Anglo-Afrikaner Union/Anglo-Afrikaner Unie

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'n Beweging wie se doelstelling dit is om saamewerking en simbiose tussen die Anglokaner en die Afrikaner te bepleit en bewerkstellig
A Movement aimed at the advocation and promotion of collaboration and synergy between Afrikaners and Anglokaners

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Dean Dart will be on Scott Balson's show, Living, Live Streaming today , at 20:00 CAT to chat about Identity, Self-determination, our Afrikaans Zal Blijven! Campaign at Stellenbosch University, and so much more!

Here is the link:

Look forward to seeing you in the chats!

South Africa Reports dan repost
6 April 1652 marks the date of Jan van Riebeeck's arrival at Table Bay, Cape Town, to establish a way station for VOC ships travelling between the Dutch Republic and Batavia (Jakarta, Indonesia)

Happy Founders Day // Gelukkige Stigtingsdag

What a day to do a live stream on?😉


We will be on Scott Balson's show, Living, Live Streaming tomorrow, 6 April 2021, at 20:00 to chat about our Afrikaans Zal Blijven! Campaign at Stellenbosch University and so much more!

Will drop the link as soon as it is live.

Have a lovely evening.


Some news (from 2016) does not age well...

Do see our Afrikaans Zal Blijven! Event for the 9th of April 2021 in Stellenbosch to stand against the abolishment of Afrikaans at Stellenbosch University!

Do share and comment!

The Anglo-Afrikaner Union (AU) brings together the English (Anglokaners) section and Afrikaans (Afrikaners) section to address issues mutually faced by both groups on a local, regional, national and and international front.

Just imagine for a moment if you will, the cold-hard rationality of the Anglokaner working in symbiosis with the Boer-maak-n-plan pragmatism of the Afrikaner?

Now that is a force to be reckoned with!

This goal, this challenge, dare I say this is our mission here at the Anglo-Afrikaner Union (AU).

I am here to tell you that we are mobilising TODAY.

Do see our "Afrikaans Zal Blijven!" Campaign where we are launching a Activism Action to fight the abolishment of Afrikaans at Stellenbosch University!

"To a future, saam in Afrika."

If you are interested in following or becoming a member of the AU, contact us on:

Telegram -
Facebook -
Email -
WhatsApp - 065 187 2480


In acknowledgement of our social media post, please do see our Facebook Event for the 9th of April 2021.

Do share and comment!

(Afrikaans onder)

After much debate in relation to our social media platforms we have decided to establish Anglo-Afrikaner Union (AU) on mainstream social media platforms, despite our position being in support of Alt-tech. Up to today, the AU has only established itself on Alt-tech platforms.

However, many Anglo-Afrikaners are on Big-tech platforms still. Many will stay, some are transitioning to Alt-tech, whereas some have already made the jump. We have been receiving many queries in relation to where to find us on mainstream platforms. To effectively reach and ultimately to organise well, we have decided to establish the AU the mainstream platforms.

More to Follow.


Na baie debat met betrekking tot ons sosiale media platforms het ons besluit om Anglo-Afrikaner-unie (AU) op hoofstroom sosiale media platforms te vestig, ten spyte van ons posisie om ter ondersteuning van Alt-tegnologie. Tot vandag toe het die AU hom net op Alt-tech platforms gevestig.

Baie Anglo-Afrikaners is egter steeds op Big-tech platforms. Baie sal bly, sommige gaan oor na Alt-tech, terwyl sommige reeds die sprong gemaak het. Ons het baie navrae ontvang oor waar ons ons op hoofstroomplatforms kan vind. Om effektief te bereik en uiteindelik goed te organiseer, het ons besluit om die AU die hoofstroomplatforms te vestig.

Meer om te volg.

The Anglo-Afrikaner Union wishes a blessed Easter and a wonderful time to those who celebrate this holiday. To those who are travelling, please travel safe.

We will be releasing our outline of our "Afrikaans Zal Blijven!" Campaign after this Easter.

We look forward to sharing it with you.

MEDIA STATEMENT 01.04.2021.pdf
Media Release - 01.04.2021



The Anglo-Afrikaner Union condemns Stellenbosch University for the policy practices which have slowly erected institutional structures that have been put in place by sections within the University to prevent students from communicating or engaging in Afrikaans on campus spaces. These policies have led to the down-scaling of Afrikaans lectures/classes/tutorials, the slow down-scaling and in some cases removal/removing of student support, both academically and administratively orientated around Afrikaans-speakers. The reach of these policies going as far as banning the use of Afrikaans in residences, bathrooms and even on and in groups on digital platforms such as WhatsApp. Complaints have been received that these policies go as far to impact interactions on park benches in front of students’ residences; dare we draw parallels?

It cannot be right that taxpayers’ money is spent towards the suppressing of the freedom of expression, the Constitution is supposed to protect the right of a state funded University like Stellenbosch University to retain its unique cultural character. The trend of Stellenbosch University continually neglecting their responsibility to uphold their practical constitutional mandate of the upholding of the regional linguistic rights of a regional linguistic majority, in pursuit of national democratic revolutionary interests & policies. One can see that these that these interests and policies have created a narrative, almost to the extent of being adversarial in nature when considering the regional reality. This can be seen through the implementation of the 2016 language policy – which effectively abolished Afrikaans as an equal language alongside English.

In consideration of these changes, we find it deplorable that the Stellenbosch University would interfere so deeply into students’ personal rights dictating to them what words can and cannot be used within private spaces. This gross misconduct must be illuminated and addressed.

We are of the understanding that the South African Human Right Commission (SAHRC) is investigating this alleged ban that is being enforced by the university to prohibit the use of Afrikaans in private spaces. We support such an investigation and call on the transparency of the SAHRC in its investigation, particularly considering the alleged improper influence in relation to a particular Justice who was hearing a constitutional court case in relation to the language policy at Stellenbosch University and look forward to their findings.

We at the Anglo-Afrikaner Union understand that allowing an institution to abuse ones’ rights enables them to become repeat abusers. This will not stand. This why we wish to start the Afrikaans Zal Blijven campaign to stand for the cultural and linguistic history of Stellenbosch University. We wish to open-up debate and dialogue between concerned citizens who wish to stop this abuse.

We hereby call upon Anglokaners & Afrikaners, particularly students at the University to stand together in mutual unity opposition against this misconduct and corruption which has taken hold in our institutions. We are assembling an activism action on the Friday, the 9th April 2021.

Further information in relation to the us and our future activist actions found on our Telegram broadcast channel:

We wish to express our support of and to organisations who are actively involved in fighting for the right to retain Afrikaans and what it represents at the University.

12 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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