⚛️ NODE SALE Boosts are on their WAY!
"Congratulations!" Sing the Block Keepers, "You will join us soon. We have a crowd of new recruits"
🌟 Your commitment has brought you into the Acki Nacki dimension. We’re grateful to everyone for participating. It was a pivotal step.
And it’s my honor to announce that we’re sending your Boosts earned during the Node Sale!
🎄 Keep buying Cores during the Holidays (December 25 – January 14) to earn even more Boosts and collect Winter Cards from our limited edition
Acki Nacki calculates everything
"Congratulations!" Sing the Block Keepers, "You will join us soon. We have a crowd of new recruits"
🌟 Your commitment has brought you into the Acki Nacki dimension. We’re grateful to everyone for participating. It was a pivotal step.
And it’s my honor to announce that we’re sending your Boosts earned during the Node Sale!
🎄 Keep buying Cores during the Holidays (December 25 – January 14) to earn even more Boosts and collect Winter Cards from our limited edition
Acki Nacki calculates everything