discuss your queries and questions and the fee will be only 199/- Join soon

Saurav. dan repost

RAJVEER SR dan repost
4. Afraid of, not from.

❌Don't say: Laura is afraid from the dog.

✅ Say: Laura is afraid of the dog.

RAJVEER SR dan repost
3. Accustomed to, not with.

❌ Don't say: I'm accustomed with hot weather.

✅ Say: I'm accustomed to hot weather.

Note: Also used to: He is used to the heat.

RAJVEER SR dan repost
2. Accuse of, not for.

❌ Don't say: She accused the man for stealing.

✅ Say: She accused the man of stealing.

RAJVEER SR dan repost
1. Absorbed (- very much interested) in, not at.

❌ Don't say: The man was absorbed at his work.

✅ Say: The man was absorbed in his work.

Active English ™ dan repost

Deception- छल, धोखा
Tempting- मोहक, लुभाने वाला
Undue- अनावश्यक, असंगत
Inducement- प्रलोभन
Spawn- पैदा करना
Awry- अस्त- व्यस्त
Squirt- फुहार मारना
Streak- दौर
Hugging- गले लगाना
Irk- गुस्सा दिलाना
Enumerators- जन संख्या गणक अधिकारी
Prickly- चिड़चिड़ा
Emanating- निकलना
Silt- कीचड़
Struck- प्रभावित
Compliance- अनुरूपता
Spearheaded- आगुवाई करना
Misery- विपत्ति
Monumental- महत्वपूर्ण
Steady- स्थिर, दृढ़
Engulfs- निगल लेना
Gynaecologist- स्त्रीरोग विशेषज्ञ
Inclusion- समावेशन
Lean- झुकाना, सहारा देना
Portfolios- जानकारी संग्रह,
Indicts- अभ्यारोप या दोष लगाना
Canal- नहर
Tip off- अग्रिम सूचना
Husbandry- कृषिकर्म
Tanning- चर्म शोधन
Sludge- चिपचिपा पदार्थ, कीचड़
Onus- दायित्व
Flag off- शुरू करना , रावण करना
Sans- के बिना
Harvest- फसल
Flout- अवहेलना
Stupor- सदमा
Loo- शौचालय
Substantial- अच्छी मात्रा में
Muzzle मुँह बाँधना
Tentatively- अस्थायी तौर से
Snag- कठिनाई
Beef up- मज़बूत करना
Fringe- किनारा
Retelling- पुनः कहना
Besmirch इज्ज्त पर कीचड़ उछालना
Inculcating- मन में बिठाना
Grotesque- विचित्र
Agglomeration- समूह ढेर
Muster- इकठ्ठा करना
Depict- दर्शाना
Subversive- विध्वंसकारी
Leniency- नरमी
Blatant- मुखर, प्रबल
Brazen- बेशर्म
Mandatory- आवश्यक
Disclosure- प्रकटीकरण
Elsewhere- और कहीं
Mesh- जाल में फँसाना
Turf- घास का मैदान
Threshold- दहलीज
Distortions- टेढ़ापन/कुरूपता/विकृति
Clout- प्रभाव
Ward off- रोकना
Despair- निराशा
Inflow- अंतर्वाह
Marvellous- शानदार
Perpetuated- स्थायी बनाना
Intertwined- लपेटना
Interdependence- परस्पर निर्भरता
Surmountable- जीतने योग्य
Prevail- प्रचलित होना
Authoritarianism- तानाशाही, निरंकुशता
Indeed- सचमुच सही
Precarious- खतरनाक
Detonated- धमाका होना
Capitulate- आत्मसमर्पण करना
Anachronism- पुराने समय का
Cherish- पालना
Deportation- देश निकाला
Catalyst- उत्प्रेरक
Emboldened- प्रोत्साहित करना
Commingled- मिश्रित हो जाना
Asylum- शरण
Vulnerable- कमजोर
Fellow- व्यक्ति, सहचर
Dilemma- दुविधा
Nominations- नामकरण
Draft- मसौदा
Ply- आना जाना, मेहनत करना
Podcasting- क्रमानुसार डिजिटल मीडिया
Boils down- नीचे की तरफ, संक्षेपण करना
Notch- निशान
Glossy- चिकना
Savvy- जानकार
Wholesome- पौष्टिक
Gore- जमा हुआ खून, सींग घुसाना
Sprawling- बेतरतीबी से फैला हुआ

English language dan repost
This tree ........ really fast. Last year it was only half this size.
  •   will grow
  •   has grown
  •   grows
  •   grew
710084 ta ovoz

English language dan repost
I ......... tennis yesterday.
  •   will play
  •   Play
  •   played
  •   have played
715021 ta ovoz

English language dan repost
You ....... that! It made her really upset.
  •   didn’t ought to say
  •   ought not to say
  •   ought to have not said
  •   ought not to have said
540673 ta ovoz

English language dan repost
When I was a child we were not ........ to get down from the table until we had finished all our food.
  •   able to
  •   allowed to
523440 ta ovoz

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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