Everyday Diaries by Nadh ❤️

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Here is the place where there's a lot of good sharing and some motivational quotes for you ❤
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be careful with your words. it cuts deeper than a knife 🔪


Baca doa ni sebelum buka media sosial 💯


if you had a bad day just because of someone and you are not crying for that, be proud of your heart. 💌


Idk who needs to hear this but sweetheart, you can be in love with someone and still be better off without them

Dont add salt to the wound. If you can’t empathize, stay quiet.

Banyak sangat orang tweet about 6-7k cases covid and still make it as a joke. Sorry. People are dying and you can laugh at this kind of thing? If you dont have any good word to say, just pls stay silent. People are not being sensitive. Their feelings are valid and many people has lost their loved ones.

Takecare everyone. Semoga kita dijauhkan dari segala penyakit berbahaya aamin 💫



Some reminder for you 💌



Salah satu kesalahan yang dapat menghalangi terkabulnya doa ialah ketergesa-gesaan seorang hamba. Ia menganggap doanya lambat dikabulkan, lantas iapun merasa jenuh dan letih, sehingga akhirnya meninggalkan doa.

Ini ibarat orang yang menabur benih atau menanam tanaman, kemudian ia menjaga dan menyiraminya. Namun karena merasa terlalu lama menunggu hasilnya, orang itupun membiarkan dan mengabaikan tanaman tersebut.

(Ad Daa' wad Dawaa' - Ibnu Qayyim al-Jauziyyah)


From the first place, if your intentions are not to stay, just dont — 🔐


Gencatan Senjata hanya berlaku selama 12jam sahaja. Doakan untuk palestin menang kembali. 🥺🤲🏻

How to handle your hectic days?

Here some tips! Semoga bermanfaat! Feel free to share ❤️


Rejection gives you the chance to better yourself and rejection often sends you somewhere better — ❤️


protect your feelings by pretending you don’t have any?


Develop what you have in you — 🦋


Please reshare this. We care we help ✨


Happy eid but dont forget to read this! 💋✨


Please spread this. Ada banyak yg ambil kesempatan time2 mcm ni. Please.


Please spread this and lets pray together 💔 This is so heartbreaking 😭💔


Helping someone through a hardship & seeing them happy is such a rewarding feeling, you never know whose prayer will save you from a hardship. So if you've the means to help a person do your best to help them. Always be kind If you can’t help, don’t hurt.


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