
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

(n.) Athena, Goddess of War and Wisdom, means praise; @ClIasical.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Besok gue lanjut deh, mau belajar. 🥲


Letter for Pia.

Pia, selamat malam, semoga harimu tadi baik ya. Dan semoga esok lebih baik dan menyenangkan daripada hari ini. Pia itu moodmaker, dan sepertinya memang moodmaker semua orang. She always try her best for everyone. Avanya Shrek, indeed everyone's mood. I rarely see you honestly, but I hope you're doing well. Gue pengen banget nyuri usernamenya. Canda. ENHYPEN's enthusiast? Ini gue daritadi ngira-ngira mulu, kalau bener gue lulus jadi cenayang, masuk University of Dukun dah. Pia, Pia itu kuat. Baik, kesayangan semua orang, bener ga? Yang jawab ga gue datengin rumahnya. Mood booster yang ga pernah lelah buat orang ketawa. Jujur tadi stalk dia, dan lihat pfpnya refleks ketawa. Orang yang menyenangkan dan enak untuk diajak gibah, atau ngomongin orang. I want to be your friend, can I? Pokoknya Pia itu harus dijaga, benar-benar lembut. Anaknya manis, kalau makin lama dilihat makin diabates. Pia, little reminder for you, you're worth it. Lo berhak bahagia, lo dibebasin ketawa dan nangis. Dan lo boleh kecewa, dengan catatan tidak berlebihan. Thank you for filling my board and be one of my 144 sweet mutuals.

Letter for Jershka.

Good evening, Jershka. Jershka ... Jershka itu apa ya? Waktu pertama ketemu, vibesnya cool abis, dan anaknya seru. Aura anak orang kaya dari South Jakarta. Channelnya Jershka kadang sampai gue pantengin saking asiknya. The friendly and have many friends (?). Description about Jershka itu tipe orang yang gampang bersosialisasi dan beradaptasi. Walau waktu awal ketemu intimidating, di channel dia ramah dan banyak orang yang sepertinya beranggapan sama kaya gue? I'm in love with your name, by the way. Kayanya chat kita ke hapus? I don't know, tapi waktu pertama chat lo anaknya apa ya ... Intimidating, dan polite. Seems so in love with frog. Nama Jershka bener-bener unique. Username Jershka juga unique, dan bener-bener eye-catching. Seolah kalau lihat oh ini, pasti Jershka. Jershka, remember, you are loved by many people, including me

Letter for Cybelle.

Hello, Cybelle! I don't know what's been going on with you lately. But I hope you are well. You know what? Banyak yang sayang sama lo, termasuk gue, gatau nomor berapa, gue maksain diri masuk ke-sepuluh besar sih. Kalau ga mampu at least 1 besar lah ya. Ga apa-apa ngeluh, nangis, kecewa, semuanya wajar. Jangan berlebih tapi, yang berlebihan itu ga baik. Kadang ada waktunya lo boleh ngeluh ke Tuhan lewat doa, nangis di doa lo. Boleh kok, Bel. Lo anaknya manis gue lihat-lihat, walau kita ga deket, gue masih tetep maksa masuk nomor sepuluh besar penyayang Cybelle. Yang nyakitin Cibel maju lo lawan gue, nanti gue bilang kaya gitu. Thank you for coming into the world and being a strong person.

Drop t.me sama nama kalian di sini dong.

Have you read my card and followed all the rules?
  •   Yes! You can trust me, Na.
  •   No, hehe, Na.
41 ta ovoz


Isi yuk, pals?

What do you think of Athena Roosevelt?

• Anonymous: Tes!
• Anonymous: Elegant
• Anonymous: Elegant, Classy, Luxury gurl
• Anonymous: absolutely attractive.
• Anonymous: Elegant, classy, and attractive
• Anonymous: gak tau lagi, kece banget. 🤘🏻
• Anonymous: Polite
• Anonymous: Good person, Elegant😳
• Anonymous: Classy one & so pretty
• Anonymous: pretty and elegant
• Anonymous: Elegant gitu, keren bangett
• Anonymous: pretty !
• Anonymous: pretty elegant.
• Anonymous: elegant 😮
• Anonymous: luxurious, elegant, pretty, heather and prom queen type.
• Anonymous: classy, keren
• Anonymous: elegan, cantik BANGETTT mau temenan deh
• Anonymous: pretty
• Anonymous: Super elegant
• Anonymous: elegant.
• Anonymous: pretty and elegan
• Anonymous: PRETTY AF
• Anonymous: cool af
• Anonymous: Pretty ...
• Anonymous: elegant
• Anonymous: classy and elegant ..
• Anonymous: cool

ㅤ ㅤ

Once upon a time, a woman sitting on the edge of the royal palace. The sound of gurgling water from the waterfall was heard. While the woman sat, looking at the scene in front of her. Footsteps sounded, making the woman alert and reflexively holding the sword next to her. Another woman came, carrying a thick book. The panic that initially hit the woman then subsided. Seeing that it was his friend who came. The girl who had just arrived then bowed, as if to respect the woman even though they were friends. "My greetings to you, Her Highness the Crown Princess." The woman nodded, agreed and motioned for her to sit next to her. "What are you carrying, Little Mice?" the woman asked with authority. "Ah here, I brought a book from the royal library. And I thought you would like it, young lady."

She handed the book to the lady. The woman looked closely at the book, the book entitled The Goddess of War and Wisdom. He turned the book over, trying to read the synopsis of the story. "Are you sure, my dear? This book looks worn and unkempt. Ah, I should have ordered the servants to check the library more often. Many books are buried because they have never been read." While the girl who gave the book just smiled and replied to the noblewoman, "You should read it, Princess." The woman looked up in surprise, as if asking for an explanation why she had to read the book. "Why? Why should I read this book?" Again the girl's figure smiled, gently stroking the princess's beautiful hair, "Because with this book, you will know how strong a woman is with or without a crown."

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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