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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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📝 anything, free hate, mau ngeluarin unek unek atau apapun silahkan. gausah pakek bc

👤 take care of yourself, you have and always do your best, i'm proud of you.

👤 kenapa ya? hc sekarang makin hari makin ganteng? jd makin sayang gue

👤 Gatau kenapa, tapi kamu harus tau kalo kamu itu cantikkkk

👤 keep healthy and always happy

👤 dah sahur lom

👤 Si cantik ini jangan suka ngerasa minder ye, lu hebat dengan diri lu sendiri

👤 terimakasih sudah lahir di duniaa, kamu yang terbaik!!

👤 gaada. be happy & love ur self

👤 selalu jaga kesehatan, ya!

👤 hmz hmz semangat ya

👤 lo lebih suka musik apa movie?

👤 Be nice to yourself. It’s hard to be happy when someone is mean to you all the time.

👤 If I were a 🐱 I'd spend all 9 lives with you ♡(๑°꒵°๑)・*♡

👤 ily

👤 hai? jangan pernah bosen jadi orang baik. semangat terus ya

👤 orang cantik deserve untuk dikelilingi oleh orang orang baik

👤 aku sama pacar aku mulai agak renggang dehh, tau sih cuma rp tapi gimana yh 😔😔

👤 Kakak cantik sekaliii, semoga kakak bahagia terus yaa

👤 ayayu

👤 Ayayu

👤 pengen punya temen yang bener bener temen!!! KEWELL

👤 u deserve to be loved

👤 ur so cute, don't be sad, ok?

👤 Hei, semangat

👤 i'm proud of you ok? keep doing what you're doing. it's good.

👤 lega banget hari ini rasanya

👤 satu satu aku sayang ibu, dua tiga empat ayo jadi pacarku

👤 no hate. semangat cantik, kamu pasti bisa lewatin hari hari yang berat

👤 lo pernah ga berusaha care sama orng yg lo benci banget, tapi lo harus pura' baik ke dia ggra satu orng

👤 no hate. just love urself

👤 Kamu keren banget deh pengen temenan hehehe

👤 kamu cantikk bangett! bahagia selalu yaaapp

👤 jaga kesehatannya yaa kak, cuaca lagi ndda nentu. dan kamu harus tetap sehat! 😉💟

👤 lo gedeg ga sih sama mutual kalo kita lagi adain absen atau apalah gtu diskip tapi di ch nya laporan done diving

👤 selalu menjadi yang terbaik ya, jadi diri mu sendiri & semoga kebahagiaan selalu menjadi milik kamu! 🦡🐾

👥 35 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

aku tutup semua kisah tentangmu. terimakasih sudah menjadi pemeran utama dalam kisah ini. siapapun yang menjadi pasanganmu kedepannya, ia bakal selalu bahagia sama kamu. glad to know you and see you next time ! 👋🏻

but you won't see me break, call you up in three days. or send you a bouquet, saying, "it's a mistake." drink my troubles away, one more glass of champagne. and you know. i'm the first to say that I'm not perfect. and you're the first to say you want the best thing. but now i know a perfect way to let you go give my last hello, hope it's worth it. i'm the first to say that I'm not perfect. and you're the first to say you want the best thing. but now i know a perfect way to let you go. give my last hello, hope it's worth it.

Magnificence and pulchritude comprise in o' adolescent physiognomy is able to deliquesce each humans in the firmament. Prodigy, comeliness and beauteousness entire in every majesty of God's work that possess no equivalent. Circumstance of her countenance is able to hypnotize every human being who encounter and perceive her. Her beauteous features emanate an charming lambency and suggestion. Her eyes were o' tremendously gorgeous and discharge such a pleasing effulgence as pretty as a coruscant diamond. Her rufescent lips amalgamate into a exceedingly comely silhouette of lips, manufacture a voluptuousness of its idiosyncratic. The majesty and sumptuousness that was engraved on her every features was at the heart of this lady physiology of extraordinary beauty.

𖦞 a word about the pulchritude that encapsulate a jouissance that radiates on her astounding enchanting physiognomy. too lengthy appellation to panegyrize entire the magnificent that is in a adolescent who glimpse elegant with a enchanting touch. a beauty that radiates from her smile that intumesce like a tremendously gorgeous sunflower. the fragrance of the body florescence like the aromatic of roses exposed to the morning sun, mingle in a distinctive, magnetic bouquet. in her sweetened smile that manufacture a mystery and include to the beauty of this lassie. she is a adolescent who possess little-bitty lips with a natural red color that is miraculous and charming. long and lustrous hair furthermore adds to her wondrous beauteousness. in her enthralling portraiture, she presents herself in a classic feel with natural make-up, fabricate her beauty phosphoresce vastly coruscating.            

beauteous female brimming of charm; graceful, comely, appealing, fragrant and sweetened, words of praise that people frequently use to asseverate about this lassie.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ──────❦ ──────
            {CHAPTER; MM} ; gorgeous.

                      ✽... 𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓮𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓐𝓭𝓸𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽
                      𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓹𝓱𝔂𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓰𝓷𝓸𝓶𝔂 ...✽

your enough. dan repost
𝗪hat do you think about 𝖒𝖊 ?🤔
  •   𝗕eautiful girl who has positive vibes, friendly and adorable. let's get closer! 😋
  •   𝗬our beauty makes me stunned, you are unique and interesting so I like you. sorry ihacoy 🤭
  •   𝗛as a playful personality. can be a good friend and a good listener. be my friend, please❓
  •   𝗬our annoying, get out of my life.
79 ta ovoz

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
いつもそばにいると約束してくれたから、手を伸ばして強い光を抱きしめることをいつも信じています。 輝く未来のためだけに 突然消えた 私は託された幸せと約束を超えてしまいました。 何も考えずに先に進みました。 後ろを振り向かずに進むよ 残すべきものは悲しい過去を残して。 これからも前を向いて「心に火を灯せ 遠い未来まで」と叫び続けます。 叫んだ後、私は沈黙した。 夢の実現に成功しましたか? でも私はあなたなしでそれを作りました、あなたは私を去り、その瞬間、私は抑えきれずに泣きました、あなたは私が私の未来を追求したいという理由だけで去ることを選びました、私はそんなにわがままですか? でも僕はそうじゃない。

based on homura - LISA

@donediving kalo ada yang terlewat chat aku aja #🌾🧺

00.00 ily

hfw mootu, terimakasih!

🤠🤠 dan repost
🗳 [HFW bukan absen‼] Howdy - doo ! aku @KlMMlNJUU01 ingin mencari mutualan baru. jika kamu tertarik, bisa tekan tombol partisipasi dan jangan lupa taruh @ di dn kamu ya!
note: jika kamu side or fake acc, rarely diving, channel store or sq, admin upsubs, rasis dan menebar kebencian, serta membenci muse yang aku gunakan, please DO NOT INTERACT.

🕸 0 people have voted so far.
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20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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