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Join the global initiative that’s bringing biohackers together across cities worldwide on September 4, 2024—World Biohacking Day!

World Biohacking Day raises awareness about biohacking, the practice of using science, technology, and lifestyle upgrades to optimize human performance and longevity.

Whether you've been upgrading yourself for years or are just beginning to explore your potential, World Biohacking Day is your chance to connect with others on the same path.

What’s in it for you?
- Connect with biohackers in a relaxed environment.
- Share your discoveries and gain new insights from others.
- Be part of a movement driving health, longevity, and cognitive enhancement.
- No slideshows, no formalities—just people like you, focused on upgrading every aspect of life.

How to Sign Up:
Head to find a location near you, and register. If your city isn’t listed, add it and start a meetup for others to join. Attend or even host your local event.

9.6k 0 22 1.1k 67

Hi there!

First, I'd like to say thank you for following my channel, it means a lot.

Second, you may have noticed that I haven't posted as much here. There are a lot of upgrades going on in my network! I have a brand new website, revamped social media channels - YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, X, LinkedIn - tons of new biohacking information from The Human Upgrade Podcast.

I'd love for you to check out my website and follow my socials or hit subscribe on my site to stay up to date with the latest information from across all my channels!


Be well,

14.7k 0 12 253 150

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Navigate the buzz of travel with ease! ✈️ Amidst the hustle and a sea of EMFs, find your sanctuary with the Travel & Car Bloc. It's your personal energy shield, transforming chaotic journeys into zen escapes. 🌟

Delve into the science – Darkfield Microscopy reveals this Bloc as a true wellness champion, enriching your blood in 10 minutes and surging ATP production by 29%. 

Visit and claim your exclusive 10% off. 

P.S. Check out their Telegram Community:  

#LeelaQuantumTech #LeelaQ

24.8k 0 34 1.7k 125

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
After a year with Quantum Upgrade, the difference I feel the difference. Rigorously vetted by independent institutes and labs, its benefits span from enhancing blood cells to reversing blood clotting in mere minutes. Concerned about EMFs? It's been scientifically proven to neutralize them, even in environments like electric cars. 

Here's the clincher: world-class athletes also harness its power, especially with the verified 29% surge in ATP production. Dive into a scientifically-backed biohacking experience and feel the difference. 

Try it yourself with a 15-day free trial at with code DAVE.

Join Quantum Upgrade on Telegram: '' rel='nofollow'>

#QuantumUpgrade #Daveasprey #Biohacking #Biohacked

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Telegram'da ko‘rish
I never recommend a product unless I've tried it personally and truly believe in its benefits. That's why I'm excited to recommend Leela Quantum Tech🌟

Their ground-breaking products help neutralize EMFs while boosting blood circulation, HRV, and ATP production (by 20-29%)! LeelaQ has conducted 15+ third-party studies that validate the effectiveness of their products. 

Use code "DAVE10" for an exclusive 10% discount at

P.S. Check out their Telegram Community:  

#LeelaQuantumTech #LeelaQ #ad

24k 0 30 2.3k 95

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
In this “Upgrade Spotlight” episode of @thehumanupgradepodcast you’re getting the latest knowledge about innovative biohacking tools and technologies that allow you to change your biology and the environment around you.

Introducing Quantum Upgrade! Founder and CEO, Philipp Samor von Holtzendorff-Fehling, shares how you can reduce EMFs and increase quantum energy in your personal spaces.

The remote service has been tested through randomized sham-controlled double-blind studies, and Quantum Upgrade has worked with independent testing institutes and labs to test their products.

Head over to and look for episode 1048!

Check out the Quantum Upgrade group on telegram:

#Podcast #Podcaster #Podcasting #Biohacking #Biohacker #Biohacked

27.4k 0 31 3.3k 113

22.7k 0 51 2.5k 193

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
This will help biohack your quantum energy 👆🏼

Have you ever been intrigued by the idea of people who can influence reality with their energy or shamanic practices?

For centuries, people have studied and sought out ways to tap into the power of energy fields to bring to their lives. Some individuals claim to possess these abilities, while others simply believe they do. has developed a service using quantum technology to remotely change blood flow in the body.

They’ve conducted double-blinded clinical trials and measured the effects through live blood analysis and clotting levels.

The technology has shown promising results, and even though it’s not yet clear how it works, it’s still fascinating to see the effects it has.

You can try out the service for free for 15 days by visiting and using code DAVE.

See for yourself if you notice any changes in how you feel, your heart rate variability, or other areas of your life.

#Daveasprey #Biohacking #Biohacked

27.3k 0 42 3.4k 101

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
EMFs aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, so instead of waiting around to see what the consequences are, I’ve researched some ways to avoid overexposure.🤪

One of the companies I came across is called Leela Quantum. Their necklace is called the Leela Quantum Capsule.

It can be filled with up to five titanium spheres, all charged with neutral frequencies. This makes them ideal for transmitting quantum energy and passing it on to other elements and materials.

Basically, Leela Quantum products can strengthen and improve your whole body’s energetic system in lots of ways. Several studies from Europe, plus randomized, sham controlled double-blind by Dr. Beverly Rubik in the US prove it works. You’ll be able to concentrate better and have more resistance to stress. I've seen great changes in my sleep and relaxation.

Head over to to join the Quantum Power Group on Telegram

Use code DAVE10 to get 10% Off at

25.9k 0 40 3.6k 104

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Are you a social media expert living in Austin?

Want to help me on my mission to upgrade humanity? If so, send your resume and a one minute video to

#Austin #Texas #Austinjobs #Biohacking #Biohacker #Socialmedia #Daveasprey

25.4k 0 14 3.9k 111

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
How your cells communicate with each other in your body 👆🏼

In this episode of @thehumanupgradepodcast , you’ll learn why energy frequencies have such a powerful influence on human physiology. Skeptics take note: science backs this up.

Philipp Samor Von Holtzendorff-Fehling introduced quantum energy on episode #809 and its benefits on body function, cellular voltage and chakra energy. He returns to the show with exciting new research that further validates the power of this energy and its frequencies on human physiology.

@leelaquantum creates blocs (Infinity, Quantum, Travel), frequency cards, H.E.A.L. capsules, and other products charged with quantum energy.

The products have been through single- and double-blind, randomized studies and tests. This research has measured mental and physical energy, organ function, neutralization of radioactive particles, protection against pesticides and herbicides, and much more.

If you want to learn more, head over to

26.4k 0 43 4k 108

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Are you breathing through your mouth or your nose?

Part of your nose’s job is to filter and humidify the air you breathe. This helps protect you from pathogens and allergens. Nasal breathing also increases nitric oxide, which helps open up your blood vessels so your tissues can get more oxygen.

When you breathe through your mouth, this can cause dry mouth, bad breath, and cavities. It also leads to abnormalities in the jaw, tooth, and facial structure. If you’re a mouth breather, set reminders throughout your day to close your mouth and breathe through your nose.

The more you practice nose breathing, the more natural it will feel for your body, and the more likely you will be to default to nasal breathing all of the time.  

#Breath #Biohacking #Biohacker #Biohacked #Daveasprey #Nosebreathing #Mouthbreathing

24.5k 1 76 5.5k 233

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Avoiding social media can give your mind a break from processing junk culture and devote more resources to creativity, original thinking, and spending face-to-face time with loved ones. It can also help reduce anxiety.

Here are five ways to escape and unplug this holiday season. Some of these may seem simple or silly, but you’ll be surprised at how much better you feel after you take a break from screens and notifications.

#Daveasprey #Biohacking #Unplug #Biohacker #Biohacked

22k 1 33 5.1k 169

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
After traveling to Tibet and other places around the world like it, learning about different kinds of energy medicine techniques, and even having lots of shamans on my podcast — I now believe it to be true that certain people can influence other people at a distance.

What would happen, though, if you actually built a process and a system to enhance someone’s power to enhance their wellness and energy?   Well, it turns out there’s a company that’s done that, and it’s called

What you do is you download the app from, set their system to focus on you in a way an energetic healer would, and the difference is something pretty darn noticeable.

They’ve actually quantified the results by looking at live blood analysis and looking at the clotting levels of blood, so there’s a lot of science behind this.

The invite link to this private group is here:

20.9k 0 40 4.7k 47

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Believe it or not, the world is facing a severe infertility problem.

The combination of environmental toxins, poor nutrition, excess stress, and overexercise sends your body a signal that it is in danger and not safe to create a baby.

Your diet is one of the main drivers of how fertile you are. The five foods mentioned above are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats that are crucial for creating sex hormones and signaling to the body that there are enough raw materials to create a human.

#Bulletproofdiet #Biohacking #Fertility #Daveasprey #Fertilitytips

17.4k 0 44 4k 104

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
EMFs aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, so instead of waiting around to see what the consequences are, I’ve researched some ways to avoid overexposure.🤪

One of the companies I came across is called Leela Quantum. Their necklace is called the Leela Quantum Capsule.

It can be filled with up to five titanium spheres, all charged with neutral frequencies. This makes them ideal for transmitting quantum energy and passing it on to other elements and materials.

Basically, Leela Quantum products can strengthen and improve your whole body’s energetic system in lots of ways. Several studies from Europe, plus randomized, sham controlled double-blind by Dr. Beverly Rubik in the US prove it works. You’ll be able to concentrate better and have more resistance to stress. I've seen great changes in my sleep and relaxation.

Head over to to join the Quantum Power Group on Telegram

18.8k 0 36 3.6k 56

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
I started working a real job when I was 23. Made $6 million when I was 26 and got to attend CEO and board meetings years before normal.

Yes, I studied how my boss and her boss and his boss communicated, then copied the crap out of it to make it easier for them to work with me.

If you’re looking to grow your career quickly, learn how to have one language for friends and another for work. It’s easy, and you’ll get paid a lot more. 🤷‍♂️

Also, understand your boss has seven people to manage and isn’t thinking about which emoji will trigger you because he honestly doesn’t care.

He’ll just promote the people with the least drama who do the work.

Be that person. It’s ok to kill it at work and save the slaying for friends. Less work, more money. 🤷‍♂️

Article from: @washingtonpost

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
We need a lot more danger in the world these days.

Drinking water is dangerous. You might choke.

Going outside is dangerous. Who knows what’s out there?

Making new friends is dangerous. What if they’re psychos?

Dancing is dangerous. You might sprain your ankle.

There are still people who think that breathing in the presence of others is dangerous. 🤦‍♂️

Or maybe, you could just be so resilient and strong enough to face the insurmountable danger of putting a little bit of tape on your mouth before you go to sleep so your brain has more oxygen.

I’ve been doing it for almost five years now, and it absolutely improves sleep. I’ve interviewed James Nestor and Patrick McKeown about the science behind this in episodes number 751 and 835 @thehumanupgradepodcast .

In the meantime, stay dangerous. Who knows what you might do? 🙏🏼

Article from: @health

#Biohacking #Biohacker #Daveasprey #Mouthtaping #Tiktok #Trending #Sleep #Sleephacks

14.6k 0 28 3.1k 136

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The benefits of infrared saunas for depression 👆🏼

In this episode of @thehumanupgradepodcast, you’ll learn about the ways using a sauna can charge your energy, help you heal physical and mental health conditions—and science that backs that up.

This conversation covers a range of good things you’ll experience from using a sauna:

- How infrared light affects the body and triggers a biochemical cascade of benefits
- How near infrared penetrates the body to interact with mitochondria
- Why the real magic of infrared combines both light and heat
- What evidence connects infrared and detoxification—and why sweating wins
- Why you sleep better—without feeling exhausted—when you do a sauna session before bed
- How infrared shows promising relief for those who experience depression
- Practical ways to incorporate sauna into your own stack for better sleep and higher performance.

Head over to and look for episode 993!

16.4k 0 72 2.9k 79

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
What happens when you put an animal rights terrorist-linked organization like PETA up against climate terrorists?

I mean, who is going to dump vegan soup on who first? Who can complain the loudest? 🤦‍♂️

Owning dogs extends the human lifespan by about eight years. Eating meat is vital for human nutrition. It’s also vital for dog nutrition.

Facts are facts. 🤷‍♂️

(also, did you notice how they don’t pick on cats? Cats destroy all those nice songbirds, and they don’t extend human lifespan because they don’t love us. They secretly want to eat us. 😉)

Ps. Thanks @seanbaker1967 for the image

#Peta #Dogs #Grassfed #Bulletproofdiet #Biohacking #Biohacker #Biohacked #Daveasprey

16.6k 0 40 2.8k 161
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