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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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I think there is a middle ground to be had between AF and the no political solution types. When it comes down to it, we all want the same thing (most of us at least) the only real difference is the way we go about achieving our goals. AF believes that we should utilize the current channels and power structure to infiltrate and work within the government and business to forward a Christian ideology. The no political solution types are of the opinion that the AF ideas won’t work due to the corruption/ gatekeeping that the elites use to maintain control. They would rather build their own power structure, usually in the form of self sufficiency and separation from the system.

I do not believe that the idea and methods are mutually exclusive, and in fact I believe that with the right leadership, both parties can work together and we can have a multi-level attack on the system. There is no reason for the lack of cooperation other than stubbornness and the belief that the wignats are feds and the AF people are grifters.

I know lots of people who would agree with the other if they sat down and had a conversation but they are too preoccupied with other things to reach a middle ground. They’re is nothing wrong with preparing for a breakdown of society and there is nothing wrong with trying to use existing political methods in order to achieve a goal.

In order for this to happen we need to dispel the rumors and accusations hurled by both sides. The idea that every AF person is a grifter or controlled opposition is bull. It’s the easiest and most secure way for young men with a lot to lose to get involved. Not everyone has the ability to simply drop out of society or incur the punishments we know the system is capable of executing. To have someone play within the rules and still try to make positive change is a good thing. The only reason one would be a grifter is if they countersignal you on key points. (Israel, JQ, The Church, white identity, Christian nationalism, safe and legal activism) Unless they are cringe on all of the above points, don’t assume the worst.

Equally important is the AF reaction to wignats and no political solution people. The idea that all of them are feds is also not true. Any person that you meet irl will 99% not be a fed, glowies only live on Twitter. It’s important to be careful of people who advocate for violence and illegal activities, they are almost certainly feds. If there are people who promote activism and preparation in a way that won’t get you thrown in jail that’s a good thing. The possibility of societal collapse is real, and political prospects are ever dwindling. If someone wants to prepare for that, then good for them.

The Legion dan repost
Legionaries made their presence known at the nearby Planned Parenthood. Abortion is MURDER and those who procure abortions ought to be held accountable for their actions.

Submit your activism pics to

Surprised that it took me so long to discover these lads. I have always been in support of irl activism. I had something in the books in order to promote that. If you need inspiration or want to share your activism, send it to these boys.

I always talk about comfort on here and it’s danger to a people. As the lockdowns temporarily subside, people who were active and politically aware now find themselves relaxing and ignoring the present situation. I am of the belief that the lockdowns coming to an end is only a temporary move in order to try and let the metaphorical boiling water cool down so we don’t get too crazy. It’s also being used as a massive propaganda piece for the vaccine. If you are being told that in order to return to normal, and once you see everyone else going on vacation and partying, you too are compelled to get the vaccine and return to your comfortable state of 1 year ago. But do not be fooled, it is only a feign. Come fall, the lockdowns will be back due to another variant, I think they are calling it the delta variant, and you will all be shoved back into your pens like the livestock they think you are. No matter how much poison you inject yourself with, no matter how hard you try to comply with the rules. They will never leave you alone. Ever. Try to internalize that thought and react accordingly.

Although I don’t support political violence, I think there is a necessity to prepare for violence to be perpetrated against us. It’s not helping that anyone who tries to organize some level of resistance is either a fed or his groups are infiltrated by feds. Some level of unity is required.

Remember this bros.

I watched a movie with my family and thought it was worth talking about. It was called finding a friend for the end of the world. The acting wasn’t phenomenal and the character development wasn’t great. But watching it gave me a much needed reminder of my own mortality. The movie was about the last 3 weeks that earth had before it was hit by an asteroid that would kill everyone. The story was a bit boring but the situation was worth exploring. If we knew that the world was ending, how would we react? Would we go to church? Would we improve our spiritual lives? Or would we entertain any and every perverse and sinful thought that we had? In the movie, the people decided to recreate Sodom and Gomorrah, characters even spoke of disgusting things like incest and reckless sex. The truth is that most people would choose to ignore their spiritual lives and fully embrace sin and evil. The people in the film were given a warning, they were told that the world was going to end and death was coming soon, they were able to choose their path accordingly. We are at a disadvantage because we have no idea when death will greet us. So we must live as if death could take us at any moment, because it can. The film allowed me to reflect on my choices and I hope that you consider your own death and live your life accordingly.

Happy Father’s Day bros, if you didn’t grow up with a masculine figure in your life, make it your mission to be that person in someone else’s.

I have been busy the past few days but now I am back. How is everyone!

Jewish power and our response

This is a post that I felt that I needed to do for a while now. I see many people waking up to Jewish power and control, unfortunately this leads many people down a rabbit hole of blackpills and can damage your spiritual life.

Before we begin, it is important to establish context. Jewish power and the Jewish question can easily be summarized in a few sentences. I would define it as: the disproportionate influence and power held by the Jews in the west and how they utilize that power in order to advance their agenda at the expense of ours. Jews hold massive amounts of influence and power in the west, look at the media, finance, politics, big agriculture, entertainment and more. They often use this power in order to forward the goals of Zionism, the great reset, NWO, and the opposition of Christians.

People who realize the power that Jews have often become overwhelmed and sperg out at the information that was just revealed. Many people develop a knee jerk reaction and automatically begin to idolize hitler and nazism because of their fight against the Jews. Sometimes people will even become pagans or denounce Christianity as a “Jewish trick”. It is important not to go down this path, although there is a lot of lies regarding WW2, I do not think Hitler is an appropriate role model for Orthodox Christians.

Now that we know the inappropriate response, we can talk about the appropriate reaction to Jewish power (this is from a political standpoint and not a religious one, if you want a religious one talk to your priest). I always thought of Jews as drug dealers at a party, you can only find them if you are looking for them, there are plenty of ways to resist Jewish control without being a retard. Try your hardest not to be in debt, don’t watch their news, don’t take their poison, don’t watch the porn that they produce. If you aren’t seeking out their degeneracy, you won’t find it and it won’t affect you.

Obviously, people who aren’t woke on Jewish power will not be able to follow that step, how can they avoid Jewish inventions that are supposedly normal. How would a normie know not to eat the bugs, get the vaccine, watch porn, etc. The thing is, some normies do not want their reality questioned, it only makes you look like a fool to talk about the JQ with people who don’t care or don’t want to talk about it. If someone seems like they are a bit based or on the fence, then it can be good to speak to them.

Codreanu said “A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.” This is the correct approach, as society improves and we become more virtuous, the prominence of Jews will fade with our sins.

Talking about the JQ is important, but there is a nuanced way to discuss it, try your hardest not to sperg out and make us all look like retards. Be smart bros.

Never compromise with evil.
Don’t belong in a Christian society. Never allow evil to take root, we live in Weimerica right now and it didn’t have to be like this.

Taking the vaccine is foolish, not purely because of any specific health concerns but because it is voluntarily making yourself the slave class. The people who took the vaccine think that it will “end the pandemic” all it really does is prove to the elites that you will go along with everything they want in order to return to normal. What happens when you need a new lockdown, or another vaccine, or a microchip? The people who took the vaccine just set another precedent for perpetual lockdowns or vaccination. Don’t be a slave bro.

Christianity month isn’t just a meme. I am vowing to vocally and spiritually challenge all of the threats that the evil forces of this earth use against a once Christian nation. It’s a time to rally as traditional Orthodox Christians. No more fags indoctrinating kids, no more drag queen story hour, no more “pride parades”. We’re done with it and we’re not afraid to say it. Resistance to evil by force!

This June is Christianity month. No more fags doing gross stuff in the streets, only the love of God and his Church.

rooshofficial dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
In a laboratory setting, human cells have been observed converting RNA fragments from coronavirus into DNA and then permanently incorporating it into the genome. If this holds true for the human body, mRNA vaccines therefore have the ability to make permanent changes to a person's genome.

Posting to see if comments work on this post, having trouble with people being unable to comment on the last post

Bashar is #ourguy

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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