Place of Simper 👻

Kanal geosi va tili: Indoneziya, Indonezcha

Welcome to someplace known as Chabeyya's Little Homie! He'd invite you to join his party! You're will feeling 💯% loved by The Котенок here! Enjoy the party! 🚺🚹
Party rules: www. @HalknyeonJu .com ¡!
Please contact the Kitten first: @HaknyoenRobot

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Kanal geosi va tili
Indoneziya, Indonezcha
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Kenapa gue jadi pemilik ch ini yah..

Haaai kalo ada apa-apa chat @Haknyeon_Roobot ajaya

Oiya unsubs aja ya aku maled urus chnya

Aku mau leaving juga, susul Cubu

Cubuuu, kalau liat chat @HaknyoenRobot dong

Free unsubs

Chabeyya itu....
  •   Pacar hyunjae
  •   Hyunjae's boyfie
  •   Pacar Jaehyun
  •   Hyunjae's mine
  •   Hyunjae's baby
61 ta ovoz

Hello, Mootsie! Can you drop your honest opinion about me? Feel free to fill anything and give your opinion about me, but please don't spread hate, ya? Thank you!

📝 Hello, what do you think of Chabeyya? Hmmm, honestly Chabeyya is... [And this is Chabeyya, @MenoIongin]

👤 I fin
ally found this after tracing back for years. Chabeyya, are you there?

👤 hiii siapapun yang liat ini tementemenku dulu huhuhu i miss y'all plsplspls you can contact @haknyeonbbot imy'all

👤 halo, kalo chabey baca ini. inget semachie nggak? 🤨🤨 aku kangen dirimu bey 🧎🏻‍♀

👤 cubu.. are you still there?

👤 sok imut.

👤 botmu gaada bey :(

👤 Halo Chabey, ini Cubu. How were you? Aku kangen kamu, tapi aku udah leaving nih, hehe.

👤 You're cute everytime and make me have a fat crush on you, sorry. don't make me die with your cuteness please.


👤 seems friendly and cutee af!!

👤 i think you is a warm person, i want to talk more with you, can we be friends?

👤 Cuteee and humble

👤 Cuteeee


👤 Cakep, pacaran yuk


👤 seems friendly and cuteee🤩



👤 CUTEST! 🌚🆖🆎💔🅰️🅰️🅰️

👤 cutee

👤 seems friendly :D

👤 cute, seems friendly❤️


👤 Pretty

👤 CUTE😻👍

👤 lucuuu

👤 gemess, friendly

👤 gemes, caring person.

👤 adorable

Which one is better???? 🧐

After hard training and anticipation, finally! “Thrill Ride” MV by an amazing group, The Boyz is out now on YouTube! Congratulations on this amazing comeback to my precious bandmates, Sangyeon hyung, Jacob hyung, Younghoon hyung, Hyunjae hyung, Juyeon hyung, Kevin hyung, Chanhee hyung, Changmin hyung, Me, Sunwoo, and our maknae Eric! Conguratilations for The boyz and alsooo for The Boyz rp-ers especially Nathan, Ezequiel, Garta, Jerry, Erico, Barasta, Rakha, Erison, Morgan, Blaise, Jeremy, Salvatore, Hilarion, Charles, Liam, Faiz, Ravienos, Jean, Ghiffari, Andre, Elan, Dalton, Jericko, Jelerick, Galatheo, Eren, Saka, Dejan, Reideregi, Jovan, Rakha, Panca, Sylvester, Aldean, Antares, Gemanta, Asher, Atlas, Galardo, Isaac, Benziette, Rascal, Nova, Kendra, Saelander, Adam, Sethler, Jeremy, Hakam, Sangkar, Hastra, Sergio, Jerremy, Jeco, Janaka, Joseph, Sunu and of course Me! Happy come back for me and my bandmates rp-ers! Stan The Boyz forra better life and don't forget to stream our M/V, The B!

𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗹 dan repost
Rp TBZ ayo saling absen. Jangan lupa sebut nama sama id

ㅤㅤㅤAphrodite. dan repost
📝 Drop your @ hereee

👤 @MinjuKjmi

👤 @athennj

👤 @aujaspr

👤 @h_aknyeon

👤 @Lovieables

👤 @Minjunamanya

👤 @JangGvyuri

👥 7 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Breaking Dawn. dan repost
the boyz esp younghoon rp-ers absen kesini dong, tolong bantu fw ya moots, hidden member juga boleh ikut absen, jangan lupa drop nickname sama username kalian ya 👍🏻

Mafiarealm dan repost
📝 mari sfs main acc sama Xell, drop @
homophobic DNI

👤 @teryeriyeri

👥 1 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

rubbie daily dan repost
Oh iya sekalian aku mau absenin RP THE BOYZ NIH! Kesini ya. Drop nick + id mu! Moots juga tolong fw in lagi ya, thanks..

7 Letters. dan repost
Rp tbz saling absen yuk, Kesini ya. Sebut usn sama nama aja

Neon Moon. dan repost
Rp The Boyz absen nama yuk. Ke @Hyunjaeslovebot ya. Jangan lupa absenin Salvatore 😁

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