islamic medicine

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🌏Welcome, this channel is designed to inform the world about Islamic Medicine.
👩‍⚕️Our goal is that everyone from all around the world is healthy and happy.

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💐 Evaluation of healing properties of fenugreek in the traditions

🍃 The therapeutic position of Fenugreek in the narrations:

🔰 1. Its value is like gold.
The prophet (p.b.u.h) said: Treat with fenugreek because if people knew the therapeutic value of fenugreek, they would treat themselves with it even if they will need to buy it at the price of gold.

🔰 2. Treatment of body inflammation

🔰 3. Treatment of widespread winds in the body

🔰 4. Treatment of premature phlegm

🔰 5. Treatment of the joints coldness

Tradition: Pour some water on a handful of fenugreek and a handful of dried figs. Then cook them in a clean container, and discard them from a filter.
After it has cooled down, eat it every other day within 8 days.

🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine


💟 Properties of Red Sugar 💟

✅ Laxative and lubricant for the abdomen
✅ Useful for dry pharynx and lungs
✅ Strengthening spirits and physical strength
✅ Boosting liver

💠 Reduces intestinal winds
💠 Boosting loins
💠 Producer of competent and clean blood
💠 Strength of nerves and bones
💠 Prevents premature aging

✅ Soda sputum repellent
✅ Useful for navel pain
✅ Useful for abdominal pain
✅ Removes placenta remnants from the wombs of women who have just given birth

💠 Useful for urinary retention
💠 Fattener
💠 Polishing and laxative of temperaments

الحاوی-تحفه المؤمنین-مخزن الادویه-صیدنه

🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine


🔸 Up to now Ayatollah Tabrizian could alone convert Islamic medicine to a country course, and brought Islamic medicine to the present stage, without any government backing, no insurance, and no multi-billion dollar budget; and we see this medicine spread all over the country, and several thousand people are working in this field, and it is clear that this course is no longer an inhibition, and it will continue to expand, and you'll hear more about it every day because this medicine has the power to cure the disease, so it is not possible to oppose it.

♦️ All current advances in Islamic medicine have been made with limited and popular facilities. Now Imagine that Islamic medicine was given the opportunity to become a specialist force and budgetting for it, and we could work freely one day, you will definitely see that its power will be several times that of the present Islamic medicine.

🔸 Islamic medicine has become the last hope of cancer patients such that less likely those referred to Ayatollah Tabrizian have diseases like the common cold, ... most patients were those who Western medicine was unable to cure them that after despair of treatment, they refered to Islamic medicine.

♦️ Ayatollah Tabrizian is estimated to have treated more than 20,000 cancer patients; it can be said that he cured diseases that the medical system of the world could not cure; like the patients whose physician said after seeing the test results that a miracle had happened or their experiment and photo were wrong because there is no cure for this disease, and with the help of curing incurable diseases, this meducine could convert to a country course quickly over many years, and the ministry could not prevent the expansion of this medicine by all means and budgets of several thousand billion.

🔸 We fully believe that if the facilities, budget and research are allocated to this medicine, it has the power to cure all diseases, because the current patients' experiences show that this medicine has been able to cure any disease.

♦️ An advantage of Islamic medicine over most medicines is the cuer of those patients that have extra-terrestrial diseases such as spritzing and witchcraft, and in this category, chemical medicine has nothing to say except prescribing sedatives.

🔸 As a result we can say that Ayatollah Tabrizian due to the variety of treatment and the scope of his work, is the greatest healer in the world after the prophets and the Imams that almost every type of illnesses he has cured, and he is the grand university for all specialties, unlike chemical medicine specialists that every physician has a specialty.

♦️ Muslims should appreciate this wise and great man of history for there is no one like him in the seminary; there is no one like him who can do that; in the seminaries also medicine books has been written, but in the field of structure and bringing it to action this is the first time in history that he has done so.

🔸 He's also skilled in religious jurisprudence, and has unique foundations in sciences like physics and astronomy.


🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine

💎 The relationship between health and makeup

☘ Makeup and trimming hair is desirable for both men and women in Islam although they are old and aged.

☘ Make-up is more important as life gets longer to hide the ugly traces of the day because Islam wants man to be beautiful.

☘ Therefore, in old age, it is inevitable that one should observe many things to keep his body and skin refreshed and add to his beauty and charm.

🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine

💠الحمد لله الذی جَعلَنَا مِنَ المُتِمَسِّکینَ بوِلایةَ امیرِالمُؤمِنینَ وَ الأئِمَةِ المَعصومینَ عَلیَھِمُ السَّلام


✳️ Eid Ghadeer Mubarak to everyone

🔹“Praise to Allah, who blessed us to be among those who hold on to the leadership of Amir al-Mu'minīn and the Imams (AS)"

🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine

The way David Beckham eats food 👇

🔶 Dishwashing leftover food on the plate

✨ The same thing that Rasool Allah (p.b.u.h) did with his happy hands at the end of the meal, and said:
((It increases livelihood))

❌ While those who fell from an elephant's nose, leave half of their food to show off!

⁉️ How long do we have to wait for the infidels to teach us Islam?

🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine


🌼 Ayatollah Tabrizian:

👉 We cannot be indifferent to the pains and troubles of Muslims.

Today, we see that the lives and property of the people have become a game of #chemical_medicine; a medicine that its only concern is the business and profit of the patients.

This medicine is dominating the lives and property of all people, and it is our religious duty that if we can withstand #Western_Medicine with the help of #Islamic_Medicine, to see the community return to health.

🌼 Today, maybe the highest jihad is in the way of #Islamic_Medicine because the revival of Islamic Medicine contributes to the revival of humanity, and defending #Islamic_Medicine is defending humanity and saving the lives of millions of patients.



🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine

Do you know, contrary to common unfounded claims, olive oil has the highest resistance to heat.

The best frying oil, olive oil.

🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine

🔆 In ahadith it has been stated:

🔅If someone is suffering pain from there eyes, put rain water in it and drink from that water and wash your eyes with that water, your eyes will improve if Allah is willing.

📚 منبع: مستدرک الوسائل، میرزا حسین نوری طبرسی، ج 17، ص 33

🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine

❣The prophet Muhammad (pbuh):

‍ 🤧 وَ لَا تَکرَهُوا السُّعَالَ، فَإِنَّهُ أَمَانٌ مِنَ الفَالِجِ.

😲 Do not hate your cough, since the cough helps in preventing you from becoming paralysis.

📚 منبع: مستدرک سفینه البحار، شیخ علی نمازی، ج 3 ، ص 472

🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine

❌ 🆘 Antibacterial soaps may do more harm than good, scientists warn. ‼️

🙅‍♂Dr Arlene Blum, Executive Director of Green Science Policy Institute said: "I was happy that the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) finally acted to remove these chemicals from soaps.

🙎‍♂But I was dismayed to discover at my local drugstore that most products now contain substitutes that may be worse.

🙍‍♂"Antimicrobials are also commonplace in products where you wouldn't expect them, including paints, exercise mats, flooring, apparel, food storage containers, home textiles, electronics, kitchenware, school supplies, and countertops."

🤦‍♂The study by Rutgers University in New Jersey also found antibacterial soap was no better than normal soap.

📚 Do research on ingredients in your products as there is nothing more important than your health. ‼️

🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine


🔹Combing the Hair:

🌹 Imam Al-Kazim:
"Avoid combing the hair whilst standing as it weakens the heart but instead, comb it whilst sitting as it strengthens the heart and improves the skin".

🌹Imam Ali:
Combing while standing brings poverty.

📚Wasaelushia, vol.2, page 125

🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine

🦶Putting oil under your feet:

👣 If you put olive oil under your feet every night it will help in treating/preventing :

🌟 Decreases cholesterol
🌟 Back pain
🌟 Whitening of hair
🌟 Knee pain
🌟 Osteoporosis

🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine

✅ Lettuce

🥬 Makes you sleepy.

🥬 Eating lettuce alone decrease your appetite.

🥬 Lettuce has 3× more vitamin C than orange.

🥬 Lettuce has 2× more vitamin A than carrots.

🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine

🌹 Imam Kazim (a.s.):
"Whoever wants to be safe from the side effects of yogurt, he should add Ajwain seed to it."

📚 الکافی جلد 6 ص 338

🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine

‍ ‍ ‍ #Lifestyle_Modification

👉 Celery properties in Islamic Medicine

⚜ It is said in a hadith:

《أَنَّهُ یُورِثُ الحِفظَ وَ یُذَکِّي القَلبَ وَ یَنفِي الجُنُونَ وَ الجُذَامَ وَ البَرَصَ.》


1⃣ Boosts memory.

2⃣ Sharpens your heart.

3⃣ Destroys madness, leprosy and PC.

📚منبع: دروس الشهید، ص290.

🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine


♦️ Don't bath with an empty stomach ♦️

⚜ Imam Hasan Askari (as) says:

《لَا تَدخُلِ الحَمَّامَ إِلَّا وَ فِي جَوفِکَ شَيءٌ یُطفَأُ بِهِ عَنکَ وَهَجُ المَعِدَةِ، وَ هُوَ أَقوَی لِلبَدَنِ وَ لَا تَدخُلهُ وَ أَنتَ مُمتَلِئٌ مِنَ الطَّعَامِ.》

❇️ Do not shower unless there is little food in your belly.

❇️ Food causes stomach to lose heat.

❇️ It is better for the body as it makes it stronger.

❇️ Do not shower with a full stomach.

📚منبع: همان، ص497

🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine

Congratulations to our 12th Imam (ajtfs) and the Believers on the Birth Anniversary of Sayyidah Fatimah al-Zahra (as)


‼️🚫 Mayonnaise ⛔️⁉️

💢 Mayonnaise is not only fattening, but it causes your arteries to be blocked, fatty liver, blood pressure, gallstones, overweight, allergies, bones, effects the spine and ......

💢 These are only part of the illness that may be due to the use of mayonnaise.

💢 Meanwhile, substances such as potassium carbonate and sodium benzoate, which are carcinogenic, are one of the ingredients of mayonnaise known as liver toxicity.

💢 Also mayonnaise causes acne and highly irritates it.

🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine

✅ In the house burn Boswellia.

🌀 Research has proven that the smoke of Boswellia is good! It eases anxiety/stress, its helps in depression and in headaches. It is energizing, strengthens memory and helps in concentration and also disinfectants the air.

🆔 @centralofislamicmedicine

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