Dave Oneegs Aussie chat 💬

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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and who has opposed this tyrannical and cunning plan that seeks to enslave us all…

It has been an incredible honour and privilege to link arms with you beautiful people,
who keep our faith in humanity alive on a daily basis.

Thank you to every single person who has ever had my back during the darkest times.

Thank you to every single person who is wishing me a happy birthday today.

I won’t get a chance to write back to all of you,

but I deeply appreciate you more than words can say.

Thank you to my beautiful Mum Dianne who has been the rock at my side all these years.

Thank you to my late wonderful father Gustavo,
who taught me how to be a man that does not back down in the face of adversity.

And thank you to my beautiful sister Suzie,
who has been my guardian angel from the other side as well.

If there is one thing that turning 50 has taught me,

it’s that the years go by very quickly.

So let us not waste any time.

Let us strive to overcome the darkness that can be within us and all around us.

Let us make the most of every single day that is given to us,

because one thing I have certainly learned,
is that tomorrow is promised to no one.

I am eternally grateful for everyone who has supported me over the last couple of years and if there is one thing that I can assure you…

I will never just quietly go along with their agenda and I’ll never let you down.

one thing I know for sure is that in the end…


So never give up.

Keep the faith.

Be good to each other.

Much love forever,

Dave Oneegs
#birthday #fifty #lifeisforliving

1.7k 0 6 101 229

50 today.
Whatever that is.

I was born on this day in 1974.

Brought into this world by my loving mother Dianne Parkinson

The wild thing about turning 50,
is there’s now an infinite store of memories to look back upon.

I vividly remember the day we got into the Chrysler and hearing on the radio that John Lennon had died.

I remember what it was like when there was no remote control for the television,

and we used to argue over who was going to change the channel.

I remember the first time an ATM appeared on the main road of North Ryde,

and my mum took some money out of a machine in a wall.

We were astounded!

I remember the fire cracker nights in the late 70s and 80s

The whole street was ablaze with throw downs, catherine wheels, ball shooters and parachutes.

We chased each other around all night long,

lighting and throwing sparklers as high in the air as we could.

You could smell the barbecues up and down the street on a hot summers night.

Our dads drank KB beer and smoked Benson and Hedges cigarettes.

80 classics playing in the background.

Billy Idol.
Men at work.

The best era of music there ever was.

I remember the trip to the local corner store to buy a paddle pop or pack of footy cards.

We only needed 50 cents and we could buy so many treats.

Most of our time was spent riding our bikes and making our own fun around the neighbourhood.

I remember when the first hand held games came out.

We played Donkey Kong and parachute until our fingers hurt.

We had a Commodore 64 not long after.

And then we had a VCR machine and trips to Blockbuster to pick a movie were the best nights in the world.

All of those memories seem like a million years ago now,
back in a time when the world made sense.

Many of us are now realising the blessing it was,

to be the last generation to know what life was like before technology truly took over.

We used to call our friends on the dial up telephone.

We knew all of our best friends numbers by heart.

There was no such thing as the Internet,
and who could have possibly imagined anything like social media.

Life was simple and really beautiful.

What a stark contrast to the complexity that we are all now faced with.

I wish we could go back to those days,
but deep down we know they are over and never coming back.

I think many of us over the last four or five years,

have collectively mourned the end of the lives and way of life that we once knew.

We never imagined this peculiar war that we found ourselves in.

We could never have imagined that nearly everything we were thought was true,

has now turned out to be a lie.

The road map that we were told would lead us to a life lived happily ever after,

has been completely shredded by the agenda that we all face.

When they came for all of us,
with their masks and their injections and their border closures and their quarantines and all of their tyrannical controls…

We just weren’t buying their version of garbage,

And I for one was certainly not going to go along with it quietly.

I, like so many of you,
screamed it as loud as I possibly could from the rooftops,

that the lie of all time had come for the people of Australia.

But not many people really wanted to listen to us,
did they?

What ensued for me personally was a level of slander, harassment and hatred that is hard to even describe.

Because I was outspoken against the madness of the mandates,

I was trolled by the endless army of faceless cowards,
and the mainstream media wrote half a dozen fictitious articles,

trying to destroy my reputation and character.

Yet here I stand today,
knowing that we were all on the right side of history during the greatest crime of all time that humanity has ever seen.

Today I will celebrate my 50th birthday,

and I will give all the glory to God who has somehow guided and protected me throughout the last 50 years…

But especially over the last four or five.

And to every single person out there who has stood for the truth,

1.7k 0 10 102 234

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Last few hours of 40s
Post something high vibe in the comments below 👇

4.8k 0 43 184 92

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
For my brothers.

Never apologise for being full of fire, rage, aggression and intense masculine energy when required.

There is nothing toxic about being a man or masculinity.

Toxicity ferments in the absence of it.

Get strong.

You’re needed.

4.7k 0 14 26 138

Almost like they release this stuff on the same day just for mental fuckery
He pushed the death darts harder than anyone and now gets another prize lol
The man is a curse.

4.7k 0 24 47 151

Finish this sentence :
It is always everything else except the…

4.9k 0 27 102 53

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
When is the last time you sprinted at absolutely full capacity?

Be honest

Disclose.tv dan repost
JUST IN - Grand jury secretly indicts "multiple Iranians" on charges related to hacking Trump’s campaign. Details about the defendants and specific charges are not yet known.



4.5k 0 25 15 37

Just got this from Saname bone broth
Friendly reminder to use your discount code while still valid
An incredible product to improve gut health,

but is also a key component for adequate protein, fat, vitamin and mineral intake.

These delicious broths are so packed with vitamins minerals, protein and collagen,
It’s just a game changer when it comes to diet and nutrition.

You can use this link below and Peta will give you $15 off your first order

You can learn more about these powerful health benefits on the blog here 👇

Support Aus biz!
Get healthy!
Get strong!


There are now so many vaccine injured, sick and dying that the paramedics have to be given official advice how to deal with all of the vax injured.
Here is the Kicker though;
All the paramedics are injected too.

Is this why they are making a special statue of Dan Andrews?



5.1k 0 54 50 69

First time I’ve ever agreed with Alboclown
🇦🇺🇱🇧 🇮🇱😬

Could it be that the real virus is communism and Marxists attacking the food supply?

No, that would be a silly conspiracy theory.

Australia's tomato supply chain is bracing for disruption and potential price hikes, while hundreds of jobs have already been lost,
following the discovery of an exotic plant virus that has plunged three SA growers into lockdown.


4.9k 0 53 29 77

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Regions with high Alzheimer’s and low testosterone
If you saw my interview with Nathan Davis last night,
his water filters are on our website now.

Or go to 👇

5k 0 80 8 63

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Danny Hunchback to be immortalised with bronze statue
You have to remember these globalists are here to add insult to injury and their aim is to humiliate Australians.

I wonder how many days the statue would stand up for before it’s vandalised anyway.

I would argue he’s the most despised and hated politician in all Australian history.

Can you think of anyone more disliked?

4.8k 0 47 74 180

If this thing goes through,
I would suggest we go back to Canberra in unimaginable numbers

What do you think?

5.1k 1 20 86 345

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Bag sprints and combos.
Today is my last day in my 40s
Kinda crazy but I feel good and sharp.

No.. my technique is not perfect…
but it’s about progress and not perfection.
Most of all it’s about consistency over time.

I don’t wear wraps because I wanted my hands and wrists to be conditioned to hitting a heavy bag hard

My message to people is that movement is medicine.

Training saved my life and lifted me out of the darkest days.

For men especially,
hitting things instead of people is a very good idea lol

You MUST find healthy outlets to channel and release your most primal energies.

It’s also far better to be a warrior in a garden,
rather than a gardener in war.

Who’s training?
What’s your workout today?

4.7k 0 7 35 104

Both are 80
Interesting isn’t it.

4.8k 0 47 28 124

5.2k 0 66 36 70
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.