DOAM - Documenting Oppression Against Muslims

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DOAM - Documenting Oppression Against Muslims
Official DOAM Telegram Channel

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At least 21 civilians including 6 children were gassed ☣️ by Assad's regime this morning in Douma city, besieged Eastern Ghouta.

21 civilians including 6 children gassed ☣️ by Assad's regime in besieged Douma city, Syria
At least 21 civilians including 6 children were gassed ☣️ by Assad's regime this morning in #Douma city, besieged Eastern #Ghouta. 22/02/2018 #DoumaSuffocati...

For the past decade, #China has been openly demolishing mosques across #EastTurkestan in a bid to curb the influence of #Islam amongst Uyghur Muslims. #Uyghurs

#FinsburyPark Terror Trial: Darren Osborne turned into 'ticking time bomb' after watching BBC drama...

An unemployed father of four accused of carrying out the Finsbury Park terror attack became "brainwashed" and a "ticking time bomb” obsessed with Muslims after watching a BBC drama about the Rochdale grooming scandal, a court has heard.

On June 17 last year - in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Westminster, Manchester and London Bridge - Mr Osborne hired a van from a firm near his home in south Wales.

Darren Osborne, 48, from Cardiff became convinced all Muslims were rapists and belonged to paedophile gangs after watching the hard hitting Three Girls drama, which was broadcast on BBC One last May.

Two days later, at just after midnight, he allegedly ploughed into a group of Muslims who had just left a mosque in Finsbury Park, north London, killing 51-year-old Makram Ali and injuring several others, some of them seriously.

Baby injured after chlorine gas attack ☣️ on civilian neighbourhood of besieged Douma Syria
A father and his baby were injured this morning after Assad's regime bombed #Douma town in besieged Eastern #Ghouta today with chlorine gas ☣️, resulting in ...

Chlorine Gas Attack ☣️ - Assad's regime bombed #Douma town in besieged Eastern #Ghouta today with chlorine gas, resulting in 21 cases of suffocation among civilians including children. #Syria

Mohammed has been stateless for 31 out of the 36 years of his life. He cannot return to Palestine where he was born but has been told by the Home Office he cannot stay either.

UK Home Office tells stateless man: go home

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