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微软新开源了一个效果巨好的 3d 模型生成模型,效果好到离谱,干到了别家付费模型的水准
看了眼论文,他做了一种 3d 模型的高维表示,可以被解码成高斯溅射,辐射场,mesh等等
To tackle this, our primary strategy is to introduce explicit sparse 3D structures in the latent space design. These structures enable decoding into different 3D representations by characterizing attributes within the local voxels surrounding an object, as is evidenced by recent advancements in the 3D reconstruction field
就一次性解决了高斯溅射模型效果好但是mesh一坨 mesh模型mesh可以但是品质不行的问题
看了眼论文,他做了一种 3d 模型的高维表示,可以被解码成高斯溅射,辐射场,mesh等等
To tackle this, our primary strategy is to introduce explicit sparse 3D structures in the latent space design. These structures enable decoding into different 3D representations by characterizing attributes within the local voxels surrounding an object, as is evidenced by recent advancements in the 3D reconstruction field
就一次性解决了高斯溅射模型效果好但是mesh一坨 mesh模型mesh可以但是品质不行的问题