/ —at first ♡ To ensure you dont miss out on any information, make sure you have subscribed to
@deardoIly before you buy anything here.
/ —at second ♡ Transactions will be carried out at the first to avoid fraud and HnR, if someone do this, we'll report the fraudster.
/ —at third ♡ The only payment methods we offer are DANA or QRISS. Please note that we don't accept any trading system as an income method.
/ —at fourth ♡ Estimated processing time is 1-7 days and there is a queue so please be patient if your order is not in a hurry or in rush order
/ —at fifth ♡ All things here purely made by khaivy hands ^___^
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time. Dwells my roomchat if you have anything to ask! Heartfully salutations, Dear-dolly’s owner.