[To all my dearest mutuals who saw this, or everyone who saw this, can you please forward this message? Thankyou!]Take a glance to the eventide skies. O full phoebe gleam so luminous. Skulk behind the overcast. O shiner stars scattered there. Summoning all the lovers to congregate through this hollo nature. An eve wind exhale to convey their subpoena. Here's the cards will exhibit the hand-picked heifers. They are incontrovertibly an elegant damsel.
"O cards please show us ... " let the miraculous orb revolve its light to aid the cards execute its onus. Summons all the talented beauteous lassie over the tele lings to cook up themselves for this great occasion.
Please, benevolently. Yes you my dear. The glamorous maidens who seeing this noteworthy message. O gather to the hall. Respectfully, we inform that our piquant agency are open to a Female Talent Hiring. This down below are the requirements for those who interest to apply their form to us.
@Leuloce's Hiring Talent Requirements :
I. Subs
@Leuloce terlebih dahulu.
II. Tidak dalam masa sibuk, kelas akhir, dan rest.
III. Diwajibkan menggunakan main account (BA/CA/FA/PA). Account clone, mata-mata, atau apapun yg ingin merusak nama agensi tidak di perkenankan untuk mengikuti hirtal.
IV. Dapat menjaga dan tidak menjatuhkan nama agensi.
V. Berpengalaman dalam bidang perentalan.
VI. Mudah berbaur & memiliki kepribadian yg sopan.
VII. Available IC dan rl thingy dapat poin tambahan
VIII. Maximal bergabung di tiga agensi/store (termasuk
10. Di harapkan siap di wwc dan trainee.
Format Hirtal
• Nama & Username :
• Alasan bergabung :
• Siap di wwc & trainee? ya / tidak
So, my dearest. Kindly to send your form through
@LeuloceBot you consider you are capable enough to enter our place.
Best Regard, Admin.