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This channel is DEDICATED to posting Letters, Art and Poems from Jan. 6th Prisoners and their Families. Please use Polite Discourse and Respect for your Fellow Members.

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URGENT: LETTER TO AMERICA🇺🇸. Must watch for Jan 6 !!!

🇺🇸LETTERS FROM THE GULAG🇺🇸 🇺🇸JEFF MCKELLOP🇺🇸. 🇺🇸Jan 1 2022. update. we have had a pandemic in our cell block. 15, including my self. have had some sort of virus I can't tell if its the Influenza or COVID. I was jacked up for a few, finally got a COVID test, I've been demanding, a COVID Test, VA rep, TRICARE REP, Delta Dental REP for almost a year. this establishment is Hiding every thing that is happening, They took my Lab Top last week, I told my attorney, they never brought it back. on and on with the Racial bull shit, this place keeps going. we a have been lock down, 23\1 for almost 12 days. on and on. more later. 🇺🇸 Jan 4 2022 Day 14 lock down, no COVID TEST , I've lost the taste,feel weak again. The Staff are down to a minimum. We have one of the cooks up here watching us. Something is going on and no one will tell us.

🇺🇸 GULAG ART🇺🇸 A SEAL with a HARP .......get it? Harp Seal....

🇺🇸J6 ALERT🇺🇸 1-2-22 🇺🇸Guy Refitt🇺🇸

All of this arbitrary and administrative solitary confinement is a violation under the Due Process Clause in the Fourteen Amendment and further, our Fifth Amendment. 42 U.S.C. sec. 1983 Civil Rights being violated. Ernest Porter is a death row inmate in Pennsylvania Department of Corrections and he gets a better life than we. Porter v. Pa. Dep't of Corr. 974 F.3d 431 (3rd Cir. 2020) No. 18-3505 is solitary confinement of 22/2, has the same confinement cell as do we. He gets a daily visit from a religious leader, five (5) days of open air outside recreation, once per week non-contact personal visit. We are pretrial detainees and under the law (when the law wasn't political) are not to be subjected to such treatment. When a death row inmate, charged with First degree murder gets a better treatment over pretrial detainees, this system is failing Americans. If you question whether this confinement is arbitrary? When they lockdown December 3, 2021 to show appreciation for their officers and give them dinner (I have been told it was steak) while we are subjected to more than twenty four (24) hours of solitary confinement, yes that is arbitrary. That is not the only date of arbitrary lockdown. I have a very extensive list of these kinds of decisions.
Such as lockdown from 12/23 to 12/24 yet not on Christmas (yes it was for the day but shows clear arbitrary decisions) it's the arbitrary and administrative part that becomes the fatal blow to the law.

Williamson v. Stirling, 912 F.3d 154
No. 17-6922

As a general proposition, such individualized restrictions - whether disciplinary or administrative - implicate procedural due process concerns. In some circumstances, however, the treatment of a pretrial detainee can be so disproportionate, gratuitous, or arbitrary that it becomes a categorically prohibited punishment that will sustain a substantive due process claim. See Surprenant, 424 F.3d at 13 (1st Cir. 2005) ("An arbitrary, or disproportionate sanction, or one that furthers no legitimate penological objective, constitutes punishment (and, thus, is proscribed by the Fourteenth Amendment). ")

🇺🇸J6 ALERT🇺🇸 1-1-2022. 🇺🇸JEFF MCKELLOP🇺🇸. update. we have had a pandemic in our cell block. 15, including my self. have had some sort of virus I can't tell if its the Influenza or COVID. I was jacked up for a few, finally got a COVID test, I've been demanding, a COVID Test, VA rep, TRICARE REP, Delta Dental REP for almost a year. this establishment is Hiding every thing that is happening, They took my LapTop last week, I told my attorney, they never brought it back. on and on with the Racial bull shit, this place keeps going. we all have been in lock down, 23\1 for almost 12 days. Just goes on and on. more later.


🇺🇸J6 ALERT🇺🇸 12-29-2I 🇺🇸Jake Lang has sent this through Guy Reffitts tablet, because he has been denied access to phones or tablets.🇺🇸

If the American people only knew how much the January 6 patriots have sacrificed for American Liberty...

My name is Jake Lang, a 26 year old entrepreneur from New York, I am being held in true solitary confinement, locked in my cell 22 hours a day. In response to my viral Newmax interview yesterday, (12\29) where the DC Jail cut my interview mid sentence, and the automated message rung out on live national TV " this call is being terminated by the jail " ... I have now been COMPLETELY cut off from the outside world! They have suspended my phone and tablet access, I cannot talk to my family or my attorney. I literally have nothing left but food and my Bible. Do the American people realize that brave patriots who stood up for our Constitution January 6th - modern day American heroes, are being held with NO visitation, NO lawyer access, NO calls, NO haircuts and NO religious services? Where is the outrage? I feel utterly abandoned by my country! The leftists march and swarm the streets to show support for career criminals; but the valiant patriots of January 6th, who defended this country, are left to rot in prison cells for an entire year without a single march or protest on our behalf.

We were peacefully protesting and were brutalized by the Capitol Police in Washington DC that faithful day, that's why I am sitting in jail, for defending myself and others around me. Don't believe me? Go to and watch the videos for yourself. Visit the site and SHARE!!

We need your support NOW more than ever! Please get involved, it is vital for the future of our country. If this can happen to me, it can and WILL eventually happen to you. The global elite will stop and nothing until our society resembles that of China's. Subservient and docile, lacking all human compassion and freedom. We are the frontline patriots that stood up for YOUR Constitutional rights. Support us before its too late. First they came for Trump and we Jan 6ers stood up, then they came for the Jan 6ers and no one stood up, then they came for the Anti Critical Race Theory moms, and no one stood up. They came for you and their was no one left to stand up. Please visit and sign up to volunteer and donate to help now. Do NOT let Ashli Babbitt and Roseanne Boyland and all of the other Jan 6ers sacrifice be in vain. God bless you, God bless America. We shall overcome!

please get the video of my interview yesterday and attach it to this message1.
JAKE LANG J6 Prisoner


J6 Patriot News 🇺🇸 dan repost
🇺🇸History of the J6ers Expression🇺🇸

Surely by now you have seen it in many posts and Articles. But where and When did it Start?

The origin of the term J6er is difficult to trace as it seems several iterations of it appeared as early as January 8th for example on Twitter by left wing and right wing people alike. We found the following:
January Sixers

The MSM and Democrats started to compare 1/6 to 9/11 right after January 6th.

The Daily Mail published Guy Reffitt 's letter "The J/6ers" on June 1st.

Cynthia's Hughes, founder of the Patriot Freedom Project, coined J6P3. J6 stands for January 6h, 2021. P3 comes from Patriot Political Prisoner.

No matter who exactly started the trend, the J6ers expression has become common.

Once people started to realize that political prisoners were held on the on the American soil, the J6ers expression started to take off.

We know who they are and they need to be free!

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William Rivers dan repost
🇺🇸Those of you in the Tampa Bay or Central Florida area, PLEASE JOIN US IN CLEARWATER ON JAN 6, 5 to 8pm, the 1year Anniversary of the Capitol protests. Jeremy Brown has been held in the Pinellas Jail under pretrial detention since his arrest. Join us for a candlelight Vigil for Jeremy Brown and ALL of our J6 Political Prisoners.🇺🇸

Here's your chance to show your support if your in Central Florida. Similar protests are being held across the Republic.

StopHate dan repost
Al Mancia:

I made this one for two close friends of mine, Micki and Rocky, who are Ashli Babbitt's parents. It is a Christmas gift to Ashli's parents in honor of their patriotic daughter who was needlessly shot and killed at our nation's capital building on January 6. 2021. May God bless this mourning family during this Christmas season.


🇺🇸J6 PATRIOT ART🇺🇸. 12-26-21. Many beautiful pictures and drawings have come from our PPPs, but there has been an equal amount of beauty in the art and cards sent TO our J6 hostages. This beautiful painting is dedicated to Ashli Babbitt, by Al Mancia

Noma’lum dan repost

🇺🇸 GULAG ART🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Kyle Fitzsimons🇺🇸

Noma’lum dan repost
A message from Kash Kelly who was told by his probation officer that he could attend the J6 rally and then was arrested for a probation violation. Very sad.

🇺🇸 LETTERS FROM THE GULAG🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Kash Kelly 🇺🇸 12-25-21

🇺🇸Letters from the Gulag🇺🇸. 🇺🇸Andrew Taake🇺🇸 12-25-21 Andrew was recently moved from the DC CTF, as bad as it was, to an even Worse Fed SuperMax with the worst convicted felons in the nation. Read his letter to MTG and write ✍️ to him in the Lewisburg PA Federal Penitentiary.

J6 Patriot News 🇺🇸 dan repost
🇺🇸🇺🇸J6 FAMILIES🇺🇸🇺🇸

We celebrate Christmas even in hard times. Where else can we go but God, our strong tower?

It is not a normal Christmas for all the J6ers who are still in jail after 11 months since January 6th. Not even for those on home detention or those free on recognizance.

Fortunately several organizations have made sure that these families with kids received Christmas gifts. For example, the Patriot Mail Project received many gifts and donations and distributed them accordingly. It is ❤️ warming to see people's generosity during this special season when we celebrate the birth of Christ. We must cling to Him in this dark season. He is our hope.

Sending our love to all J6ers and their families on behalf of 🇺🇸J6 Patriot News🇺🇸 and our dedicated writers.

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