Whiskypiny 🐇💗 (HFW PINNED)

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

🐇🧸. Handled by @awlluka & @rezye.
If you are mutuals or potential mutuals and want to ask us for help, such as HFW, mutual, etc. Kindly chat @WhiskyPiny.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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気持 dan repost
Hfw. @ KimV SOLDOUT. Up for sale sampai tanggal 22 dah. Nanti balik up for sale santai. @KyulkyungC 8.000 IDR & @ParcGowon 1.000 IDR. Ke @lkkehBot ya lur.

Asherioppe. dan repost
𖣦 Want To Sell Username 𖣦

♡ ~ ᴀɴɪᴍᴀɴɢᴀ

@Bakahara based on Nakahara.
eonhart based on Leonhart.
@Ishvigami based on Ishigami.
@Xintarou based on Rintarou.
@Hiiragoi based on Hiiragi.
@tNatsuya based on Natsuya.

♡ - ᴍᴜʟᴄʜᴀʀ

@Waarui based on Warui (SOP).
@Daiosuki based on Daisuki.
@Otdaku based on Otaku.
@Tsunedere based on Tsundere.

contact : @Wisteriaobot
belongs to @Asherioppe.

Asherioppe. dan repost
[ Help Fordward, Thank you. ]

𝓀𝓇𝒾𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓀𝓇𝒾𝒾𝓃𝑔 ~ @Asherioppe looking for new mutuals !! if you are interested, let's drop your @ to @Asherioppebot !! allow all ɢᴀʟʟᴇʀʏ username, only accept main account.

Blather Skite. dan repost
Hello everyone! I seem to want something different in interest, which makes me want to have :

- Taehyung with marga depan/belakang tamhur only, bebas bentukan gimana aja
- Jennie with marga depan/belakang tamhur only, rusak di Kim

I typed this in the channel itself, if you have the username. Please let me know and immediately contact @BlatherSkiiteBot

Blather Skite. dan repost
[For my mutuals or anyone who sees this message, can you forward this bubblechat to your channel? Thanks in advance]

Hello everyone! @BlatherSkiite looking for new mutuals for gallery channel. Only accept people who use their main account. If you rarely diving, unsubscribe without clarity, upsubs service, please do not interact. Interested in the offer? You can contact @BSkiteBot

@Aeeri UFS dan repost
UFS with FP, @AbiePropertyBot.

Iridescent, hfw pinned dan repost
Please help forward the message below, whether it’s mutual or anyone else.

Hi guys! @Iridescewnt exhibition is continuously looking for new moots; any type of gallery is permitted, however just the main account is permitted. Anyone could perhaps reach out to @FayisRobot if you’re interested in partnering with me.

Jihoon Park. dan repost
𖥔 ָ࣪ ۰ ˙‌𝅄 Mesmerizing fliers are starting to show up, promising limited opportunities encapsulated in the 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮𝐬 basemaps. The 𝙚𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚 𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙩 also tends to hit every sight of the creation that sees it, and exhibits the username which will be expected to sell using its perfect offer system! 𓄹𓄼


⌑ This fabulous username is based on Jihoon from TREASURE with the additional letters added of K or SEMI ON POINT.
⌑ It start from 20.000, with KB 3.000 and free jump bid.
⌑ This offer will be start on 19 May and will be end on 23 May at 9PM.
⌑ We strongly oppose hit-and-run!
⌑ Payment can be done using Dana, Gopay, Shopee Pay, Qris.
⌑ Drop your offer in @jihoonparkk comment section or https://t.me/+0boLjdqZtD8wNjg9 and kindly contact @lJayPark if you have any other questions.

* Jastip and Handle by @Cadevist.

JIHOON dan repost
𝘞𝘰𝘰𝙜𝙡𝙚 𝘥𝘪𝘻𝙯𝙡𝙚! 𖦹ࡇ𖦹 Spin throughout this planet. I'm looking for a gorgeous username to match it. Uh wait, take a look at this. Yippie! finally this username @fJihoon based on Jihoon Treasure is up for sell with 𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙮𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙢, at May 18 until May 20, 20.00 WIB.

𖦆 @fJihoon @fJihoon 𖦆
𖦆 @fJihoon @fJihoon 𖦆

𖦆⊹⍝ We have added F as the additional letter.
𖦆⊹⍝ Start from IDR 20.000 with IDR 2.000 for a jumbid.
𖦆⊹⍝ Hit and run buyers type, are strictly prohibited to copulate at this username offer.
𖦆⊹⍝ Payment methods are available via DANA.
𖦆⊹⍝ Drop your best offer here https://t.me/+OsrghzpFZK8yNjll to telegram x users.
𖦆⊹⍝ Contact person, @NaJxem.

𖤝. Jastip by @divastip ₍^._.^₎⟆

Nymphette dan repost
@Reasonx + @xSeason 12k aja yuk, in rush. Kindly contact @nymmphettebot.

𝑪𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘦 𝑪𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝑺𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘦 • OPEN dan repost
Halo moots, bia bantu fw? terimakasih banyak yang sudah mau membantu!

Halo semuaa, kalau ada yang nawarin kalian apapun itu terutama nokos dan username pu dia @achpells tolong langsung blokir aja ya, dia penipu. Engga aku ga ketipu sama dia, cuman dia pakai nomor kembaran ku buat nipu orang, orang lain udah pakai nomor kembaran ku dua kali buat dipakai untuk nipu padahal kembaran ku sendiri nge BA nya halal" aja kalau di bilang. Bantu share ke bc'an kalian atau share ke channel kalian ya dan aku bakal tetep update terus tentang orang itu, terimakasih yang udah mau bantu dan baca sampai akhir. Aku ada bukti chat serta channel payment dia nanti pagi aku mau up ya, kecuali channel pay dia karna disana ada nomor kembaran ku yang bersifat sangat privacy dan aku bakal spill ini ke rpjb juga karna dia anak rpjb dan mungkin ada yang bisa bantu aku buat laporin ke rpjb? terimakasih banyak yang bersedia bantuin!

hhuruf’s dan repost
@TaeyyungKim subs ch nya terus pasang dn “return @TaeyyungKim ke @KimTaehyungd” tolong :(

Flomies dan repost
[Help Forward]

ღ. @cjaeyeon
ღ. @cJaeyeon

›› this beautiful username is based on chaeyeon DIA and Chaeyeon ex izone with replace the H with J
›› Offer will start from May 17 from 11.20 to May 20 21:00
›› the price start from 10k with multiple bid 2k, jump bid are allowed.
›› Payment can only be made with dana, gopay, spay
›› big no to hnr, if you do hnr you will be spilled on @spillhnr
›› drop your Best offer at @cjaeyeon or for tele x user :https://t.me/+Q3g7lnPds4AwODRl

Noma’lum dan repost
Kalo butuh kronologi yang jelas bisa pc gua aja @Heezeung, asal niat lu juga mau balikin mah

Noma’lum dan repost
Hai semuanya. Boleh saya minta tolong ke siapapun yang kiat pesan ini?

Guys, tolong bantu subs @Heejseung ya. Gua gak tau harus minta tolong ini ke siapa lagi selain kalian semua. Username ini pemberian dari mantan pacar gua, jujur gua sakit hati banget tau ini ke keep sama orang lain. Awalnya gua pikir Heejseung udah gua keep, ternyata enggak sama sekali (masih limit kayaknya). Sehari dua hari gua masih belum sadar, sampe akhirnya sekarang gua baru sadar itu username ke lepas gitu aja. Emang udah hampir seminggu gua baru sadar, tapi ya gimana...

Tolong banget ini mah, gua gak tau harus ngelakuin apa lagi selain minta minta fw begini. Gua sendiri juga gak punya channel gallery pribadi.

Dan buat yang keep, sumpah itu username juga kaga bisa di jual karena itu bukan hak lu sama sekali. Tolong dibalikin ke gua ya? Kalo butuh contact person @Heezeung nih, gua yakin lu orang baik. Apalagi kalo lu mau bertanggung jawab, asli gua gak bakal marah juga.

Manhwa. dan repost
Bonjour! Madame and Monsieur
There is good news that i'll want selling my handsome uncommon username with offer system 🕊

ㅤㅤ @LoiddForger @LOIDDFORGER
ㅤㅤ @LOIDDFORGER @LoiddForger

★ Based on Loid Forger from Animanga Spy x Family with additional letter D

★ Offer will be open at 19 Mei 14.00 WIB until 20 Mei 15.00 WIB. Offer start with price 15k and KB 3k, jumpid are allowed

★ Payment through All e-wallet and Qris with rate 💸

★ BIG NO TO HNR, Drop offer that's meaning you are have a budget ‼️

★ Drop your best offer at comment section and if you have any question you can contact @Claudde

haloo @seishzu

Hy si cantik @.rezye 😏😏😏

XANIMANGA!! Rpin dan repost

ℍello there! @xanimanga is searching lot of mutuals gallery, all kind of ba username allowed prefer anime.Accept only main acc! Admin upsubs, side account, rarely diving and don't want to feedback DNI.

If you interested send this to @xanimangabot
@ channel + @ acc subs + @
bot hfw

小さなカフェ dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
⠀⠀ ⠀𝒲ishlist
๑ (+) Kaedehara (+)
๑ (+) Albedo (+)
๑ Male genshin uncommon ✔️✖️
๑ (+) Hutao (+)
๑ Kaeya tamhur vokal

|` contact @XNiAObot!

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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