Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida ) dan repost
Breivik Death Sentence Part 6
Part 1 https://t.me/TerrorismTelegram/658
Han tilbringer omtrent all sin tid i isolasjon på sitt område i fengselet og har minimal kontakt med andre mennesker enn dem som er ansatt for å ivareta ham. Da har han også få impulser til å forandre seg.
In my opinion (journalist), Breivik's lawyer still has a point when he points out that the treatment of Breivik differs markedly from the treatment of all other inmates in custody, in that he has been and is subject to a regime that has been in place all along. He spends almost all of his time in isolation in his area of the prison and has minimal contact with people other than those employed to look after him. Then he also has few impulses to change.
Det er lett å tenke at det har han godt av. Det tenker jeg også. Breivik fortjener ikke vår medfølelse. Men retten kan ikke tenke sånn. Hevn er ikke en følelse som anerkjennes av norsk lov.
It is easy to think that he benefits from that. I think so too. Breivik does not deserve our sympathy. But the court cannot think like that. Revenge is not an emotion recognized by Norwegian law.
Han risikerer å bli angrepet av andre innsatte dersom han ikke isoleres. Det er også en fare for at han kan påvirke andre innsatte til å bli politisk ekstreme. Det er også derfor det er nødvendig å begrense hvem han kan kommunisere med utenfor murene.
He risks being attacked by other inmates if he is not isolated. There is also a danger that he may influence other inmates to become politically extreme. This is also why it is necessary to limit who he can communicate with outside the walls https://perma.cc/G7QG-U3ZZ
So we need to change, not just in Norway, but everywhere! because currently our laws are just a joke!
Part 1 https://t.me/TerrorismTelegram/658
Han tilbringer omtrent all sin tid i isolasjon på sitt område i fengselet og har minimal kontakt med andre mennesker enn dem som er ansatt for å ivareta ham. Da har han også få impulser til å forandre seg.
In my opinion (journalist), Breivik's lawyer still has a point when he points out that the treatment of Breivik differs markedly from the treatment of all other inmates in custody, in that he has been and is subject to a regime that has been in place all along. He spends almost all of his time in isolation in his area of the prison and has minimal contact with people other than those employed to look after him. Then he also has few impulses to change.
Det er lett å tenke at det har han godt av. Det tenker jeg også. Breivik fortjener ikke vår medfølelse. Men retten kan ikke tenke sånn. Hevn er ikke en følelse som anerkjennes av norsk lov.
It is easy to think that he benefits from that. I think so too. Breivik does not deserve our sympathy. But the court cannot think like that. Revenge is not an emotion recognized by Norwegian law.
Han risikerer å bli angrepet av andre innsatte dersom han ikke isoleres. Det er også en fare for at han kan påvirke andre innsatte til å bli politisk ekstreme. Det er også derfor det er nødvendig å begrense hvem han kan kommunisere med utenfor murene.
He risks being attacked by other inmates if he is not isolated. There is also a danger that he may influence other inmates to become politically extreme. This is also why it is necessary to limit who he can communicate with outside the walls https://perma.cc/G7QG-U3ZZ
So we need to change, not just in Norway, but everywhere! because currently our laws are just a joke!