^^ Even down to a Hebrew first name (Joshua) mixed with a European surname (Philipp) talking to a guy with an Irish first name (Patrick! Does he look like any PATRICK you’ve ever seen in your life?!) with an overtly Hebrew surname (bet-David).
This is how shapeshifting occurs with greater ease. Names were always tribal, ancestral, and ethnic. They still are in all natural human environments and only cease to be when people are shuffled around and replanted willy nilly in multicultural cess pools instead of healthy homogeneous ethno-states.
Names are not ALWAYS a sure fire tell due to exactly the kind of tom-foolery you see above. But if someone appears to be playing an angle, the name is one of many things to look at carefully. Adam Green for example. He’ll pretend to expose the big baddies but then take you on video tours of their holy land.
Adam Green’s name, religion, and the fact that he’s Gene Wilder’s younger twin ought to make anyone realize this is exactly the kind of deception I’m speaking of. He tells white people he’s on their side in order to keep them safely bonded to the Monad under the title of Yahweh.
This is how shapeshifting occurs with greater ease. Names were always tribal, ancestral, and ethnic. They still are in all natural human environments and only cease to be when people are shuffled around and replanted willy nilly in multicultural cess pools instead of healthy homogeneous ethno-states.
Names are not ALWAYS a sure fire tell due to exactly the kind of tom-foolery you see above. But if someone appears to be playing an angle, the name is one of many things to look at carefully. Adam Green for example. He’ll pretend to expose the big baddies but then take you on video tours of their holy land.
Adam Green’s name, religion, and the fact that he’s Gene Wilder’s younger twin ought to make anyone realize this is exactly the kind of deception I’m speaking of. He tells white people he’s on their side in order to keep them safely bonded to the Monad under the title of Yahweh.