Renaissance 🌲

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Let us now observe its numerical value :

W(6) + O(70) + T(400) + A(1) + N(50) = 527.

527, which is a mysterious number in Magick, is an elaboration of 14 (5 + 2 + 7 = 14), which is the number of ATU XIV, the alchemist, which is interesting when one remembers the stories about the making of the magick mead, the source of prophetic, poetic and warlike inspiration...

14, in turn, is an elaboration of 5 (1+4), that is to say of the Pentagram, which seems logical for the God of Wisdom, which is also the number of the Jotunheim Sphere signed by the planet Mars on the Tree of Life Yggdrasil and brings us back to the essential function of WOTAN as God of Fights.

527 is a Temurah of 725, the Writing (obvious attribution for the Rune Master), of 257, the Magician (idem for the God of Magic), and of 752, equivalent, in Hebrew, to Satan, which is not without interest - but would lead us a bit far...

Finally, the Notariqon of WOTAN that David Lane (who received the posthumous name of Wodenson, "son of Wotan") liked to quote, in order to explain why this spelling should be preferred to ODIN, is, of course, "Will Of The Aryan Nation"...

You will find runes, meaningful staves,
very powerful staves,
very strong staves,
that Fimbul dyed,
that the Ginnregin shaped,
that the God Hropt carved.
Havamal 142

That is, the most sacred name of my religion: WOTAN.

It is formed by a central T (the Egyptian Tau, Greek Tau, Arabic Tä, Hebrew Tav, Coptic Taw, etc.), IE of the ATU XXI of the Tarot, attributed to Saturn and called "the Great Ancient One of the Night of Time",

Then this T is surrounded by an A and an O (the Alpha and the Omega, beginning and end, momentum and crystallization, etc., of all the unanimous traditions),

Then surrounded by a W and an N (Life and Death, as we said for NU).

WOTAN therefore means, beyond its literal translation ("fury", IE vibratory energy, trance, etc.) :

"The Great Ancient One, who is the origin and the end of everything, and dispenses life and death"

And, more profoundly :

"the Great Ancient One in whom all antinomies (beginning/end, life/death) are resolved..."

Therefore, no need for Allah when you have Wotan :)


Traditional religions, that is, magical, living and shamanic, all honor the same deities.

The differences in imagery come from a concern for cultural preservation and endogamy.

But the laws governing sounds remain :

no need to be a great druid to understand that the Thelemite THERION, the Nordic THOR and the Celtic TARANIS, all three gods of air, lightning and light, charged with destroying the forces hostile to harmony on earth, are the same deity.

Only the local mode of invocation changes, as between, say, DIONYSOS and BACCHUS.

It is therefore exciting to study the sounds forming the Divine Names.

The most proven method for this is obviously the Babylonian Magi's cabala, and in this case, more particularly the literary cabala.

This is composed of three disciplines:

- Gematria (the study of a word based on the numerical value of its letters),

- Temurah (the study of a word based on the permutation of its letters) and

- Notariqon (the study of a word from the magic formulas of which it is the acronym).

Let us take, for example, the supreme deity of Egypt (and of the Thelemites), the goddess of the sky called NU.

Her name is formed by the Letter N (Greek Nu, Hebrew Nun, Arabic Nùn, Coptic Ne, etc.), attributed to the sign of Scorpio and to Death, and by the Letter U (Greek Digamma, Hebrew Vau, Arabic Waw, Coptic He, etc.), attributed to the sign of Taurus (opposite/complementary to that of Scorpio) and to Life.

NU thus summarizes the principle of Death-ferment-of-life/Life-ferment-of-death, that is, the economy of the universe.

The sub-religions, called "revealed religions", in spite of their "revolutionary" aspect, sacrifice to the same sacred names, since they have only deified magical formulas:

- The Hebrew IHVH symbolizes the four balanced elements,

- The Christian IHSHWH "Yeshoua" symbolizes the descent of the divine (Shin = the gods) into the center of these four balanced elements (in short, the divine incarnation),

- The Muslim ALLAH was formed by Mohammed with the two words AL (= he, that, the being) and LA (= nothing, emptiness, non-being), to mean that he was talking about the ultimate divine, in whom all antinomies are resolved.

Personally, I believe in the Aesir, the gods of the Asatrù: I am what you would call "Wotanist".

That said, nothing is more fearsome than naming your gods.

As we said earlier, the difference between a God's Name and a common word is that the common word describes something, while the Divine Name means something.

It is the same difference as between a Washington Post article and an ancestral myth.

It is necessary, indeed, to know how to name one's gods. All civilizations, all esoteric doctrines postulate an omnipotence of the "Word".

Everything is created and destroyed with Names and Letters - Hindu (OM) and medieval (AUM) Mantras, Egyptian Words of Power, or Kabbalist Sepher Yetzirah...

In modern language, let's say that they are vibrations, or oscillations of energies that constitute our universe. "The force of a thing is hidden in the very structure of the sounds that designate it and enclosed in a certain number of articulated sounds", as Henri-Cornelius Agrippa of Nethelseim says.

In short, and this is the basis of all Magic: the Name of the God or Goddess that one invokes - or "vibrates" - IS this God or this Goddess, here's why we use Keenings.

That is to say that it is not presented in a mundane or rational form : TEUTATES, the Name of the tutelary God of my Celtic ancestors, puts into action a certain force, relative to the lineage of the Arvernian emperors, working for the protection of the country and particularly attached to the warrior caste, instead of the word "Christian" only reflecting, by association of ideas, a certain lowly image.

The Divine Names are incomprehensible, just as one cannot understand the sound of lightning or the song of birds: or, more exactly, they are comprehensible, but unknowable - they are beyond any cognitive function: it is a cosmic and divine language.

Alfhilde concludes:


Our sages sum up all these symbols as follows: (Snorri Sturlusson, Gylfaginning), and Wodenson specifies:


Let's talk about Yggdrasil.

Did you know that? The Poetic Edda mentions this tree countless times.

In an incoherent way, the real white people put it in their pseudonym🌲 to recognize themselves, a lot of channels have adopted it.


Do you know why the God Heimdall is played by a black man in the Marvel movies?

It's not a cohencidence.

Because he is the founding God of the Aryan race.

Make no mistake, the Jews know our traditions much better than the common alt right pagan moron.

They study and don't waste their time commenting on current events.

They study, just like the Einherjar study at the University of Valhalla.

Every time you open the Edda to get closer to the Gods, you become an Einheri, A student of holy things who becomes the adopted son of Wotan

Valhalla is the cosmic Harvard of the White race and you can tune into its frequency from home.

What better way to forge an Aryan consciousness than with the Aryan Gods ???


To answer the question I've been asked regularly for the past few days:

Yes, I am the guy from Wotan Path

David Avocado Wolfe dan repost

"In the world really turned upside down, the true is a moment of the false."

Guy Debord, The Society of the Spectacle (1967)


But look at that nose!

The only Sheat meals I do are for community celebrations.
8 festivals a year.

The place where i buy raw milk

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