Web 3.0 Job | Крипто Вакансии

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Ruscha
Toifa: Martaba

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, Ruscha
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Senior Product Designer
#удаленка #senior
Company: STON.fi
Salary: $84k - $120k estimated
🔹Several facts about us:
-We have over 500K active users per month
-The TVL of our product has reached $174.1 million
-We already have a miniApp, a wide range of partners, and a large community — and this is just the beginning.
-STON.fi serves as the backbone for many TON-based DeFi products, including Wallet in Telegram
And right now we are looking for a Senior Product Designer to join our team to help us make our product even better!

🔹In this role you will:
-Collaborate closely with the product team, designers, developers and marketing.
-Create, analyze, and justify your solutions.
-Maintain and develop existing solutions.
-Design components and their logic, integrating them into systems and the product.
-Conduct author's supervision: what matters is not just what is designed in Figma, but how the end user interacts with the product.
-Transform complex systems and technologies into a simple user-friendly flow.
-We would be delighted to work with talented and passionate individuals like ourselves

🔹We expect you to:
-Be a hardcore Figma user.
-Have strong UI skills: remember about Aesthetic-Usability Effect.
-Be proactive, responsible, and self-sufficient.
-Think in product scenarios, not fragments.
-Understand that you are designing a product, not just drawing pictures.
-Enjoy working with details, tinkering with prototypes and animations, and bringing unconventional solutions to life.
-Know how to find common ground with developers and marketing team as well.
-Have written and verbal communication skills in English (B2 and higher level).

🔹It is a plus if you:
-Have experience in graphic or related design fields.
-Have experience in DeFi or Fintech.

🔹What we offer:
-The opportunity to be at the forefront of technology innovation within a forward-thinking company.
-A culture of empowerment, where your ideas and contributions directly impact our success.
-The chance to work with a global team of talented individuals.
Contact: https://jobs.ton.org/companies/ston-fi/jobs/40512516-senior-product-designer#content


Fullstack developer
Company:TON Tiger
Salary: $85k - $115k estimated
We are developing the game using TypeScript, NestJS, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Docker, React.js, Vite, Ton Connect, and the Telegram SDK.
We are seeking either a full-stack developer or several developers specializing in frontend and backend development separately.
The selected developers will collaborate with our CTO in planning, developing, and testing tasks.

🔹3. What we expect from candidates:
-Experience with required technologies.
-Proficiency in Docker and Github
-Prior experience in blockchain development
-Familiarity with TON Connect
-Professional experience starting with Middle Minus level

🔹4. By joining our team, you will have the opportunity to:
-Work on engaging and challenging tasks in a remote-first environment.
-Expand your expertise in blockchain development, decentralized systems, and token management applications.
-Play an active role in decision-making and see your ideas come to life.
-Be part of a collaborative team that values and encourages contributions from all developers.

🔹5. We have several hiring options:
-One full-time full-stack developer
-One part-time front-end developer and one full-time developer.
-Working time is flexible.
Contact: https://jobs.ton.org/companies/ton-tiger/jobs/40727491-full-stack-developer#content


Retool Developer
Company: Wallet
Salary: $90k - $106k estimated
-Develop and maintain internal applications on the Retool platform.
-Create and optimize SQL queries in PostgreSQL.
-Write JavaScript scripts to add logic and interact with Retool components.
-Integrate Retool with external APIs and systems.
-Collaborate with teams to understand their requirements and translate them into functional tools.
-Support and enhance existing tools and applications.

-Experience working with the Retool platform.
-Ability to build and optimize complex SQL queries.
-Proficiency in pure JavaScript.
-Understanding of UX/UI design principles.
-Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
-Attention to detail and commitment to high-quality work.
-Excellent communication skills and problem-solving abilities.

🔹Why it is a fantastic opportunity:
-Our business is growing at an exponential scale.
-Work in a well-funded startup environment with unique growth opportunities and a chance to join a rapidly growing company with a unique product.
-Be based remotely.
-Participation in the performance review and bonus programme.
-Compensation for medical expenses.
-Provision of necessary equipment.
-Annual vacation of 20 working days plus 10 paid days off.
-14 days of paid sick leave to support your health and recovery when needed.
-Access to internal English courses for continuous learning and improvement in language skills.


Marketing Manager Chief Marketing Officer
Company: Fanzee Labs
Salary: $54k - $68k estimated
🔹Key Responsibilities:
-Develop and execute marketing strategies for each of the company’s products.
-Lead marketing campaigns from concept to execution, including hands-on tasks (e.g., setting up email campaigns, identifying target audiences, and managing retention strategies).
-Conduct market research for both current and future projects.
-Identify and implement unconventional marketing solutions.
-Work on lead generation through innovative marketing approaches.
-Collaborate closely with product teams to effectively communicate product value to the target audience.
-Source and manage contractors for complex tasks, ensuring work is completed to a high standard.
-Continuously seek new channels for user acquisition and product growth.
-Quickly dive into and understand the marketing ecosystem within Telegram Apps/TON ecosystem.
-Utilize guerrilla marketing tactics and free promotion in social media.

-At least 4 years of experience in marketing.
-Experience working in startups or small companies, specializing in growth hacking and finding new ways to generate leads.
-Strong understanding of cryptocurrency ecosystems, preferably TON (The Open Network).
-Ability to work with limited resources and deliver effective solutions.
-Experience in starting and managing your own startup is a plus.
-Hands-on experience in all aspects of marketing, from strategy to execution.
-Ability to multitask and manage multiple projects simultaneously.
-Skills in working with external partners and contractors.
-Experience with core marketing tools, including guerrilla marketing tactics and free social media promotion.
-Full responsibility for completing marketing tasks and achieving results.

🔹We offer:
-A competitive salary package
-The opportunity to be part of a rapidly growing web3 company.
-A dynamic and innovative work environment, where your ideas will directly impact our products.
-Remote work flexibility with a global team.
-Opportunities for career growth and leadership development.
-The chance to work closely with a team of innovators in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space.
-Access to cutting-edge projects in the TON ecosystem and beyond.
Contact: https://jobs.ton.org/companies/fanzee-labs/jobs/40516024-marketing-manager-chief-marketing-officer#content


Привет, gaymers 🤝

Мы собираем рейд для эпик квеста – запуска Gaming/Gamble-проекта в Телеграм, на чейне TON.

🧙‍♀️ Нам нужен сеньор-архимаг бэкенда для прокачки нашего отряда!

🪙 Готовы рассматривать от 3000 USDT.
(Оплата только в крипте)

Твоя миссия (если ты ре
шишься её принять):
• Создать мощный движок д
ля нашего webapp в Telegram
• Встроить магию блокчейна TON в игровую механику
• Сковать мифические API для фронта и смарт-контрактов
• Укрепить защиту, прокачать производительность и расширить границы нашего мира
• Стать архитектором вселенной нашего приложения

Требования к персу:
• 5+ лет в подземельях бэкенд-разработки
• Мастерство владения Node.js и опыт призыва Express.js или Koa
• Навык общения с духами блокчейна, особенно с TON
• Владение тайными свитками JavaScript/TypeScript
• Опыт создания систем, способных выдержать нашествие орды пользователей
• Искусство создания RESTful API
• Мудрость баз данных (SQL и NoSQL)
• Понимание тёмных искусств криптографии и защиты веб-крепостей
• Умение управлять Docker-кораблями и CI/CD-караванами
• Знание боевых тактик Agile/Scrum

Бонусные очки опыта за:
• Создание ботов-помощников или веб-приложений для Telegram
• Мастерство написания смарт-контрактов
• Владение WebSocket для мгновенной телепатии с игроками

Награда за квест:
• Шанс стать легендарным разработчиком в мире TON
• Работа с продвинутыми технологиями и командой энтузиастов
• Мешочек золота и возможная доля в сокровищах проекта
• Свободный график и возможность творить магию из любой точки мира

🏆 Для связи с Гильдией Разработчиков:

⚡️ Запуск вашего крипто проекта под ключ: быстро, четко и по делу! ⚡️

Мы — команда специалистов с 8-летним стажем в сфере блокчейна и Web3.
За нашими плечами множество громких и успешных проектов: от токенов и смарт-контрактов до сложных DeFi-приложений.

Наша техническая команда:
* Тех лид — гуру в управлении крупными проектами. Его опыт позволяет четко контролировать все процессы и координировать работу слаженной команды на всех этапах.
* Solidity-инженер — входит в топ 5 лучших создателей смарт-контрактов в мире, которые успешно работают в реальных проектах. Знает, как минимизировать риски и создавать безопасные контракты, чтобы вы могли спать спокойно.
* Frontend-разработчик — React, Vue, js, делает динамичные и отзывчивые интерфейсы, которые летают. Глубоко разбирается в современных решениях для web3 и умеет их грамотно интегрировать, чтобы пользователи не испытывали ни малейших задержек с работой вашего продукта.
* Backend-разработчик на Go и Node.js — специалист высоконагруженных систем, знает как строить надежный бэкенд для безотказной работы и дальнейшего масштабирования. Каждый проект, от простых приложений до сложных DeFi-систем, готов к взрывному росту без лагов и перерывов на обслуживание.
* DevOps — CI/CD в гите с авторазвертыванием на AWS, обеспечивает мониторинг, защиту от DDoS, благодаря чему ваш проект работает без сбоев. Мы тщательно следим за масштабируемостью, отказоустойчивостью и скоростью.
* Web3-дизайнер — создает максимально интуитивный ux/ui для блокчейн-приложений, понимая, как работает пользовательский путь в Web3-пространстве. Он не просто рисует, а создает удобные и понятные интерфейсы, чтобы вашим пользователям было легко и приятно взаимодействовать с продуктом.

Мы готовы стать вашей надежной опорой в мире криптотехнологий и помочь воплотить амбициозные идеи в жизнь.
Давайте создавать будущее вместе!

Контакт: @Eva_Nitro

Вакансия: Сеньор Frontend-разработчик (Flutter + Next.js)

Мы - стартап, удаленная команда, разрабатываем web3 платформу токенизации трендов популярности.

Ищем опытного фронтенд-разработчика, который поможет нам развивать проект на Flutter, начиная с создания админки для смарт-контракта. Наш текущий фронт построен на Next.js, поэтому нам нужен специалист, который хорошо владеет Flutter и способен поддерживать разработку на Next.js.

Что вам предстоит:
- Разработка и развитие админ-панели и ММ терминала для смарт-контракта на Flutter, используя SDK;
- Поддержка и улучшение текущего фронта на Next.js;
- Взаимодействие с командой для реализации новых фич и улучшения UX/UI;
- Внесение предложений по оптимизации архитектуры.

- Глубокий опыт работы с Flutter;
- Уверенные знания Next.js;
- Опыт работы с REST API, RPC и интеграцией смарт-контрактов;
- Знание принципов responsive design;
- Умение работать в команде, готовность помогать другим разработчикам.

Будет плюсом:
- Опыт работы с блокчейном и Web3;
- Знание работы смарт-контрактов на Solana и децентрализованных приложений.

Мы предлагаем:
- Удалённую работу с гибким графиком;
- Возможность влиять на архитектуру и ключевые решения проекта;
- Конкурентную зарплату;
- Участие в амбициозном и развивающемся проекте.

Присылайте своё резюме и портфолио - @alexntx

Solana Rust Developer
Company: Bjak
Salary: $72k - $100k estimated
🔹Key Responsibilities
-Design, develop, and deploy smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) to power our stablecoin infrastructure.
-Build and maintain secure, efficient, and scalable blockchain solutions focused on stablecoin functionality.
-Implement and manage smart contracts that ensure the stablecoin's price stability, including algorithms for collateral management and reserve protocols.
-Collaborate with the product, finance, and compliance teams to integrate the stablecoin into financial ecosystems and payment networks.
-Conduct thorough testing and audits of smart contracts to ensure security and compliance.
-Develop tools and APIs to integrate the stablecoin with various decentralized and centralized platforms.
-Research and implement emerging technologies and protocols in the stablecoin and DeFi space.
-Optimize blockchain transaction speeds, minimize gas fees, and improve the user experience.
-Monitor and enhance the security of the stablecoin network, including risk mitigation and incident response.
-Participate in code reviews, contribute to architectural decisions, and mentor junior developers.
-Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field.
-Extensive experience as a Software Engineer with a strong focus on blockchain technologies.
-Deep expertise in blockchain platforms such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, or Layer 2 solutions.
-Proficiency in programming languages such as Solidity or Rust.
-Hands-on experience with Cairo for Starknet, Ton, or similar platforms.
-Proven track record in smart contract development, testing, and deployment, particularly for stablecoin or DeFi projects.
-In-depth knowledge of consensus algorithms, cryptography, and decentralized finance (DeFi) principles.
-Experience with blockchain scaling techniques, including Layer 2 solutions and sidechains.
-Strong understanding of economic models behind stablecoins, including both collateralized and algorithmic designs.
-Familiarity with security best practices in smart contract development and blockchain systems.
-Practical experience with version control systems (e.g., Git) and CI/CD tools.

🔹Preferred Qualifications
-Experience working with or developing stablecoin projects.
-Knowledge of regulatory frameworks surrounding digital assets and stablecoins.
-Familiarity with on-chain/off-chain oracles, liquidity pools, and cross-chain solutions.
-Experience with decentralized governance models.
-Contributions to open-source blockchain projects.

Remote work
Do something meaningful; Be a part of the future of finance technology and the no.1 company in the industry!
Fast moving, challenging and unique business problems
Attractive remuneration and performance incentives
Strong learning and development plans for your career growth
International work environment and flat organization
Competitive salary
Flexible working hours & arrangement
Contact: https://apply.workable.com/bjak-1/j/5377745cd9/


Crypto Finance Brand Manager
Company: CAIZ
Salary: $71k - $100k estimated
We are in search of an experienced Brand Manager to lead efforts in building and enhancing our brand identity while increasing brand awareness. In this crucial role, you will collaborate closely with all levels and departments of our company to discern the unique aspects that set us apart in our industry and market.

-Shape and effectively communicate our company's vision and mission, ensuring alignment with the brand identity
-Translate brand elements, values, and guidelines into comprehensive plans and go-to-market strategies to drive brand success
-Take the lead in creative development efforts, aiming to inspire the target audience to take desired actions that align with the brand's objectives
-Prepare detailed performance specifications, cost and pricing parameters, market applications, and revenue estimates to support brand initiatives
-Measure and report the performance of all marketing campaigns, assessing their return on investment and metrics
-Stay vigilant about market trends, conduct research on consumer markets, and closely monitor competitor activities to identify opportunities and challenges
-Continuously monitor both new and ongoing marketing and promotional activities, ensuring they align with the brand's core values and objectives
-Keep a close eye on product distribution and consumer responses, making adjustments as needed to enhance brand positioning
-Develop innovative growth strategies that are in line with the brand's identity and goals
-Ensure the alignment of the company's decision-making, tactics, and direction with the established brand identity

-3+ years of work experience in a Brand Manager role
-Knowledge or experience in Finance and/or Decentralized Finance and/or -Cryptocurrency/Blockchain
-Proven ability to develop brand and marketing strategies and provide recommendations to senior management, demonstrating a track record of successful strategic planning
-Experience in identifying target audiences and creating effective marketing campaigns that resonate with and engage the intended demographic
-Excellent knowledge of the overall marketing mix, including a deep understanding of product, price, place, and promotion considerations
-Possession of strong analytical skills complemented by a creative mindset, enabling the development of data-driven but imaginative marketing solutions
-Data-oriented thinking, with a strong affinity for numbers, allows for the effective use of data and analytics in decision-making and strategy refinement
-Ability to strategize and solve problems, addressing challenges in brand and marketing efforts with a goal-oriented and proactive approach
-Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, facilitating effective collaboration with team members, senior management, and external partners to convey the brand's message and objectives
Contact: https://join.com/companies/caiz/12470408-crypto-finance-brand-manager


Program Manager
Company: Starknet Foundation
Salary: $72k - $156k estimated
• Optimize and measure workflows and processes using tools such as CRM, Databasing tools like Notion, GSuite, Monday.com, etc.
• Conduct research, collect & synthesize feedback, and drive the built-out of systems that provide scaled ticketing and tech support to the long tail of ecosystem members.
• Triage internal and external requests, helping to direct inquiries to the most appropriate point of contact and ultimately helping close the feedback loop.
• Deeply integrate and understand the internal working operations of our teams, utilizing tools to bring about efficiencies in the org and collaborating on company-wide processes and systems.

• 3+ years of relevant experience in Operations, Programs, Analytics or a similar function.
• Expert at organizing, synthesizing and understanding data in order to identify inefficiencies and drive solutions.
• Obsessed with tools and systems - someone who understands the internal workings and plumbing of an org and can identify and onboard new solutions.
• Organized, analytical and incredible effective at working cross-functionally in collaboration with a variety of teams and levels.
• Entrepreneurial experience or background in I-banking, Consulting, VC, or start-ups preferred.
• Experience and understanding of the web3 industry, including working with developers & grants programs is strongly preferred.
Contact: https://jobs.lever.co/starknet/a7a1c1af-840e-44a3-a9a0-f3ba6ee80774/apply


🔥Вакансии прошедшей недели

1.Hiring Brand Ambassadors, Компания:
2.Digital Asset Markets Analyst, Компания:

1.Senior Software Engineer Platms, Компания:
OP Labs(удаленка)
2.Senior Software Engineer Frontend, Компания:
Aurora Labs(удаленка)
3.Site Reliability Engineer, Компания:
Asymmetric Research(удаленка)
4.Senior Rust Engineer, Компания:
Neon EVM(удаленка)
5.Head of Social and Product Marketing, Компания:

🔼Навигация по вакансиям:
#intern #junior #senior #middle
#100k #200k #300k #400k #500k

Solutions Engineer
Salary: $72k - $90k estimated
🔹What you’ll do
-You will work with 100s of external teams to help them build on Socket by providing technical assistance, crisp/clear communication, educating them and helping them win long-term
-You will develop content and code(CLIs, developer tooling etc), documentation, diagrams or whatever else is needed by external teams to understand and build on Socket clearly
-You will work with our engineering, product and business development teams and help them ingest insights from your work with external teams
-You will be reading code, debugging, and reading between the lines, logs will be an everyday thing and correspond with integrators

🔹Who you are
-You can be in 100s of different telegram, slack, discord, and email threads and manage them while being productive
-You have helped build an ecosystem from 0→1 before in some capacity
-You have written production code before and have an “I can figure it out” attitude
-You can question, reason, and prioritise feedback
-You deeply value good and clear communication and collaboration

🔹Why work with us
-Our product has real scale, reaching millions of people in crypto and beyond today.
-As a team of builders, we prioritize impact over everything else.
-Our team fosters a positive atmosphere, with all of us striving for the best for each other and our chain abstraction mission.
-We're tackling an ambitious problem, working on a mission that is extremely challenging yet fun and holds high-impact potential for the entire crypto industry.
Contact: https://job-boards.greenhouse.io/socket/jobs/4053244008


Head of Social and Product Marketing
#удаленка #lead
Company: Zora
Salary: $32k - $90k estimated
🔹Skills we're looking for
-Deep understanding of creators, internet culture and the rapidly shifting crypto landscape Demonstrated ability to create and optimize product marketing and social campaigns Ability to context switch and manage multiple concurrent projects with ease Proven track record in scaling user bases for consumer apps or social platforms Excellent leadership and communication (written and verbal) skills, with the ability to influence cross-functional stakeholders

🔹We'd love it if you had
-Bachelor's degree in a relevant field Minimum of 5 years of experience in a marketing role
-Benefits Zora provides top quality medical, dental, and vision insurance, with a flexible time-off policy, equity, and additional company perks (including stipends for: L&D, internet/phone bill, Ease of Life, and more!).
Contact: https://job-boards.greenhouse.io/zora/jobs/5314624004


Head of Product
#удаленка #lead
Company: Klink Finance
Salary: $105k - $120k estimated
🔹Role Responsibilities
-Execute Product Roadmap: Implement and manage the product roadmap for Klink’s website, mobile, and web app, ensuring it aligns with the overall business goals.
-Detailed Requirement Gathering: Work closely with stakeholders to gather detailed product requirements and translate them into actionable tasks.
-Sprint Planning and Execution: Organize and lead sprint planning sessions, ensuring timely delivery of product features and improvements.
-Backlog Management: Maintain and prioritize the product backlog, ensuring clarity and alignment with strategic goals.
-Quality Assurance: Oversee the QA process to ensure the delivery of high-quality features and product enhancements.

-We do not focus on the time you have spent sitting in the lecture halls of this world but we want to understand what makes you feel comfortable, extraordinarily motivated and suitable to take over this position. We are looking for a team member who feels comfortable working remotely and in English in an international environment with a self-driven “Get stuff done” mindset.

🔹What skills do you bring?

-4+ years of professional experience in product ownership or product management, preferably within web3 or fintech sectors.
-Strong experience in executing product roadmaps and managing backlogs.
-Expertise in using product management tools such as JIRA, Asana, or similar.
-Excellent communication skills, with the ability to work with diverse teams in a dynamic, fast-paced environment.
-Proven track record of successfully leading product initiatives from conception to launch.
-Strong analytical skills and the ability to use data to drive decision-making.
-Hands-on experience with Agile methodologies and sprint planning.
-Familiarity with QA processes and the ability to ensure high-quality product delivery.

🔹Why you should join us
-Join at an executive level and be involved in decisions that shape the company’s brand and feel
-Work with us from Berlin or remotely and enjoy regular team events and occasional travel across the globe
-Competitive salary and token incentives
-Take a trip with a forming team of highly skilled individuals who will always support you on this journey
Contact: https://join.com/companies/klinkfinance/12373496-head-of-product-at-web3-crypto-app-first-in-product-team


Protocol Engineer
Company: Phylax
Salary: $84k - $125k estimated
-Contribute to the Phylax Credible Layer by designing and implementing smart contracts.
-Research, apply, and invent new mechanisms that are peripheral to the Credible Layer protocol.
-Lead the architecture and implementation of the Phylax Credible Layer and peripheral onchain protocols.

🔹About you

-Experience in building and releasing production-grade Solidity smart contracts
-Understanding of mechanisms and tokenomics ( e.g EIP-1559 )
-Prior experience in architecting and deploying complex smart contracts in production
-Experience with Rust and using ZKVMs for onchain or offchain protocols ( You should feel comfortable building on RSP or Steel )

🔹Why join us
-Be part of the Phylax Founding team.
-Work on one of the most challenging topics in web3.
-Be the owner of your project and build it from the ground up.
-Deeply impactful work for the entire industry.
-You’ll join a team that appreciates and embraces shitposting.

🔹What we offer
-Flexible PTO
-Health Insurance
-Major industry conferences and events covered
-Remote-first, with a hub in NYC
-New MacBook
Contact: https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/phylax/f197cc58-9351-4b85-a478-6d47cc2bb0fb


Smart Contract Rust Developer
Company: OpenZeppelin
Salary: $105k - $180k estimated
🔹You have
-3+ years of experience in software development.
-2 years of experience developing Smart Contracts (Solidity or other languages)
-2+ years of Rust programming experience.
-Good understanding of security concerns in the Ethereum ecosystem.
-Interested in or knowledgeable about Ethereum L2s.
-Prior experience working remotely: strong personal organizational skills, a love for self-time management, and ability to work collaboratively with a team.
-Advanced English communication skills — all of our internal and external communication is in English.

🔹Nice to have
-Experience contributing to open source projects.
-Experience writing smart Contracts in Rust (Cairo, Solana, etc)
-Understanding of cryptography, elliptic curves and some experience developing cryptography libraries

This is a 100% remote position with no travel required but we are only hiring in the following time zone range:
UTC -7 to UTC +3
Our interview process takes place on Zoom and tends to consist of the following stages:
Recruiter Call (45 minutes)
Hiring Manager Interview (1 hour)
Team Interview (1 hour)
Leadership Interview (30 minutes)
Paid work test (up to 10 days to complete the assignment)
Reference checks
Contact: https://boards.greenhouse.io/embed/job_app?token=6118111003&source=web3.career&gh_src=web3.career#application_form


Senior Rust Engineer
#удаленка #senior
Company: Neon EVM
Salary: $84k - $150k estimated
🔹Your Responsibilities
Main Tasks (60-70%):
Architect, develop, and optimize high-performance services to support decentralized applications on the Neon platform.
Design and maintain infrastructure components crucial to the performance and scalability of the Neon EVM.
Conduct deep research into blockchain architectures to identify improvements that align with Neon’s business goals.
Additional Tasks (30-40%):
Collaborate with clients to address complex technical challenges during integration with the Ethereum ecosystem.
Analyze and simplify complex problems, providing efficient, scalable solutions for a decentralized environment.

🔹Skills, Nice to Have, and Strong Plus:
-Expertise in Rust, with a proven track record in building high-performance services.
-Experience working with infrastructure components such as databases, network protocols, and distributed systems.
-Familiarity with GNU/Linux and Python is advantageous.
-Experience in blockchain or decentralized application development is a plus.

-Competitive salary 💰
-Health insurance compensation 🏥
-Working in a disruptive and fast-growing industry where the possibilities are endless 🚀
-Fully remote: your life, your way of working 🌎
-Freedom, autonomy, and responsibility
Contact: https://jobs.solana.com/companies/neon-evm-2/jobs/40284618-senior-rust-engineer#content


Site Reliability Engineer
Company: Asymmetric Research
Salary: $105k - $180k estimated
-Manage a globally distributed fleet of blockchain infrastructure services
-Deploy infrastructure as code deployments to both dev, staging, and production environments
-Work in a globally distributed high performing team to deliver mission-critical services to the financial sector.
-Design, Architect, Deploy, and Manage blockchain infrastructure services.
-Adhere to the highest standards of integrity, trust, and professionalism.

5+ years of experience
-Excellent experience managing Linux and network infrastructure.
-Experience with load balancers and other high-availability technologies (e.g., HAproxy, ALB/ELB, etc.)
-Prior experience with configuration management tooling (eg. Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Saltstack, etc.)
-Excellent troubleshooting fundamentals on both hardware and software.
-Development experience in Golang, Python, or Rust.
-Experience with continuous integration pipelines and automated deployments
-Experience OSS monitoring tools (eg. Grafana, Loki, Prometheus, Alertmanager)

🔹Nice to have:
-Distributed systems experience in tools such as nomad or kubernetes
-Prior experience with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Cosmos, or Move blockchain technologies

-25-days paid vacation
-Office and equipment stipend
-Pension / 401K programs
-Life Insurance
-Premium Healthcare
-Competitive Base Salary
-Lucrative Bonus Programs
Contact: https://jobs.solana.com/companies/asymmetric-research-2/jobs/40247818-site-reliability-engineer#content


Smart Contract Engineer
Company: Wormhole
Salary: $84k - $110k estimated
🔹The Role:
Smart Contract Engineer As a Smart Contract Engineer at the Wormhole Foundation, you will make significant contributions to Wormhole’s ecosystem of open source smart contracts and protocols. You will either drive or partner with domain experts through the entire life-cycle Contribute to the development of smart contracts on blockchains such as Ethereum (and various EVM side chains and L2s), Solana, Sui, Aptos, and more. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to gather customer requirements, analyze business needs, and translate them into smart contract code. Follow best practices for secure smart contract development and build future best practices alongside Wormhole security researchers. Maintain and improve Wormhole’s testing framework and thoroughly test your code with various kinds of tests. Stay up to date with the latest in smart contract technology, tooling, best practices, and industry trends.

🔹Who you are:
-Relevant tertiary qualifications in computer science or a closely related field (bachelors/masters) and/or relevant work experience Be high agency and effect the outcomes they wish to see.
-Demonstrate customer obsession and feel pride in building great experiences.
-Be highly collaborative with the internal team, other Wormhole collaborators, and customers.
-Care deeply about the business outcomes of your work and challenge priorities when the business impact is unclear.
-Have experience with writing production smart contracts in one environment, but be willing to learn and flex into other languages and runtimes as needed.
-Enjoy working remotely with a talented global team and ideally based in the EMEA or Americas time zones.
Contact: https://wormhole.com/ecosystem/careers/40214663


Senior Software Engineer Frontend
#удаленка #senior
Company: Aurora Labs
Salary: $87k - $100k estimated
🔹Your responsibilities include:
- Ensuring that precise financial instruments are easy to use and to understand.
- Optimizing every millisecond of user interactions.
- Implementing deep tracing and observability of user flows.
- Creating the best SDK for other DApps to use.
- Designing, testing and implementing the most resilient state machines for managing RFQs.

🔹Here are some of the technologies we work with:
- Typescript.
- React.
- Xstate.
- Wagmi.
- DatoCMS.
- React Native.

🔹Must have:
- 5+ years of experience as a software engineer, with a proven track record of shipping products.
- Strong sense for design and UI/UX.
- Ability to code with multiple target form factors (mobile, tablet, desktop) in mind.
- Experience in building functional and effective platforms.
- Strong attention to detail, ensuring clean, organized, and maintainable code.
- The ability to effectively collaborate with coworkers across multiple time zones.
- Familiarity with cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies.
- A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, or a closely related field.

🔹Our Values
- Execute extreme ownership.
- Strive for excellence.
- Embrace authenticity.
- Promote merit.
- Get shit done.
Join our dedicated team of blockchain industry professionals.
Please apply today — we’re standing by for your resume!
Contact: https://jobs.lever.co/aurora-dev/6027427b-f8c1-4915-be8b-0b3095384402/apply


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.