Mohamed Atta called his father after 9/11 who also blamed Israel's Mossad for the attacks
My son called me 24-48h after the incident ... how the hell is possible???????!
Seems a bit like the story about Shani ..."My Son: A Terrorist?" He Was Such a Gentle Boy! (the title of a document released by University of Oslo) ...
Remember, it doesn't mean ANYTHING! Atta was a gentle boy and many said that too. Atta was well educated. Atta was pretty smart. Atta was pretty similar to Breivik in many things.
Like we said multiple times, you cannot trust anyone, even your best friend.
Breiviks mamma på dödsbädden: Jag har förlåtit min son's mother on her deathbed: I have forgiven my son
Meanwhile, we can understand partially why he did a similar massacre (considering his point of view = which doesn't mean we agree with that! and we don't agree with that!!!), but this doesn't mean to forgive a mass killer ...
Meanwhile even what he wrote about the family was not so "tragic" like what journalists are trying to share ... He is simply a person that writes things directly without fear, and he did that when he talked about specific topic, but he wrote at the same time, that he would not share all infos / thoughts. He shared mostly just things that have a direct relation with his theories about sex, religion, etc.
We agree with the mother when she refused to defend the kid! Well done. Not just because it's your kid, means you need to defend him ... At the same time seems she asked him to fight against bullshit, which is correct. Not only because you are a criminal, means everything is bullshit ... Wenche, we are still investigating your violated human rights ... and until now we discovered that many disagree with such violation