Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

ㅤ ㅤ𝐏poing's — 𝐏poing's ૮₍˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶₎აㅤㅤ
Hello everyone's, welcome magnificent store! happy shopping and enjoy the beauty here, we put about our channel here.
✦ created : 28-6-2022
✦ testie : @testiemooni
✦ own & adm : [ https://t.me/magnificentstore/413 ]

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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yeayy halo guys good night, kalian udah tidur atau belum nih? oh iya aku mau bilang kalau besokk magnificent store bakalan ngadain promo besar besaran lohh yukk order disaat waktu promo! jangan sampai ketinggalan promo di magnificent store

👤: emang promo apa sih ?
jadi kita bakalan adain promo special 1.3k subscribe dimana kita mau promo upsubs main acc , reguler, dan catalogue lainnya sebenarnya mau di adain kalo 2k subs tapi masih lama jadi daripada nunggu kelamaan hari ini aja yuk cepetan ikutan sebelum promo nya selesai nih guys soalnya cuma berlaku sampai tanggal 14 agustus, besok akan kita mulai promo nya yaa 🤍🤍!

biar kalian ga ketinggalan promo disini makannya subs dulu @magnificentstore jadi gunanya nanti kalau kita adain promo lagi ga ketinggalan nihh AYOOO SUBS @MAGNIFICENTSTORE, BIAR GA KETINGGALAN PROMO PROMO SPECIAL LAINNYA❗

📝 rate our channel! if there is criticism, suggestions can be filled in so that it can be improved

: 100/10 no kritsar, fsr admin nya trs jga ramah

pacar jaehyun 😜: 10000/10 pelayanan paling the best

Bubu: 10/10 slr tapi gak nipu👍👍👍

jingga: 10/11 agak slr yang penting ga nipu acikiwir

xׂᨮִׂׅ݂࣪ᦒ᩠ׂׅᥣᥣִׂαׂׅׅ࣭֗ꬻׂׅɕִׄ˖ׂᨮׂׅ݂: 1000/10 , ramah, fsr

Jaedyn || Close Jaspin: 1000/10 fsr, adm ramah, murmer, terimakasih

strawberry: 1000000/10 ❤️

React = udah join. Ngejammm :))))))): 👒 . 10/10

R: 1000/10 fsr, trusted💘💘

G!4nna: 100/10 no tipu² cuyy❤️❤️

asa: 10000/10 fast respon, hrga murah, seller nya baik + ramah, thanks.

valeryn: 100000/10 no kritsar

nothing.: 10/10 Pelayanan paling bagus dari semua store. 😸💘

rose. (fsr blik dng ajg): 10000/10 storenya terpercaya, adminnya fsr lagi 👍🏻

rendy, open slowresp: 1000/10 bagus fast respon sat set

ℒopiez. #ngejam: 10000/10 Trusted 👍🏻👍🏻 Ramah, FAST RESPON apalagi store nya tidak mengecewakan ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

mici kngn eja: 10000/10 cepet banget, own nya juga ramah😻🫶

C/BA ekal: 10/10 layanannya bagus,store terpecaya👍

Dira rbio: 1000/10 fsr, ramah, trusted jugaa, thank youu ya

vara: 100/10

J brou: 1000/10 suka, pelayanan nya bagus💟

today is: 1000/1000 murmerrr fastrespp sukakkk

mell: 1000/10 trusted 👍👍

ayes: 1000/10 fsr bgt trs ramah jga rekomendasi deh beli disini

aesha. pending: 100000/10, cepett bangett + bonuss subss. sukakkk💗💗💗💗

Amara: 1000/10

Casey #WSmieaceh: 10000/10💘

𝕬𝓝𝐧𝗮𝖇𝓔𝐥𝗹𝖊: 95/100, rada slr,Murmer,Trusted,ramah👍🏻

𝐁agas @Glovedpark: Rate ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ lumayan fastrespon, pelayanan oke, pengerjaan cepat. Cuma pajak scan luar dana cukup mahal

ℛéⅴᥲᥲ: 9.5/10
murmer, trusted, ramah, usahain jangan slr yaa thankyouu 🤍🤍

klone @Ljenoil #botistan: 10000000000000/10 AMANAH BNGTTT THANKYOUU

J 🕊️ #Boti: 10000/10 SUKAKK, THE BEST STORE NYAA

1998. Gabrielle: 10/10 sgt rill untuk di percaya 🤩

#gfjeno: 10/10 no kritsar

𝗔𝗥𝗘𝗦: untuk rate nya 1000000/10 disini pengerjaan nya cepet banget, admin nya juga fast respon ga ada lawan, pokoknya suka banget sama ch magnificent store, amanah, murmer jugaaa 💞💞💞


butuh 💸: 100000/10 untuk kritsar nya ga adaa, admin nya fast respon, ramah, dan trusted pokoknya love 🤍💟

502. Neva intikdvrvgu: 1000/10 tidakk ada kritsar

206. KE𝗥𝗘𝗡: 10/10 diisni pengerjaan nya cepet, terpercaya, dan juga murah banget 💌

Eonie, close order: 1000000/10 suka bgt sama pelayanan di store ini bener bener fsr, ramah, amanah jugaa sukses terus buat ch nya

bvg: 10000/10 ramah, fsr, amanah juga, rekomen deh beli disini 😍

201. Kim Minjeong: 10000/10 SUKAK BANGET 🫶🏻🤍 TRUSTED

Charles @rejaarabiea: 10/10 mantap, walaupun agak slr tapi ga nipu

luvvie #OPMEMC20: 100000000/10 trusted no kritsar

dunno: 100/10 murah, fsr ++ trusted pokoknya🤍🤍

Lauvoner: 100000/100 fsr cepett banget , dengan yg pastinya ga nipu nipu😍😍😍😍

Leily #𝐊enit𝐒tan: Fsr kaka nya 🤩 trus cepet lagi

ninaninu!: 10000/10 baik banget, ramah, amanah, murmer juga 🤩

diana anak mermet: 10/10 adm baik , ramah , fsr😻😻

Sari: 100000/10 fsr, ramah, pengerjaan cepet

Giveth.: 100/10

💟 zaphana puasa kenit: 1000/10, trusted, fast respon & tf, tysm ! 💟💟💟

jovey.: 1000/10 SUKAK

Jena: 100000/10 kerenn💐💐💐

Adit: 1000/10 fast respon dan fast transfer 👍


sabiraa: 10000/10, fast respon & ramahh banget harga nyaa juga murahh. untuk kritsar gaada ya. makasih banyak kaa & sukses selalu buat store nyaa

eren: buat rate nya 100/10 fastresp & trusted, makasih banyak yaa 🤩🤩🤩

dian: buat ratenya 1000/10, buat kritsarnya gaada. Adminnya fast respon n ramah bgtt, harganya murah, trusted jugaa 😆😆 thank you so much yaapp 💕💕

esha slowresp: 10000/10 fsr, ramah, trusted. Sukses terus! 🤍

Adit ( penipu dni tolol): 100/10 fsr, adm ramah, udh langganan juga, terimakasih banyak

Tesaaa | open jaspin - fast: 1000000/10 fsr, pengerjaan cepet puol, keren lah pokoknya 👍👍👍👍

satya: 1000/10 ramah

👥 183 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Board

✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ •
𝐏poing's — 𝐏poing's ૮₍˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶₎ა

𝐇ellou, this is the time for magnificent store to close order! Thank you to all customers who have ordered today, it's late so it's time to sleep 😴 good night all don't forget to have sweet dreams

Ξ please do not send the format when we close the store, we will not serve you. so please read again we will serve you in the morning we are open again, so don't worry you all don't have to worry because there is still time for tomorrow

✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ •
𝐏poing's — 𝐏poing's ૮₍˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶₎ა

𝐇ellou, this is the time for magnificent store to open order! let's have a snack and buy all the products that are here, soon we will make a promo for you. If you participate in visiting and shopping at our store, it's already pleasing to the seller, calm down if you buy the products here, the admin is really fast response to serving you, it's really very fun for online sellers and online buyers so let's immediately shop at our store.

✦. 𝐑egulation's
✦. 𝐂atalogue
✦. 𝐏ayment
✦. 𝐋ist admin's
✦. 𝐓estiemoni

let's buy quickly so you don't run out, check there and tap what you want to see. Don't miss the promo here fun and lively 🪵.
— tap the one you want, each message will have its own format so don't be confused about the format and the contact, try to send the order format correctly and send it to the contact who is still connected on our channel

The format is in the respective pricelist, and send to @magnificentrobot

✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ •
𝐏poing's — 𝐏poing's ૮₍˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶₎ა

𝐇ellou, this is the time for magnificent store to close order! Thank you to all customers who have ordered today, it's late so it's time to sleep 😴 good night all don't forget to have sweet dreams

Ξ please do not send the format when we close the store, we will not serve you. so please read again we will serve you in the morning we are open again, so don't worry you all don't have to worry because there is still time for tomorrow

close ya guys, thank you udah order hari ini 🤍!

open, only upsubs main acc and upsubs reguler close temporary. send format and send to bot @magnificentrobot 🐈!

✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ •
𝐏poing's — 𝐏poing's ૮₍˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶₎ა

𝐇ellou, this is the time for magnificent store to open order! let's have a snack and buy all the products that are here, soon we will make a promo for you. If you participate in visiting and shopping at our store, it's already pleasing to the seller, calm down if you buy the products here, the admin is really fast response to serving you, it's really very fun for online sellers and online buyers so let's immediately shop at our store.

✦. 𝐑egulation's
✦. 𝐂atalogue
✦. 𝐏ayment
✦. 𝐋ist admin's
✦. 𝐓estiemoni

let's buy quickly so you don't run out, check there and tap what you want to see. Don't miss the promo here fun and lively 🪵.
— tap the one you want, each message will have its own format so don't be confused about the format and the contact, try to send the order format correctly and send it to the contact who is still connected on our channel

The format is in the respective pricelist, and send to @magnificentrobot

✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ •
𝐏poing's — 𝐏poing's ૮₍˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶₎ა

𝐇ellou, this is the time for magnificent store to close order! Thank you to all customers who have ordered today, it's late so it's time to sleep 😴 good night all don't forget to have sweet dreams

Ξ please do not send the format when we close the store, we will not serve you. so please read again we will serve you in the morning we are open again, so don't worry you all don't have to worry because there is still time for tomorrow

Catalogue magnificent dan repost
𝐏poing's — 𝐏poing's ૮₍˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶₎ა

𝐇ellou, This is the secret catalogue magnificent proof needs #무드보드 : moodboard

code : greenery
by admin's : Jovita
price : 3.000
avail payment : dana, qriss, all e-wallet

✦ Format #무드보드
✦ username :
✦ code : greenery
✦ by admin's : jovita
✦ muse + group :
✦ pict dari : seller (+500p) / buyer
✦ additional request :
✦ payment :
send to @magnificentrobot

Note :
the contents of the format cannot be canceled and fixed for orders, fill in the format correctly and make sure to send it to the bot listed here.

Catalogue magnificent dan repost
𝐏poing's — 𝐏poing's ૮₍˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶₎ა

𝐇ellou, This is the secret catalogue magnificent proof needs #연감 : yearbook

code : dark atmosphere
by admin's : Jovita
price : 5.000
avail payment : dana, qriss, all e-wallet

#연감 Format Yearbook
✦ username :
✦ code : dark atmosphere
✦ by admin : Jovita
✦ berapa orang :
✦ muse + group :
✦ pict dari : seller (+500p) / buyer
✦ additional request : (skip jika tidak ada)
✦ payment :
send to @magnificentrobot

Note :
the contents of the format cannot be canceled and fixed for orders, fill in the format correctly and make sure to send it to the bot listed here.

ini open, ayo order!

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.

1 348

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