After a long wait and a lot of hard work together, the moment we have been waiting for has finally arrived.
𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬_𝟗 - "𝐖𝐞 𝐆𝐨" M/V is out now.
Congratulations and happy comeback to fromis_9 and all of their rp-ers, especially:
Kalea, Bintang, Kejo, Soyira, Daphne, Joseph, Melisha, Aime, Naura, Louella, Jasmine, Arleanne, Mochiya, Drea, Alodya, Nisheza, Jiyana, Ashley, Tabitha, Shiona, Denisha, Arley, Tsabiel, Biru, Helena, Dele, Bita, Arlenne, Jessie, Narelin, Arimbi, Shaleen, Syaline, Adinda, Shalea, Alynn, Lidia, Shabira, Audrey, Kinaya, Sidney, Senja, Alenka, Fraysa, Alana, Anya, Mentari, Anne, Achiva, Lalika, Nate, Achell, Sadieva, Kina, Mala, Kaleisya, Ajesh, Adel, Karin, Ketrin, Kezia, Kirana, Mikhaela, Raia, Egidia, Ayne, Elijah, Rachisa, Delaney, Shilby, Disya, Clara, Ella, Amber, Cassa, Ariesha, Gemintang, Rissa, Naya, Halinka, Azeva, Kalea, Safira, Sashi, Nayla, Jula, Mouwr, Nakula, Kirei, Seraya, Kanala, Dhiana, Jebiel, Harley, Jeloune, Alana, Jenara, Seraphina, Baila, Kayoka, Nakko, Jemayu, Cameelah, Ardine, Shannon, Anne, Jieska, Shadine, Kanya, Lizzie, Chabiel, Sadine, Kinan, Kalila.
Let's appreciate their hard work by giving support and giving them lots of love. And for y'all guys, don't forget to streaming!!!