Channnie: EVENT!

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Consortium ‘thus chatter-box @Starific or @Channniesbot. Adjacent exquisite customized results toward @Chayeth, further divine ready catalogue @Chaceth. Merciful ascertain our testimoninal near @Chaleth. Due complaints—purposes @Markyuck.

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Yuk ikutan event giveaway nya juga nich masih banyak nomor yang avail

1 jam lagi close nihh, jangan sampai telat yaa chan! Semangattt 💖

Chan, dibagian prizes ada yang di edit yaa, bisa di cek ulang kembali! Jangan lupa buat ikutan event poster & giveaway di pinned juga yaa chan. Anyways buat yang lagi cari username anime atau cari gallery username yang sering giveawayy dan etmin nya ramah ramah bisa checkk di @Senpal dehhhh, kerenn keren kan! Ditambah buat kalian yang mau jajan beberapa art proofneeds bisa langsung cek ke @Artreuse, bagus bagus lohhh! Untuk yang membutuhkan jasa convert, rekber, dll bisa langsung cek ke @GafConvert yang super duper fast respon. Selain itu itu ada lagi store app prem dengan harga yang murah meriah dan amanah, dan teleprem fw 1m cuma 50k proses juga gercep cusss langsung check di @Premlium! Kalauu untuk yang membutuhkan wtb service yang worth it dan adminnya rajin rajin, bahkan channnie langganan ga sekali dua kali tapi lebih, bisa langsung check ke @Swelcup! Kalauu kalian mau cari jasa rental buat nemenin hari hari kalian juga bisa langsung kepoin agency yang keren satu ini di @lNightFury

Good morning chan, yuk ikutannn! Masih ada sisa setengah slot untuk individual game nih, dan untuk couple masih banyak yaah. Ajak temen kalian atau pacar kalian yang punya plato buat ikutan main event bareng yukk! Kalau mau daftar keduanya juga bolehhh banget dong


Hi channnies, we're open up the gates-sole for the registration of our game event and the slots are limited, so come on, get register and burn up your stage to winning these games!

Player 1's name nd ID:
Id plato:
Player 2's name nd ID:
Id plato:
(32 slot for couple’s team)

Names of players :
Player username:
(50 slot for individual players)

Sended aggrgate of those format registrations in-to @AeLozRobot, for your information the registrations will be closed at 1 December 2023 at 19.00 WIB! Let's get along and had bunch of greatness and winning the prizes by your own self or with your couples would also available!

Pleasing daylight above the greatest player affairs beyond the game–throne on these periodical hours event whence it starting amidst the endearing game!

Betwixt upon the whole rules pleasantly  to checked up on these pages line;
1. Subscribe the channel in the rules we held; @Senpal, @Premlium, @Artreuse, @GafConvert, @Swelcup, @lNightFury. (Will be checked later)
2. The game must be compared with the statue, there's a two types of game where it started at “Individual Game” and “Couple Game”.
3. This event will be played on different dates, see below for the schedule!
    • Session One, 30 November 19.00 WIB
    • Session Two, 1 December 19.00 WIB
    • Started at 2 December 13.00 WIB
4. All type/users account are allowed to joined these event.
5. List game which will be played.

The winning prize for the championship above these event you could check them below on these special link betwixt the types competition you ought to behave;
1. Couple Games Present–Sole.
2. Individual Games Present–Sole.

Isn't those feel y'all flattered to enjoying the season beyond the end–chronicles above these beloved years?! Let's grasp bunch of tremendous present amidst of excited sensible, channnies 💋

Udahan dulu yaaa channn, thankkk youuu udah nemenin kita random talk, besok besok lagi yaah. Jangan lupa buatan ikutan event GIVEAWAY & POSTER nya di pinned yaaa chan! Dan jangan lupa dibaga setiap rules yang ada ❤️

👤 baru dikhianati temen sendiri 😔😔💔💔 ternyata dia ngomongin aku sm yang circlenya beda kelas

👤 channnie kalau udah 100ks event bagibagi ipong 20 prow meks buat 100 orang 😁😁😁


👤 Ukuran buat posternya berapa ya?

👤 chan chan, i'm so gratefull bisa jadi part of kalian. ayuk kita terus ngerjain mbs sampe kakek nenek bersama 😎👍

👤 CHANNNIES AYO STREAM TAYLOR SWIFT!!! dari etmin yang paling taylow swift

👤 nanti kalo udh 20k subs, GA nya 20 subs channnie dikasih prem 3 bulan wkwkwk candaaaa

👤 kalo ada hirmin manips sama mb pingin ikut sebenernya tapi ga pede sama hasil karya sendiri😔

👤 Rajin jajan di Channnie cuma buat caper sama salah satu etmin cewek imot pendiem 😋

👤 Kapan hiring muehehe hhehe :)


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