Jazzhands Unbanned dan repost
This is the last week of some major time-consuming stuff I've been working on for the past few months. It's all positive - if I could say what it was, most people would say congrats. Thankfully, once it's finished, I'll never have to do it or anything like it again. So, much to the dismay of my few detractors, I am well and FTN will return to it's regular scheduled White Boy Summer pogromming on May 21. For those who've been enjoying the Jazz Steves Goy on the Go series in Naples, Calabria, and Sicily, there's more of that content on the way this weekend and next. For those who miss the usual FTN content, it will be back soon. All things considered, this isn't bad for a show that has rarely taken a break in the past soon-to-be 8 years.