Charles Malet × Unbound Today

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Getting to the truth of the matter. Investigating in the name of choice, truth, inalienable rights and ownership of risk. Pull together, or we're done for. Chip in; comments welcome.

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From late July 2022, Dr Sam Bailey illustrating what a gift the 'virus' is as a weapon against any form of potentially threatening social cohesion. Full article here:

Clive de Carle dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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It has been some time since I had the misfortune to watch this. Competition for most grotesque video montage since early 2020 has been fierce, but this must be a podium finish:

American Majority dan repost
🇺🇸🇷🇺Nothing to see here. The USS Kearsarge's Sikorsky MH-60 performed secret tasks at the area of Nord Stream explosion.

On September 2, there were interesting maneuvers performed by an American helicopter with the call sign FFAB123 assigned to the USS Kearsarge air wing.

According to the website this call sign was used by 6 aircrafts, three of them were Sikorsky MH-60.

By superimposing the FFAB123 route on the map of yesterday's accident, we get a rather interesting result — the helicopter either flew along the Nord Stream-2, or even between the points where the accident occurred.

Meanwhile, screenshots of other American flights appeared on Twitter — the next screenshot was taken on September 13.

And finally, pay attention to the article in Sea Power, where the Americans brag about experiments in the field of underwater drones, which they put on exercises BALTOPS 22 — just in the area of the island of Bronholm.

#war #energy_crisis #USA #NATO

Clive de Carle dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Very creepy - not sure where it's from

From Vexille, made in 2007 👇

Forum for Democracy International dan repost
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Deep state called out. The entire Dutch government left the chamber and halted debate when MP Thierry Baudet mentioned that the Finance Minister studied at a 'spy college' in Oxford. Their over-reaction speaks volumes. 'The lady doth protest too much, methinks.' Watch the bizarre moment when the government walks out as Thierry Baudet is speaking. Apparently his speech hit a nerve. (English Subs)

Twitter source -

On Friday (23 Sep 22), the Home Secretary wrote a rather bland open letter to police leaders, the core message of which appears to be to tell them to buck up. Amongst her recommendations is the need for restoring trust and she writes, 'Unfortunately, there is a perception that the police have had to spend too much
time on symbolic gestures, than actually fighting criminals. This must change. Initiatives on
diversity and inclusion should not take precedence over common sense policing.' It is not clear whether she considers policing of the Coronavirus Restrictions in her 'symbolic gestures' category, but it should be pointed out that police have not been forced into this position. They have chosen to respond to so-called public opinion and the policy coming from government and the commercial media. There is much more to the disintegration of the relationship between police and public than the Home Secretary will be willing to concede, and this is the subject of a forthcoming article for UK Column. She also makes reference to Operation Soteria and her intent to charge more rape cases, which appears to represent a misunderstanding of the way in which rape allegations are investigated. Her full letter is here.

👆Up goes another.

14 articles in the Telegraph's 'Pandemics and epidemics' section since the start of August. Yet, no room to consider, thoroughly, what may be causing such consistently high rates of excess mortality. It is as though the previous sins of the pharmaceutical industry have been cleansed, with all traces of evidence completely forgotten 👉

Lara Logan  dan repost
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Why don’t we ever talk about this?


Much fever surrounding the 'significance' of 24th September and, if The Simpsons was onto it....Not long to wait, at any rate.

Very difficult to get it right with the BBC.

Clive de Carle dan repost

Meanwhile, in relation to 👆🏼the above, UK Govt now seeing return on investment in mass media propaganda, with greatly increased revenues from UK Oil and Gas production. The 'deterioration in security of global energy supply' playing its part!

2024, when climate-related behavioural science will give us another dimension to the UK's social credit system. This is from Decarbonising Transport, published in 2021. Full punishment here

Prof Michael Northcott dan repost
We are heading for an ice age as the sun moves into a 12k year cycle of reduced activity and net zero and climate related shut downs of base fossil fuel power in Europe are based on the utterly false premise that humans and not the sun are the driving force of what happens on Earth. Jesus is described as the light that comes into the cosmos in the Gospel of John. Sunlight & light matter are the drivers of all that happens on the physics of Earth, not CO2, as Newton first argued:

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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