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Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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ARKAIVGA dan repost
🔒 A whisper message to ethyourbae, Only he/she can open it.

ARKAIVGA dan repost
@ EthyourBae

S : Kesan pertama ke Eth orangnya botiable banget, asik, keliatan jametnya dikit + set upnya yahh 7/10

U : tbh sempet pengen gua petrus tapi lu kibar bendera dulu buat maju ke yang lain, jadi yauda ngapain wkwk + hug saja

N : Kaiga and Eth as the main characters in the last show you watched/book you read/game you played. + wm nya terlampir

G : lagu terlampir + 🤓

H : dating ke aquarium, terus lu foto sama ikan pari, mengabadikan momen berharga bertemu dengan kembaran + "Ethiopia 🥜"

O : hmm im not sure, date maybe? Or not? Idk + ship dengan ryujin

O : Semua kejelekan manusia ada di lu, taubat dah kata gua

N : gausa ya, mandiri aja sana ke pinterest

dni. @kangsseulji; bukan sulap bukan seulgi

Dino ungu :
--> one random song : ⤵️⤵️

--> prompt generator : Ethar is about to leave for work. Ravena asks them if they've forgotten anything, and Ethar gives them a kiss. Ravena turns red and opens their hand to reveal Ethar 's keys/wallet/etc., saying 'I meant this, but thanks.'

--> hot salty : sok kuat bener dah lu, jangan sok sokan deh ye, gimana si lu? kalo butuh pelukan mah bilang ae ke aa ethar tampan menawan ini, 24/7 ni siap sedia

velasya suicy @fIuffry

Dino ungu :
--> one random song : ⤵️⤵️

--> prompt generator : Ethar and velasya suicy becoming YouTubers/vloggers.

--> hot salty : sok imut bener dah lu, dikata gemes lu begitu? dikira lucu lu begitu? cute gitu lu gitu? iye neng iye minta digigit mah bilang ae

zea ārtͼ @zeagtha

Dino ungu :
--> one random song : ⤵️⤵️

--> prompt generator : zea ārtͼ and Ethar wearing matching Halloween costumes or ugly Christmas sweaters. Or any matching outfits.

--> hot salty : apaan dah lu sok cantik bener, cakep lu begitu? keren lu begitu? single kaga neng? 08 berapa btw?

chiara @mowcyeri

Dino ungu :
--> one random song : ⤵️⤵️

--> prompt generator : Ethar and Chiara holding hands because there's a crowd but not letting go when they get out of it.

--> hot salty : apaan dah lu make ava emak emak make baju pink masa kaga demen warna pink, aneh lu 👎🏻👎🏻

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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