Insignia, OPEN.

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Happy 200 subscribers, thank you so much Insigns!

Good morning, Insigns! Kita open lagi, if you want to order atau ada yang mau ditanyain dulu bisa langsung ke @Inxsignia. 🤍

Promonya sudah habis yaa, makasih banyak buat yang udah ramein. Kita close dulu sampe nanti malem atau besok, nanti kalau open bakal dikabarin lagi! Tapi boleh ordal kok.

Halo, ada sedikit perubahan waktu mengenai promonya nih. Promo debut kita (BUY 1 GET 1) masih bisa berlaku sampe jam 12.00 WIB alias nanti siang ya! Good night, Insigns.

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#YB ✿ these beloved people bestow their warmest greeting with these monochrome icons named DIMENSION (GROUP VER), price on comment section (Available for 3 - 12 people). Get yours by fulfilling the form below in the comment section.

#CAMERA #YB ✿ these cool people bestow their warmest greeting with these monochrome icons named DIMENSION, 5.000 (3 slides). Get yours by fulfilling the form below in the comment section.

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