1. Agromania to be alone or out in the open
2. Anthomania Floweres
3. Biblomania Book collection
4. Cynomania Dogs
5. Demoomania crowed
6. Dipsomania alcohol
7. Eantheomania travelling
8. Ergomania Work
9. Hedomania horses
10. Hippomania Pleasure
11. Kleptomania stealing things
12. Logomania talking
13. Megalomania controlling other ‘s like
14. Melomania Music
15. Mythomania telling lies
16. Nostomania Home
17. Plutoomania wealth
18. Pyromania set things on fire
19. Sitomania eating
20. Verbomania talking
21. Xenomania foreigners \foreign things
22. Acousticophobiea sounds
23. Agoraphobia air
24. Aichmophobia knives
25. Ailurophobia/gatophobia ...cats
26. Algophobia/Dynophobia Pain
27. Androphobia males
28. Anemophobia wind
29. Aracheophobia bees
30. Asthenophobia weakness
31. Astrophobia lightning
32. Autophobia/Monophobia Solitude
33. Basiphobia walking
34. Batophobia depths
35. Batrachophobia frogs
36. Belonophobia needles
37. Bibliophobia books
38. Botanophobia plants
39. Brontophobia thunder
40. Cacaphobia ugliness
41. Callophobia Beauty
42. Cheimophobia cold
43. Chionophobia snow
44. Chirophibia hands
45. Chronophobia time
46. Chromophobia colours
47. Cibophobia food
48. Claustrophobia closed places
49. Climacophobia sexual intercourse
50. Coitophobia faces
51. Cremnphobia height
2. Anthomania Floweres
3. Biblomania Book collection
4. Cynomania Dogs
5. Demoomania crowed
6. Dipsomania alcohol
7. Eantheomania travelling
8. Ergomania Work
9. Hedomania horses
10. Hippomania Pleasure
11. Kleptomania stealing things
12. Logomania talking
13. Megalomania controlling other ‘s like
14. Melomania Music
15. Mythomania telling lies
16. Nostomania Home
17. Plutoomania wealth
18. Pyromania set things on fire
19. Sitomania eating
20. Verbomania talking
21. Xenomania foreigners \foreign things
22. Acousticophobiea sounds
23. Agoraphobia air
24. Aichmophobia knives
25. Ailurophobia/gatophobia ...cats
26. Algophobia/Dynophobia Pain
27. Androphobia males
28. Anemophobia wind
29. Aracheophobia bees
30. Asthenophobia weakness
31. Astrophobia lightning
32. Autophobia/Monophobia Solitude
33. Basiphobia walking
34. Batophobia depths
35. Batrachophobia frogs
36. Belonophobia needles
37. Bibliophobia books
38. Botanophobia plants
39. Brontophobia thunder
40. Cacaphobia ugliness
41. Callophobia Beauty
42. Cheimophobia cold
43. Chionophobia snow
44. Chirophibia hands
45. Chronophobia time
46. Chromophobia colours
47. Cibophobia food
48. Claustrophobia closed places
49. Climacophobia sexual intercourse
50. Coitophobia faces
51. Cremnphobia height