Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Selamat datang di HALOALKANA! Terima kasih sudah meluangkan waktu untuk bereksperimen disini, dan jangan lupa perhatikan protokol keamanannya! Enjoy your time!
⌯ Status: OPEN
⌯ Narahubung: @haloalkanabot

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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PASEWA RENT: SOON dan repost
[Untuk mutual BA yang melihat pesan ini boleh kami meminta tolong untuk sebarkan ini ke kanal kalian? Bantuan kalian akan sangat berarti untuk kami, terima kasih!]


Syarat dan ketentuan:
1. Niat dan bertanggungjawab.
2. Mampu memperlakukan dan memberikan afeksi kepada client dengan sebaik mungkin.
3. Berpengalaman dan sudah memiliki testi.
4. Dapat menjaga rahasia.
5. Dapat berbaur dan berkomunikasi dengan talent lainnya.
6. Bersedia untuk membantu mengembangkan dan mempromosikan Afecto.

Jika berminat menjadi bagian dari kami, silahkan isi format berikut:
Telah bergabung dengan berapa agensi: (jika ada, sebutkan agensi dan username nya)

Send format ke @AfectosBot. Goodluck!

Ayuk jajan guys!

ikutan ya wkwk fp yuk di beli cakep cakep

Noma’lum dan repost
wts username fp

@leehangyulk b.o lee hangyul BAE173
@leedongminx b.o real name eunwoo astro
@dongcmin b.o real name eunwoo astro
@sojucng bo sowon gfriend real name
@sedjeongkim bo sejeong

15k - 45k nego
via dana, ovo, shoopepay

offer yuk usn bapak Chen 😉

()jongdae dan repost


❧ Based on Chen EXO Real Name
❧ Penambahan 'm' di depan
❧ start offer 8k
❧ offer = siap beli
❧ close offer 6 April 2021
❧ KB 1k, jumpbid allowed

Payment 💳 : DANA, QRIS ONLY.

♡︎. ethernoia, Open! dan repost
( untuk seluruh BA mutualku tersayang atau siapapun yang liat pesan ini, boleh minta tolong forward pesan ini ke ch mu? terimakasih banyakk!

🌙 MOONCHANT :: TODAY IS OPEN! dan repost
[ To anyone who saw this, especially our BA Mutuals, would you help me to forward this news message? It means a lot if you help me. Thanks a heap! ]

Hello, Moonchanters! We'd like to inform you if we are OPEN for BF / GF rent services. Starting from 3K you can get a partner to accompany you for a day! But before that, it's better if you read the Terms & Conditions that we have created first.

And finally, we are also doing a channel overhaul so that we can become even better. Please look forward to us and wait for the new version of Moonchant, blessed tele-lings! Happy purchasing.

𝕬rtsthetic, tomorrow. dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
[To all my precious bussiness mutuals and everyone who see this, would you forward this announcement to your channel? Thankyou so much for your help!]

To all of you who saw this message, hello!

Wednesday, (31/3/21 jam 20:00 WIB), @Artsthetics will open for the second time! What can you get in Artsthetics? Artsthetics is a store that provides you the best profiles with affordable prices starting from IDR 7k!

If you're curious about our profiles and want to get some, you can see it on our catalog. Don't forget to read the TNC first before sending the form to @ArtstheticsRobot or @TheArtsthetics!

So, what are you waiting for? Let's go to the store and choose your best profile! See ya!

Warunk Ibu, Open!. dan repost
[Dear all our mutuals BA or anyone who saw this special message, would you like to help us by forward this message to your channel, please? Thanks a lot!]

𝓡𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆, telelings! @WarunkIbu Open by bringing a special gift!.

If you order Bf / Gf rent, Upsubs, Jastip will get one ;

ㅤㅤ ★. Free Icons 2 slide (unslot)
ㅤㅤ ★. Discount IDR 5.000 (unslot)
ㅤㅤ ★. Discount IDR 2.000 (4 slot)
What are you waiting for, go to our store to place your order and don't forget to read TnC see u!😉

Nolife Store – OPEN ORDER dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish


𝐁ermain atau belajar, kini giliranmu yang memilih! Selamat datang di Taman Kanak-kanak penuh warna dan tawa!

𝐁adan boleh mini, tapi tenaga jiwa muda mereka tak usah diragukan lagi! Kini para balita siap bertempur melawan semua tanggungan beban hidup kalian.

𝐒ilakan melepas duka menjadi tawa dengan instan. Menjadi kesatria dadakan dan bertarung melawan tiga balita sekaligus juga ide bagus, bukan? Ah, atau kamu mau mengambil alih proses penghiburan anak-anak yang tenggelam dengan tangisnya? Tentu Boleh!

𝐍ikmati waktumu, tapi jangan lupa untuk tidur siang, ya! Hihihi.


𝐂heyshαe dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
[To all my dear BA mutuals and anyone who saw this message, can you please forward this message to your channel? I'm very grateful if you guys help me, thank you so much

Circinus : 1 APRIL (TOMORROW) dan repost
[To all my ba mutuals and everyone who see this message, please help me forward it to your channel. Thank you in advance!]

Circinus is a rental agency that will open on 1st april along with april fools, perfect isn’t? get ready to order when we're open. Check the pricelist first and we will update our talent’s profile really soon. Wait for us! Thank you🤍

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
[ Untuk pemilik/pengguna BA yang lihat ini, boleh minta tenaganya sedikit buat bantu nyebarin informasi sekaligus promosi berupa pesan ini? Terima kasih sebanyak-banyaknya! ]

Halo dunia! Kami @Haloaalkana, sudah siap meluncurkan banyak macam katalog yang akan resmi dibuka untuk Batch pertama: 28 Maret 2021!

Seperti biasa, lakukan pengecekan dengan seksama dengan membaca Terms and Conditions sebelumnya dengan seksama, ya!

Segitu aja, sampai jumpa di pembukaaan batch pertama! Ayo, jangan sungkan buat habisin uang di Haloalkana. Dijamin, worth to buy pake banget! Hehe.


— Nama :
— Username :
— Code :
— Idol :
— Color :
— Pict dari seller/buyer : (jika dari pembeli silahkan cantumkan fotonya)
— Replace text :
* Jungkook Profile:
* Name :
* Brithday :
* Zodiak :
— Payment : Dana/Ovo
— Additional request :

kirim form ke @haloalkanabot


°• Price : 6k/pair
°• Recolor : +2k
°• Material needed : 2 jpg

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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