
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha

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Educational content on price action and posting up some chart ideas.
Instagram @ fxalexg

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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I never said I couldn’t fly on a jet when breaking my trading plan 🧠🧠


Giving away 5 50k challenges ! To who ever likes and comments on this post !!

Selecting winners with the last one let’s gooo

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Week 10 Turning $100 into $1,000,000 Trade ideas !

This week there is 2 great opportunites to capatalize off the markets and be able to at minimum

Double the account this week

Make sure to watch the video all the way to end !

Week 10 Turning $100 into $1,000,000 Starting balance for the week is $44,000. What should the take profit for the account for this week be ?
  •   $88,000
  •   $160,000
  •   $200,000
  •   Dont trade this week there isnt great opportunites
4720 ta ovoz

Week 9 Turning $100 into $1,000,000 Update !

This week did not go as planned , we took a very text book trade that we have taken many times in the past

Trade started off well going into profit , but then started retracing back to entry point

I made a mistake and got greedy by moving my SL thinking that the market wouldnt go agaisnt me

So I paid the price , ive had this happen many times to me in the past so very surpised I let my emotions get to me ,

But its ok Lesson learned , ready to make it all back this week !

Missed this trade opportunity

but trade idea is playing out

Just moving to fast

#setandforget well catch it next time

Plenty of more trades ahead

Trade Update

NOT lookinig good

price can still be held down by the neckline of the head and shoulders and the ema

Might close position soon in a half Loss

Waiting to see a bit more price action


Some of you guys guessed it !

New G wagon Mansory added to the fleet !

Giving away 5 100k challenges to who ever likes and comments! Extra entries if you repost !!

Let’s gooooo let me know in the comments if I should do what whistling diesel did 😭


Sells market predection correct ONCE AGAIN !!

#setandforget for the W

Once again

#setndforget strategy for the W

perfect retest of the neckline of the head and shoulders



Waiting for it to retest the AOI

no retest = no trade

Trade Idea update from the video above

its loading !

61k 0 23 1.1k

New Trade Idea

waiting for the retest of the neckline and the EMA to take the trade short

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Week 9 Turning $100 into $1,000,000 Trade ideas !

Clearly the majority has spoken and voted for a video so here you go !

For the 2% that voted you dont want to make money this week , lol we are are going to to #setandforget you

For the rest of the 98% of you guys , Dont miss out on these opportunites pay attention and write down notes

Drop a " 🔥" If I should keep these coming !

How would you want me to share the top tades for the week ?
  •   1. In screen shot format with simple arrows and simple text describing what im looking for
  •   2. 1-3 Minute short video skimming through the markets and explaning what im looking for
  •   3. Nothing I dont want to make money this week
10557 ta ovoz

Week 9 Turning $100 into $1,000,000

Last week was abosutely legendary

The Goal for the week was to take $20,000 into $40,000

Its safe to say we surpassed that

The goal for this week is to take these $90,000 into $180,000

I see plenty of great trades loading

Going to do a poll below to see how you guys would like see these trade ideas !

18 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.