DeFeed | Metaverses, NFT, GameFi, DeFi

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha

We are talking about DeFi, GameFi, NFT, Metaverses and cryptocurrencies in general.
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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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90% of people in the market won’t lock in their profits and will end up right back where they started.

Only 10% will actually make money, and out of those, just 1% will truly transform their lives.

Why is that?

Because 90% of crypto enthusiasts act like lottery winners. They blow their newfound wealth on random purchases, trying to impress people they don’t even like. Afterward, they’ll find themselves back at the same level they were before their success.

The lesson here is clear: don’t be like them.

You’ve worked hard for years to profit in the crypto market, and now, this money can be your ticket to a life of freedom away from the traditional system.

Don’t waste it carelessly.

Sure, treat yourself. Buy a few fun things and enjoy them. Even splurge on something silly if you like.

But use most of your profit to lay the foundation for long-term prosperity.

That’s how you’ll break free. 💪🚀

The best way to make money with cryptocurrencies for most people is to buy when no one is paying attention and stay patient until it's time to sell.

🚀 By following this approach, you'll easily outperform the copycat traders who change their strategies with every 4-hour candle and always look down on "long-term investing."

Of course, the journey to the euphoric phase of the market cycle will likely be bumpy, full of wild highs and lows.

But if you stick to your strategy and position yourself wisely amidst all the chaos, your chances of success will be pretty high in the end. Remember: the only guarantee in crypto is risk! 🔥

The Secret of Trading

Losing a trade? That’s normal.

But losing a trade because you didn’t follow your own rules? That’s not normal! 🔑

Following your strategy is key to long-term success! 💡



Telegram Wallet fell after listing the Hamster Kombat token.

Are you ready?😂

Here’s what they want you to believe:

Trading = easy life + beaches + women + supercars.
But in reality, trading is not some magical way to make money, and let's be honest—no woman dreams about a man drawing lines on a screen. Sorry, but that's the truth.

Like any other risky profession, some will fail, some will achieve great success, and most people will land somewhere in the middle.

These traits can increase your chances of success:

- Motivation
- Comfort with risk + strong risk management skills
- A good understanding of numbers + patterns
- Luck 🍀

You don’t need all these traits, but they certainly help. Just don’t assume it’s going to be easy! Success requires effort 💪.

We tend to overcomplicate our path and goals.

If you're unsure what your life will look like a year from now or five years down the road, simply ask yourself:

"Can you see your next step?"

If the answer is yes, then take that step, and keep taking it every single day from now on.

This simple approach will guide you toward achieving your goals. Don't overcomplicate things.

Stay consistent and keep moving forward—your success is inevitable. 💪✨

Only 43% of users qualified for the eirdrop of the first season of Hamster Kombat😀

The "haircut" is done: Hamster Kombat has tallied the rewards 😐.

Only the top referral leaders received significant payouts. For regular users, almost six months of grinding, getting relatives involved, and watching tons of ads were valued at just $10-$40 (based on the pre-market price on OKX – $0.01).

Feel free to share your achievements and thoughts on the game in the comments—if you haven't been banned yet 👇

"One more major correction, and then the long-awaited upward trend may finally begin."

🌍 This seems to be the general consensus around the world.

But I can't help but wonder: What could go wrong? 🤔

In my opinion, since many people are still sitting on the sidelines, waiting for a big dump, the path of maximum pain might lead to an upward movement from here. 📈

After yesterday’s rate cut, the game has changed—perhaps it's time to take bolder action. 💡

What if the parabolic upward movement has already started? ⚡️

Are you ready for that scenario?

Don't get me wrong, though: from a technical analysis perspective, we still need to see a high timeframe close above $64.5k/65k for confirmation. Until then, another correction is possible. However, I don't foresee $BTC dropping much lower, and certainly not into the low $50-40k range. 💰

Stay prepared!

The worst-case scenario for most people would be Bitcoin reaching $100K, then $250K, then $500K, and eventually $1M+.

There's so much money on the sidelines from investors waiting for the "peak" that we might never drop below $50K again.

You have to realize that most people don’t have any allocation to Bitcoin right now.

This is classic game theory—everyone is trying to predict what the next person will do, and in the end, retail investors will probably make the worst decisions.

Don’t wait for the absolute bottom. You'll be able to buy less Bitcoin every week, month, or year as time goes on. 📉

Cryptocurrencies are a bubble that’s destined to pop someday.

Let’s be honest—95% of the projects in this space are useless. Their value is driven more by speculation and "future potential" than by any real, solid fundamentals.

But here’s the good news:

🌐This bubble still has plenty of room to grow before it bursts. 💥

Think about it:

Have you ever seen a bubble pop when no one’s paying attention to it? Right now, if you step outside the Telegram echo chamber, you’ll quickly realize that most people don't care about cryptocurrencies—at least not yet.

So, what’s the game plan?

- Send the market into the stratosphere.
- Attract as much retail investment as possible.
- Blow it into a proper bubble ($5-7 trillion).
- And then watch all the holders crash and burn. 💥

🤑That’s why I always say: ride the wave when the surge comes, but sell mercilessly.

If your plan is to HODL indefinitely, you're probably going to carry your investments to the grave, along with your shattered dreams of getting rich.

Don’t get me wrong—I’m very bullish on this industry in the long term. But before crypto can truly go mainstream, we need a major market purge, just like the one that happened after the dot-com bubble burst.

📈 Only then will the new Amazons and Googles rise from the ashes, pushing this technology to new heights. 🔥

Key takeaway: 💡Profit from the next big crypto wave, but don’t be afraid to cash out before it all comes crashing down!

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Buterin's seminal speech that is set to change the world of crypto.😱

"Most investors only make money during a bull run."

A lot of people repeat this idea as if making money during a parabolic rise is simple.

But in my humble opinion, this way of thinking is slightly flawed.

Earning profits during a bull market isn't just about luck.

Luck doesn't just fall into your lap—you have to position yourself to seize it.

What many fail to realize is that profiting from parabolic growth requires months, or even years, of preparation.

You must have:

> 💼 Earned enough money to invest.
> 🏠 Lived frugally to afford those investments.
> 🌴 Skipped vacations to invest more.
> 📈 Slowly built up your portfolio.
> 🧠 Done extensive research.
> 📊 Studied market cycles.
> 📚 Learned the fundamentals of investing.
> 🧠 Understood human psychology.
> 🔍 Immersed yourself in cryptocurrencies.
> 📉 Invested when no one else cared.
> 🤔 Overcome massive self-doubt.
> 🤪 Been called crazy by your peers.
> 🛠 Stayed consistent through it all.

And yes, this list could go on.

All of these steps need to be completed before the real bull run begins.

Once the parabolic growth hits, you'll need to:

> 💡 Prepare an exit strategy.
> 💰 Lock in your profits.
> 📉 Analyze market sentiment.
> 🐑 Watch what the herd is doing.
> 😌 Avoid greed.
> 🚫 Beware of endlessly holding on (HODL).
> 📰 Ignore the media hype.
> And more.

Throughout this entire process, 95% of people fail.

Only a small fraction of investors, the successful 5%, actually make more money than they ever expected.

So, to call these successful few "lucky" is, in my humble opinion, entirely wrong.

There are countless ways to make money in the markets.

Find the one that fits your personality and lifestyle best, and thrive in it.

It doesn't matter if you're a scalper, day trader, swing trader, or long-term investor—the goal is always the same: make money. 💰

The process creates events that others perceive as luck.

Michael Saylor plays the role of a Trojan horse.

In the cryptocurrency space, people treat him like a "messiah" because he constantly buys Bitcoin and speaks highly of it. But seriously, can you really trust a billionaire? 🤔

His entire strategy revolves around giving flashy interviews where he talks about the endless benefits of Bitcoin (especially when it's skyrocketing 📈) and posting AI-generated content with no real value. Yet, these posts gather thousands of likes and attention.

What's his real goal?
Is it to push retail investors into chasing Bitcoin’s peak, only to watch them lose? 🧐

Here’s a funny but not-so-funny fact: Many of these people are buying BTC hoping to get rich with money they probably don’t even have. 💸

"But wait, it's true that he buys and holds Bitcoin!"
Yes, but look at the big picture: Corporate cash reserves, convertible debt, stock offerings, and making Bitcoin the company’s primary treasury asset are risky and irresponsible financial moves. However, these decisions might not reflect his personal intentions. 🤷‍♂️

Have you ever considered that Saylor might sell his Bitcoin or even be forced to? Or that he already sold part of his holdings?

At the end of the day, he’s a capitalist focused on acquiring wealth, not blindly following some ideology. 🌍

With over 100,000 Bitcoins, MicroStrategy gives Saylor a huge influence over the market, especially combined with his public persona. But remember: Billionaires aren’t your ticket to a better life. 🛑

Stay vigilant and don’t be misled.

Trading is a psychological game. 🧠

Fear pushes you to break the rules.

Greed drives you to take bigger risks.

Impatience increases your fears.

Your mindset is your most valuable trading asset—make sure to develop it. ✨

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.