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/pol/ news archive dan repost
Despite being 13% of the population blacks account for 43% of the new HIV diagnoses in 2017 (CDC)

-73% of adult and adolescent blacks who received an HIV diagnosis were men and 26% were women.

-60% of blacks who received an HIV diagnosis were gay or bisexual men
-Among black gay and bisexual men who received an HIV diagnosis, 41% were aged 25 to 34.


#Blacks #HIV #Stats #CDC

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Deutschland Final Stand Against Jewish Bolshevism in the East and Jewish Liberalism in the West which they fought nearly to the death. Patton remarked if they let me take Berlin I would never allowed these Mongoloid Russian Bastards Rape those German White Girls.

Holocaust II dan repost
“ZOG is just a conspiracy theory”
Here we have Jewish press talking openly about Jewish influence on the US presidential debates.

Imagine if RT wrote a “5 Russian things to look out for” article...

Point 1 of 5: 1. An unstable Syria is a threat to Israel.

Point 2: 2. Tulsi Gabbard could have a tough time.

“[Gabbard] has echoed some of Trump’s “end to endless wars” rhetoric in calling for withdrawals of U.S. troops from the Middle East and elsewhere.”

Lol. Remember when democrats used to actually pretend to be anti-war?

Think about that, Jews are literally painting “an end to endless wars in the Middle East” as a negative...

If you read Jewish press intended for Jews, they frequently give up their agenda that they would normally conceal in goy targeted media.

Good discussion on VSN live

European American Heritage Association (EAHA) dan repost
America is the Birthright of all White Americans the Conquest of a Continent which our people founded a new land in North America a new Europe for our European people so that we can live in a free White Society in a Representative Republic that represents the interests of the White Race of America rather then be subject to Nobles, Kings, Princes, Bishops, or the Vatican where our White People reign supreme now and forever. The Jews seeked to take over our White America to destroy our Race and seek the subjagation of all White People across the World but there efforts will come to the demise of there own supremacy and lives as the White American people are some of the best of Europe that came to North America to settle, explore, and seek adventure whose descendants made the ranks of our White Nation and the Principles of National Socialism and Justice rang true to us which is why CMDR George Lincoln Rockwell founded the American Nazi Party and revived the National Socialist Movement across the World because he seen that not only his liberty and culture was being infringed on but his Race was being attacked by World Jewry and they seeked the overthrow of our White America in favor of ushering in there Judaised Black, Mestizo, and Mongoloid Hordes to flood and take over America. Which the American Nazi Party became the only vanguard of White America which we the European American Heritage Association take upon the lessons of CMDR Rockwell and his his methods of direct action and activism where he worked to engage in every sort of activism he could engage himself in along with reaching the White American Public with messages that can reach them emotionally to convince the Masses of the truth of our Message and the siuation facing White America and across the World. Which the CMDR once said as you seen Triumph of the Will on the Screen here "If this doesn't become a reality in this country, and every country because if it doesn't then your going to be Destroyed". "You are being Destroyed" White America shouldn't stand complacent in its own systematic elemination, and its up to the best of us to Stand up and fight to lead our People to Victory or risk being condemened by the future remenants of our Race as Traitors to our Race and every White Man, Women, and Child who came before and after us. The future of our Race soley on our shoulders so which is it going to be White Man you either going to fight for your Race or forgoe there own existence.

European American Heritage Association (EAHA) dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Commander George Lincoln Rockwell's Greatest Speech NAZISM THE ONLY ANSWER TO COMMUNISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

World Union of National Socialism dan repost
CMDR George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party's Visit to Philadelphia, PA which the CMDR came to demonstrate in Center City which the CMDR got a Jewish Brotherly Love welcome from the Kikes as they descended upon the CMDR and His Stormtroopers which the CMDR and his men defended themselves while the Jewish controlled Police threw him in Jail at the behast of the Jews. The Irish, Italians, Germans, or Anglo Saxons did govern there own city because the Jews had dominated the city since taking it over from the Anglo Saxon Protestant Elite by the 1900s which the Jews began subverting the city and flooding it with Negroes from the South. The Whites had to deal with this continious Jewish Tryanny with the addition of the Jewish Integration of White Neighborhoods with Niggers to push the Whites out of there own communities. CMDR Rockwell came to Chicago in August of 1966 four years after coming to Philadelphia where he gave the Whites of Chicago the Symbol of White Power to rally behind.

Bruno is live

@Rahnar are you around today?

Hi there

World Union of National Socialism dan repost
If the CMDR rallied in Philadelphia, PA the White working people of this city would have rallied behind him as he would give the White Philadelphian the Symbol of White Power and the White Irish, Italian, German, Polish, and Anglo Saxon Youth and Adults would rally to protect there White Neighborhoods and then the American National Socialist Movement would spread to cities all across the country as White People rally behind the symbol of White Power to defend there White Neigborhoods which the CMDR would gain the White Demographics of American Cities and the various White counties would soon fall to the CMDR allowing elections of American National Socialists to take place as well as prepare for future Civil War if it abrupted in this country. If CMDR Rockwell was assassinated in 1967 the next year in 1968 the country would been beset by Race Riots following Martin Luther Coons assasination along with the Political Turmoil of the 1968 Presidential Elections which the CMDR would engage in his greatest Activism campaigns yet gaining noriety in that year with the American National Socialist White People's party rallying across the country and gaining tens of thousands of new followers and Stormtroopers. Then by 1969 the CMDR would have emassed thousands of Stormtroopers along with considerable Political Demographic which the Jews would launch another economic depression to try to hamper the growth of National Socialism in America of which Rockwell's and his followers would fight hard against the Jewish Bolshevik threat along with there Weathermen Communists this would set the stage for Jewish Marxist Terrorism to collide with the US Government and the White Population of America which would be more alligned with CMDR Rockwell and the American Nazi Party. Of Which CMDR Rockwell will be made President of the United States restoring our White American Republic bringing about National Socialism to the United States of America.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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