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🍾 We be continuin' our epic contest fer the best domain design! As ye remember, we was continu'd with the metareality domains on Easter Island 'n in the mystic Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris.
💸 The Arсona Academy be proudly announcin' the winner o' two rounds — @oldwhitedragon.
⭐️ Prepare yerselves fer even bigger surprises next weekend!
💰 While the crypto market be rockin' and stormin' on the waves between the capes o' hype and fear, we be continuin' our treasure hunt, as Captain Jack Sparrow would say: "Not all treasure be silver and gold, mate!" 🏴☠️
❓ Remindin' new participants what Golden ARCONA be:❓
✅Golden ARCONA be the internal stable coin o' the Arcona metareality, fixed at 1 US dollar.
✅Golden ARCONA be the only currency fer all types o' economic activities in the metaverse.
✅Golden ARCONA mitigates the impact o' market speculation on the economic model o' the metareality, makin' it attractive fer users wantin' to expand their activities in the metaverse.
❓ How to obtain Golden ARCONA: ❓
✅ Purchase: Buy it with ARCONA (BSC or ETH) on the metaverse portal.
✅ Exchange: Exchange it fer Silver, minted by yer castles.
✅ Lootin': Capture 'n loot other castles.
✅ Searchin': Find chests while explorin' the augmented reality world.
❓ Can Golden ARCONA be exchanged fer ARCONA tokens❓
🔥 Absolutely! Invest yer gold in silver minin', 'n the Silver obtained in the metareality can be exchanged fer ARCONA tokens (BSC).
🍾 We be continuin' our epic contest fer the best domain design! As ye remember, we was continu'd with the metareality domains on Easter Island 'n in the mystic Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris.
💸 The Arсona Academy be proudly announcin' the winner o' two rounds — @oldwhitedragon.
⭐️ Prepare yerselves fer even bigger surprises next weekend!
💰 While the crypto market be rockin' and stormin' on the waves between the capes o' hype and fear, we be continuin' our treasure hunt, as Captain Jack Sparrow would say: "Not all treasure be silver and gold, mate!" 🏴☠️
❓ Remindin' new participants what Golden ARCONA be:❓
✅Golden ARCONA be the internal stable coin o' the Arcona metareality, fixed at 1 US dollar.
✅Golden ARCONA be the only currency fer all types o' economic activities in the metaverse.
✅Golden ARCONA mitigates the impact o' market speculation on the economic model o' the metareality, makin' it attractive fer users wantin' to expand their activities in the metaverse.
❓ How to obtain Golden ARCONA: ❓
✅ Purchase: Buy it with ARCONA (BSC or ETH) on the metaverse portal.
✅ Exchange: Exchange it fer Silver, minted by yer castles.
✅ Lootin': Capture 'n loot other castles.
✅ Searchin': Find chests while explorin' the augmented reality world.
❓ Can Golden ARCONA be exchanged fer ARCONA tokens❓
🔥 Absolutely! Invest yer gold in silver minin', 'n the Silver obtained in the metareality can be exchanged fer ARCONA tokens (BSC).