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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

This channel is only google banned I believe


The time is coming.

Get your food rations. Non-Perishables.
Get your water supply set up. Get MREs. Get anything that will help sustain you and your family long term.


Get your weapons.
Stockpile your ammo
Train yourself and others how to properly shoot.


Get into hilly, less populated areas.
Dig in. Build a shelter. Learn to make a water well. Make sure you’re off the grid. Find good tree cover and make defenses. Don’t let them find you.


Call to Arms.
Before the time hits. Get brothers and sisters with the same view. Make friends with our people. Redpill new people. Let us build a network and don’t let them divide us. We will conquer if we are together. Lone wolves fight and win occasionally. Packs dominate. Be the aggressor when you need to. But know when to go on the defense. Pick your targets. And when all hell breaks loose. Be merciless in our enemy. Don’t repent and fight until it’s your time.

Follow @POBOX1589

Thanks Durov, while Apple and Android may still have me blocked, it's good knowing you still love me enough to renable my Desktop viewers a chance to open their PO Box

I guess Durov missed my channel so much he turned it back on for me

Testing, are we back boys?


卐 Novis Ostara 卐 (censored: sub to Ministry of Aryanity dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Dear God, this reminds me of liberal meltdowns after Trump was s/elected. Little difference between conservatives and liberals IQ wise, both are generally low to mediocre IQ victims of social engineering.

You know who’s not crying every time the pendulum swings? The Third Position. We know what (((their))) game is and we know the only way to win is not to play, we know it’s a rigged game. Smart, intelligent whites escape the false dichotomy and unplug from the mainstream echo chambers.

Magapedes got taken for one hell of a ride, those of us that know how Jews do things saw this coming. But average people have short memories so it’s not even worth saying, “told ya so”. They will just latch on to the next political “savior” believing their votes will save them. They are cowards and idiots unable to accept reality, because it means losing faith in their real god the system, and actually doing something other than complain and vote.

Put faith in man instead of God, you will lose every time.

Hail Omnis!

Fashwave dan repost
Shot, chaser

Sub to dan repost


Police Frequency channel has been sold by the frontholes who owned it to actual active police officers.

I suggest you get out

Follow the New Channel^


Thunderdome dan repost

Emily Youcis dan repost
They got a black girl who is in the top .1% of the African American community in terms of intelligence, class, and articulation to deliver a poem about the usual stuff, equality and blacks acheiving their dreams. Whites across America will applaud, believing that's what the average black person is like, having never encountered any beyond the 'talented tenth' that make it into white neighborhoods and on TV. These whites, while praising her and her poem, have never and will never set foot in a >75% black neighborhood to catch a glimpse of the average black American, due to instinctive fear of being robbed or murdered. These violent no-go zones are deliberately hidden from whites to maintain the illusion that all blacks are as intelligent and articulate as Amanda Gordon. But any black intelligent enough to make it out of those neighborhoods abandon their community for white suburbs as soon as they can. Why doesn't Amanda stop lecturing white Americans and read her poems of peace and unity to the hood instead?

@POBOX1488 is dead, Long live @POBOX1488

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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