That's not all! New listing announcements will appear in the next few days. 👀
⛏️You may notice that you are still earning:
— What is it?
🎰 So come on in, 👉 @memefi_coin_bot, spin your remaining spins =)
📍Even though mining has been stopped, you can still be active in the app! This will no longer affect the airdrop distribution.
⛏️You may notice that you are still earning:
⭐️ MemeFi Stars ⭐️
— What is it?
A valuable asset that will become the basis of the MemeFi ecosystem economy. 💥
🎰 So come on in, 👉 @memefi_coin_bot, spin your remaining spins =)
📣This is NOT Season 2. Something much more interesting!😉
On November 22nd, we'll be giving away some stock to our community as promised!