Was trying to walk away and hold on, at the same time. That's the mind at war, with the heart. As we travel along this road called life, occasionally a gal will find theirself a little lost. And when that happens, has to let go of the, coulda, shoulda, woulda, buck up and keep on going. Whenever you feel lost, there are still 7 billions more people in this world left for you to meet. There are nearly two hundred beautiful countries for you to explore. There are so many new exciting foods you haven't try yet. There are still beautiful adventures to be had. Hold on. It's during those moments that we feel lost, but we are actually finding ourselves. You don't know what to do, how to feel, and which direction to lead yourself. When feeling lost, we tend to question every aspect of our lives, spiraling us out of control. People who feel lost often take one small setback or problem and extend it to other areas. Deficits in speed of thought and memory can become major contributors to feeling lost, particularly if we look back on a time when those abilities were so much sharper than they are now. One more reason to stay away from the drive-thru and start making food at home