Adama Senior Secondary School(ASSS) We are dedicating to be center of Excelence !!

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Tolaa Bariisoo Gadaa dan repost
In order to improve English Language 'Portal Web' prepared for English teachers and students from pre-primary to 12th grade (grade level) are divided into basic language skills; writing, reading, listening and speaking.
Also, Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Storytelling are very close.

Oromia Education Bureau dan repost
#Galmeen_Barattootaa_Kutaa_12ffaa_Qormaata #Biyyoolessaa_Fudhatanii_Eegaluufi.
Galmeen Barattootaa Qormaata Biyyoolessaa Kutaa 12ffaa Bara 2017tti fudhatan Muddee 6/2017 Karaa Toora Intarneetii (Online) Ni Eegala.
#Manneen #Barnootaa 1,280 ta'an Barattoota isaanii qorsiisuuf qophii taasisaa jiru.
#Barattoota Istriimii Saayinsii Hawaasaa (Social Science) #Walumatti = 90,877
#Barattoota Istriimii Saayinsii Uumamaa (Natural Science) #Walumatti = 128,423 yammuu ta'u walumaa galatti barattoonni 219,300 ta'an qormaaticha fudhachuuf qophii taasisaa jiru.
BBOtti Daayirektarri Madaallii Barnootaa, Qophiifi Bulchiinsa Qorumsaa Obbo Huseen Qaasim galmeen barattootaa Kutaa 12ffaa qormaata biyyoolessaa fudhatanii Muddee 6/2017 kan eegalamu ta'uu ibsanii jiru.
#Galmeen Barattootaa kun karaa toora intarneetii (Online) kan raawwatamu waan ta'eef, bifa qulqullina qabuun akka raawwatuuf barattoonni odeeffannoo guutuufi qulqulluu ta'e qaama isaan galmeessuuf akka kennan, akkasumas hooggansiifi caasaan barnootaa sadarkaan jiru deeggarsa barbaachisaa akka taasisu dhaamaniiru.
#Qormaanni Bara kanaa #Kaarikuleemii #duraanii (Old Curriculum ) kutaa 9fi10 keessaa gaaffiin qormaataa kan bahu ta'uu, #Kaarikuleemii #Haaraa keessaa ammoo kutaa 11fi 12ffaa irraa qormaanni kan bahu ta'uu, hubatanii barattoonni akka ofqopheessan dhaamsi darbee jira.
#Karaa biraan ammoo #Qormaata_modeelaa (model exam) gahumsa barattootaa madaaluuf qormaanni baatii walakkeessa Amajjitti kan kennamu ta'uun beekameera.
Akka waliigalaatti barattoonni keenya bara 2017tti qabxii gaarii akka galmeessaniif kallattii garaa garaan akka deeggaramaniif Biiroon Barnootaa deeggarsaafi hordoffii walitti fufaa taasisaa jira

#Galmeen Barattootaa Qormaata

Oromia Education Bureau 💠

For G_11 Social Science students
Accounting and finance books attached to u here above

Oromia Education Bureau dan repost
Guyyaa 28/03/2017
Oduu Gammachiisaa!

Afaan Ingilizii Fooyyeffachuufi Dagaagfachuuf 'Portal Web' Qophaa'etti Fayyadamuun Afaan Ingilizii Barsiisotaafi Barattoota sadarkaa 1ffaan duraa (Pre-primary) hanga kutaa 12ffaa jiran hundaafuu sadarkaa kutaa (Grade Level) addaan qoqqoodamee dandeetii bu'uuraa Afaanii; Barreessuu, Dubbisuu, Dhaggeeffachuufi Dubbachuu,
akkasumas, Grammer, Vocabulary, Pronounciation, Story telling dabalatee kan dhihaatedha.

'#Portal_Web' kana meeshaan ittiin fayyadamuu dandeenyu:
- Kompitara
- Bilbila/ 'Mobile phone'
-'Smart TV'
- Tablet' irratti yoo ta'u,
boroosarii(Browser)n ittiin bannu immoo ,
- Chrome
- Edge
- Safari fi biroosariiwwan ammayyaa ta'an kamiinuu fayyadamuu ni dandeenya.

Liinkii asii gadii fayyadamuun tajaajila argadhaa.
Fuula Weebichaa (#Web Page) keessa galuun #haala_fakkeenya_kennameetiin filattanii fayyadamuun ni danda'ama.
#Hubachiisa:- 'Portal Web' kana kan qopheesse Ministeera Barnootaa Itiyoophiyaati.


Oromia Education Bureau

Qormaanni walskeessaa ykn giddugaleessaa seemisteera 1ffaa bara 2017 MB Adaamaa sad.2ffaatti keennamuun guyyaa har'atti eegalameera.

I'd be glad to provide information on elements:
Elements: The Building Blocks of Matter
An element is a pure substance consisting of atoms that all have the same number of protons. This number, known as the atomic number, defines the element's identity.
Key Properties of Elements:
* Atomic Number: The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.
* Atomic Mass: The average mass of an atom of an element, taking into account its isotopes.
* Electron Configuration: The arrangement of electrons in an atom's orbitals.
* Chemical Properties: How an element reacts with other substances.
* Physical Properties: Observable characteristics like color, density, and melting point.
Organization of Elements: The Periodic Table
The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements, organized by their atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring chemical properties. It provides a visual representation of the relationships between elements.
Common Elements and Their Uses:
* Hydrogen (H): The lightest element, used in fuel cells and rocket fuel.
* Carbon (C): The basis of organic life, found in various forms like graphite and diamond.
* Oxygen (O): Essential for respiration, used in medical applications and industrial processes.
* Nitrogen (N): Component of the atmosphere, used in fertilizers and explosives.
* Iron (Fe): Strong and durable, used in construction and manufacturing.
* Gold (Au): Precious metal, used in jewelry and electronics.
* Silicon (Si): Semiconductor, used in computer chips and solar cells.
Further Exploration:
For a deeper understanding of elements and their properties, I recommend exploring interactive periodic tables and resources from reputable sources like:
* PubChem Periodic Table:
* WebElements:
Feel free to ask any specific questions you may have about elements or their applications. I'm here to assist you!

ቀሰም Academy dan repost
G12 Agri short note unit 5.pdf
For Natural student

📉 Agri Grade 12

📚Best short note

@Qesemacademy ✈️

15 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.

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