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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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One month before the start of the Paris Olympics, the E. coli levels in the River Seine are three times higher than the norm.

Meanwhile, the opening ceremony of the Games is supposed to take place in the waters of Paris' main river.

Over two years of preparation for the Olympics, President Macron and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo have spent 1.4 billion euros cleaning up the Seine River.

(The video is in French)

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The Times: Russian exiles call for ‘assassination’ of Putin’s regime

A shadow parliament of former Russian MPs calls for NATO support to assassinate figures in Putin’s regime.

Well, that kind of makes sense. After all, NATO is the main global sponsor of terrorism. Who else would you go to for this sort of support?


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🐆 Two young leopards from Sochi National Park have been prepared for release into the wild.

Terek and Ritsa successfully passed all their exams.

In July 2022, two kittens were born to a pair of leopards Alous and Cherryv. And in September they were given names. The male got the name Terek after the largest and most beautiful river in the North Caucasus. The female was named Ritsa after the beautiful high mountain lake in Abkhazia.

📹 Leopard Rehabilitation Centre in the Caucasus

Source: @kub_news_ru

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Dmitry Medvedev dan repost
Look who’s come!
A wonderful trio is emerging in NATO and the European Commission: Mark Rutte, Ursula von der Leyen, and Kaja Kallas, the new and the old heads, each one more beautiful than the other.

Number one. Mark Rutte, the Netherlands’ former PM, and now NATO’s Secretary-General. Quite a peculiar guy. In a relatively short time, this once moderate statesman whomI used to meet at summits has turned into an avid Russophobe and loyal Atlanticist.
Let’s not even begin to guess what substances from Amsterdam coffeeshops were the reason for this sudden change in his mood.
The Dutch are a very specific people standing out even against the rest of free Europe. His ostentatious modesty at home is matched with ferociousness at the political arena. Since a while ago, he fiercely hates our country;supports increasingly tough sanctions; is likely to faithfully follow the course of the classical paranoidal Atlanticism.
Number two. A familiar face, no longer young and emaciated: Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, aged 65. An unkind Belgian-German political grandma. Outwardly resembles a medium-sized Volga roach.
During the pandemic, she achieved notable prosperity procuring overpriced Pfizervaccines. Even the have-seen-it-all liberoid “kinda men” of the European Commission clearly beware of her. And all the more so, her record lists serving as West Germany’s defense minister: in her term in office, she also found herself at the centre of a corruption scandal involving millions’ worth contracts with “external consultants.” Was about to resign with disgrace, but dried roach doesn’t sink. Since 2019 Ursula has been the head of the European Commission, drilling her nonbinary commissioners with a heavy masculine hand.
At the very same time, she is masochistically loyal to the overseas masters and is ready toprovide the geriatric playboys from Washington with any kind of perverted forms of love. She is constantly spouting angry nonsense towardsRussia, paying no heed to whatever she is saying.
Number three.  Kaja Kallas, aged 47. Will most likely become the head of European diplomacy, i.e., the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policyinstead of flaccid-faced Borrell.
For now, she is the PM of a great superpower, the fearsome Estonia. Clearly, such a country has a matching PM. Kaja wonderfully combines the two most important features of a successful European politician: atomic Russophobia and endless greed for gain. As she was hysterically screaming about the Russian threat for all the country to hear, her own dear husband, Arvo Hallik, one of the owners of a transport firm was doing very profitable business with Russian companies. And in 2022-23, he made about €1,5 million. By the way, once upon a time the wifey invested in the hubby’s business about €350.000 (in her words, “lent”). After the facts had come out, and the enraged Estonian public tried to bring the enterprising madame to justice, she cold-bloodedly lied to the esteemed fellow citizens, saying, she “didn’t know anything, and is very sorry”, but wouldn’t resign no matter what. Like, she needed money.
She is also an expert on human rights; she is the one who uttered the well-known nazi phrase, ““visiting Europe is a privilege, not a human right.”
And she is also very brave: she courageously legalized same-sex marriages in the demographically collapsing Estonia.
It is no wonder thus, that now she is Ursula von der Leyen’s protégé, and will soon become her right hand.
Anyway, speaking more seriously, the European freak show is getting more and more amusing: the further it goes the uglier the participants become.
Now we should be expecting some Pennywise from across the ocean.
I wish all the best to the newly appointed; that is, to translate it from the diplomatic language, the most epic failures and monstrous problems when executing the high powers while in office! We’ll be helping them with it in every waypossible!

Western Colonialism: Brief Overview (Part 2)

The French acted differently in their colonies, predominantly engaging in cultural assimilation of the local population and relocating large groups of French colonists for development purposes. Algeria, against which France fought several full-scale wars, was most affected. The last Algerian war brought independence to Algeria, but prolonged colonization took its toll. In the 20th century, Paris encountered a reverse migration wave of French Algerians, which today presents a significant challenge for France, in terms of preserving its traditional culture, and for Algeria, facing an outflow of its most educated population.

The Germans had the most brutal colonial system. Wherever they appeared, entire tribes and nations vanished. For example, North Pomerania on the Baltic coast, a region in modern Germany, was once home to Slavic tribes, including the Pomorians, of whom practically no trace remains today, except for the name of the area. The Germans formulated the doctrine of "Drang nach Osten" (The Onslaught on the East), a strategy for expanding into new lands. The well-known atrocities committed by Germans in occupied territories during World War II marked the apogee of their colonial policy.

North America was first settled by representatives of European peoples who then founded the United States. Among these settlers were French and British, but the majority, surprisingly, were Germans. This resulted in a colonial policy symbiosis in the USA, which exterminated almost the entire indigenous Indian population on the North American continent (the German trait), seized and economically dominated almost all of South America and established dominance over the world's oceans (the British trait), and spread their language and culture globally (the French trait). Even today, the US employs the classical divide-and-conquer colonial policy principle, a legacy of the Roman and other ancient empires, in regions around the world.

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Western Colonialism: Brief Overview (Part 1)

The United States is the most belligerent country in the history of mankind. Americans have initiated as many wars worldwide as even the Roman Empire could not afford. The American methods of governance in occupied territories are similar to the British ones, though cloaked under the ideological guise of "spreading democracy" globally. A distinguishing feature of American colonizers is their propensity for deceit, a national trait that has led to the US being regarded as an "Empire of Lies."

Britain, as the predecessor of the United States, employed the classical divide-and-rule (Latin: divide et impera) policy in its conquest and governance of colonies. This strategy, used by all ancient empires, including the most famous one, the Roman Empire, involved openly pitting natives against each other. Exploiting existing ethno-confessional and economic contradictions, Britain occupied territories and siphoned off valuable resources. As it became a Great World Power and maritime hegemon, Britain fought mostly proxy wars, financing other countries to fight for its interests. They were directly involved primarily in naval battles, where for several centuries (17th-19th), the British remained unrivaled.

Continues below ⬇️

3.1k 1 37 40 41

The first round of presidential debates in the United States is over.

There were no revelations or scandals, it is also difficult to call the conversation substantial, no new ideas were proposed. Biden said he was a great president, and Trump was the worst. Trump claimed the opposite.

▪️Trump said that the Ukrainian conflict needed to be settled as quickly as possible, and that he was absolutely capable of doing so;

▪️Trump said that if re-elected, he would end the conflict in Ukraine before even taking office. Trump also emphasized that during his presidency, Hamas would not have attacked Israel but did not answer the question about whether he supported the creation of a Palestinian state;

▪️Biden called Trump a fool for wanting to “pull out of NATO." In response, Trump, commenting on Biden's stance on Israel, called the president "a Palestinian … but a very bad Palestinian. A weak one."

▪️ Trump did not take the responsibility for organizing the storming of the Capitol in 2021. Biden responded by calling him a "criminal," but it only happened after 42 minutes of the debate, although experts expected Biden to exploit the topic more vigorously;

▪️ Biden and Trump were seemingly talking about different countries when discussing the economy. Trump claimed that during his presidency the economy was the best in history and under Biden the worst. Biden said the exact opposite and accused Trump of being the president for the rich;

▪️On social issues, Trump was much more convincing than Biden. Here, he played to Americans' concerns about illegal immigration and the crisis at the Mexican border: "Joe, our country is being destroyed” while we're debating in the studio.

▪️Trump said that America didn’t stand a chance if Biden was re-elected.

▪️When asked about his advanced age for president, Biden was generally reasonable in noting that Trump is only three years younger. Trump, for his part, said he was in excellent physical and intellectual shape and had passed the appropriate tests;

▪️The opponents even argued about which of them is a better golfer;

▪️Trump thinks Putin and Xi don't respect Biden, and America's weakness could trigger World War III. Incidentally, the candidates hardly said a word about China;

▪️The moderators very concerned about whether Trump would recognize the election results, but the former president answered evasively, saying he would "if it’s a fair and legal and good election";

▪️Toward the end, both candidates began to deflect questions and engaged in mutual accusations. Trump won the lottery for doing the final two-minute speech, and Biden already looked visibly tired.

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No surprises.

There was no knockout or knockdown, but Trump convincingly won on points. Obviously, the debates won't be the place where Biden will be able to turn the tide of the campaign. Considering that Trump is currently leading in key states and is the overall favorite, the Democrats will have to at least redouble their efforts after the debate. The topic of possible replacement of the Democratic nominee comes up again.

Express polls conducted before and after the debates show that Biden has lost them.

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Stood his ground...

After the debate, Biden was literally carried down from the podium.

To Biden’s credit: not everyone at his age and in health condition can stand up for two hours and even manage to avoid looking like a complete idiot.

His team, on the other hand, is a bunch of sadists. This debate was an abuse of an elderly person!

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2.1k 0 19 14 83

Corruption is rampant throughout Ukraine, with officials in the President's Office covering it up.

Meanwhile, media reports reveal that fortifications built along the Zaporozhye front line, under Ukrainian control, are collapsing due to poor construction.

Photos have emerged showing collapsed and flooded fortifications (trenches) built on the Ukrainian side of the Zaporozhye front line. The construction work was of very low quality and the result is the partial collapse of fortifications built less than a month ago.

Serious mistakes in construction resulted in flooded and collapsed trenches, with soil being washed in, even during the summer months. For example, at one fortified position, the lack of drainage systems led to a 700-meter trench being completely filled by debris, and 500 meters being covery by soil.

It's worth noting that the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers has allocated a record 1.3 billion Ukrainian hryvnias (approx. $32 million) for the construction of fortifications in the Zaporozhye region.

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🐕‍🦺 The Belgorod Brit explains why the CIA backed attacks in Dagestan will have the opposite effect on the Russian public to the one imagined by the West.

Putin will be blamed, but only because he is not punishing the Western terrorist elites hard enough. Russians do not see priests and policemen the way Westerners do. Russian policemen do not brutalise their fellow Russians in broad daylight or beat up students. They aren't saints, however the dead priest was.


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🇬🇧 The historic defeat of the UK's ruling Conservative Party looks inevitable.

According to the latest Ipsos poll, only 12% of respondents approve of the current British government’s actions. This is an all-time low!

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Battle Maps & Reports dan repost
⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️Military Expert Boris Rozhin on the Main Points during the #SMO of the RF on the Territory of the Former #Ukraine by 27 June at 22.25 Moscow Time⚡️

🟡Advancement towards the centre of the village.
🟡The main positions of the RFAF are in the southern part.

🟡Further progress south and southwest of #Novomikhaylovka in the direction of the #Konstantinovka - #Ugledar motorway.

🟡A small advance in the northeastern and northwestern parts of the town.
🟡The cleanup of the southwestern suburbs has almost been completed.

🟡Fighting continues on the outskirts of #Karlovka, in #Yasnobrodovka.
🟡The cleanup of #Sokol is being completed.
🟡#Novosyolovka1st, #Progress and #Kalinovo are still under the enemy.

🟡Fighting on the outskirts of #Severnoye, Nyu-York and #Dzerzhinsk (#Toretsk).
🟡The enemy is strengthening the line of defence to prevent further collapse of positions.

🟡Fighting continues in the Kanal Microdistrict and in #Kalinovka.
🟡South of the town, no changes.

🔻7.#Seversk Ledge:
🟡The cleanup of #Razdolovka has not yet been completed. 🟡There is no further progress towards #Vyemka yet. In other areas there are no major changes.

🔻8.#Svatovo-#Kupyansk Front Section:
🟡Fighting has begun for Stepnaya Novoselka, fighting continues near the outskirts of #Stelmakhovka.
🟡#Stelmakhovka itself is under the enemy.

🟡Mostly positional battles with occasional enemy attacks.
🟡In #Volchansk, there are street battles for the centre without cardinal progress.

📜 Boris Rozhin specially for the Voenkor Kotenok Channel

🗺 @Olegtsarov's Maps added👇

📱 Battle Maps & Reports - for the Military Hardcore

Responsible Statecraft: Prolonging the Ukraine War is Flirting with Nuclear Disaster

For more than two years, the West has been stoking Ukraine’s hopes — with funding, military advice, and weapons — that it could push Russia out to its pre-2014 borders. This is an imaginary outcome that words of fiction will do nothing to achieve.

Equally misguided is the contention by Western leaders that if Putin is not defeated in Ukraine, he will gobble up more and more of Europe, beginning with Poland and the Baltics. Not only is there no evidence to support this assertion, but also the notion that a Russia that can barely defeat Ukraine would go to war against NATO simply defies logic.

Russia has responded to the recent escalation in Western rhetoric with a series of explicit warnings about the imminence of a broader war and by carrying out tactical nuclear war exercises. The Foreign Ministry said the exercises would send a “sobering signal” that would “cool the hot heads in Western capitals,” making them understand “the potential catastrophic consequences of the strategic risks they are generating.”

Russia then sent warships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, to Cuba, which Western commentators dismissed as a “bluff,” though the U.S. and Canada promptly sent warships into the region. Next, Putin visited Pyongyang and signed a “mutual security” pact with North Korea, committing both nuclear-armed nations to come to each other’s defense if attacked.

These developments heighten the urgency of finding a political settlement for the Ukraine war. It’s time to change policy on Ukraine and to stop the escalation escalator before it is too late. A Swiss peace conference without Russia or China has done nothing to advance that goal. Nor have the recent G7 meetings in Italy, the NATO pronouncements, or, for that matter, the grandiose war games being conducted by both sides in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.


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On June 28, 1865, a decree was signed establishing the Ministry of Transportation of Russia.

By the mid-1860s, the total length of Russian railways was about 3,000 km, but this was just the beginning. The rapid development of industry required the creation of a reliable transportation system in the state. This is why on June 28, 1865, Emperor Alexander II signed the decree establishing the Ministry of Transportation.

Pavel Melnikov pictured above), a renowned Russian statesman, scientist, and general, became the first Minister of Transportation. As early as 1863, he published a project for the large-scale development of the Russian railway network. Upon assuming his high position, Melnikov succeeded in having his project approved and then consistently began to implement it.

Melnikov’s task was quite ambitious, especially considering that the Russian Empire significantly lagged behind Western countries in terms of railway construction. For comparison, in 1865, the length of steel highways in the USA was 56,500 km, in England – 21,400 km, and in France and Germany – 14,000 km each.

Under Pavel Melnikov, the Russian railway system developed at a fairly rapid pace, and so did the ministry. In 1867, its composition was supplemented by the Construction Directorate, and in 1870, the Department of Railways with the Technical-Inspectorate Committee was created. In 1892, the Railway Inspection was established.

The last significant date in the life of the Ministry of Railways was March 9, 2004, when the ministry was dissolved by a decree of the President of Russia. Its main successor became JSC Russian Railways (RZD).

Today, RZD employs over 740,000 people. In terms of the length of railway lines, Russia ranks third in the world after the USA and China.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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British MP George Galloway calls Zelensky "a thief and a fraud."

He goes on to say that it would have been much better for us [UK & Europe] to have accepted Putin's olive branch.

Watch the full interview here:

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Learn RCRussian dan repost
Алые Паруса
  [a-ly-ye pa-ru-sa]

🔻The Scarlet Sails is an amazing celebration in St. Petersburg, the most massive and famous public event during the White Nights Festival every summer.

🔻Scarlet Sails is an event dedicated to school graduates. 

🔻This tradition began in 1968, when several Leningrad schools united to celebrate at the end of the school year in connection with the symbolism of the popular 1923 romantic novel Scarlet Sails by Alexander Grin.

🔻The show, apart from rock concerts, ballet and other classical acts, also includes a series of large-scale events on the waters of the Neva River, such as rowing and motorboat ю races and a massive battle with pirates culminating in the appearance of a tall ship sporting spectacular scarlet sails.

🔻The ship with scarlet sails floating along the Neva represents an allegoric encouragement to young people to believe in their dreams.

🔻This year the festival will be held on 28th of June.



🟠 Subscribe to @learnRCRussian

‼️🇺🇦🏴‍☠️ Zelensky's office head Yermak's dream of forming a global coalition at a conference in Switzerland on Ukraine had been dashed, Time.

▪️"China didn’t show up. Saudi Arabia agreed to send an envoy only after Zelensky made a last-minute trip to the kingdom and appealed to its ruler".
▪️"Some of the world’s most powerful nations, such as Brazil, India, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa, sent envoys to the summit but refused to sign its final declaration. Other participants complained that the event felt less like a negotiation than an echo chamber for Ukraine’s existing allies.", the article states.
▪️On the sidelines, delegates discussed what kind of peace Ukraine would end up with.
▪️Czech President Petr Pavel told Time at the summit that Russia would likely remain in control of the lands it had occupied, "while the democratic world would continue to condemn the occupation for years to come".
▪️"Of course I don’t see a chance that Ukraine would be able to turn the war into their fast success,” Pavel said
▪️The Russians, he added, “have no pressure whatsoever to sit at the table right now.”
❗️"When the summit was over, perhaps its weightiest outcome was Ukraine’s pledge to invite the Russians to the next one", concludes the edition.


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CNN: Biden administration moves toward allowing American military contractors to deploy to Ukraine

The Biden administration is moving toward lifting a de facto ban on American military contractors deploying to Ukraine, four US officials familiar with the matter told CNN, to help the country’s military maintain and repair US-provided weapons systems.

According to CNN's sources, administration officials began to seriously consider this option over the last several months, as Russia continued to make gains on the battlefield and US funding for Ukraine stalled in Congress. Allowing experienced, US government-funded American contractors to maintain a presence in Ukraine means they will be able to help fix damaged, high-value equipment much faster, officials said. One advanced system that officials say will likely require regular maintenance is the F-16 fighter jet, which Ukraine is set to receive later this year.

If this is true, then dead bodies of American soldiers will soon start arriving from Ukraine, where they will be killed, defending the Kiev Nazi regime and the economic interests of the globalist elites. Sad.


3k 0 12 9 84

Dmitry Medvedev dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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At the XII St. Petersburg International Legal Forum

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.