Mattys Modern Life

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The Victorian government are actually urging climate cultists to not protest:

Here’s hoping they protest anyway and Dick Ears Dan’s government suffers for their acceptance of this idiotic religion.

This call has the added bonus of isolating the street fools themselves, the whole establishment is diving and it’s fantastic!

If the Greens were ever in power they would go about killing all wrongthinkers as quickly and brutally as possible, this is how communists always act when they take power.

Thank God that’s never going to happen and it’s actually Bandt and every other traitor who will eventually go on trial for treason against our nation and people.

Episode 100 of XYZ live tonight! Nothing special planned, discussing some toonsperger news and other things.

Vincent James dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Holy shit. WTF is going on in New York? 😵😵

Blacks waking up to who actually had the “privilege” and who is really oppressing everyone.

Who wants to bet the ones lighting the fires are doing it for political reasons and the oligarchy want this hidden.

Anyone else see Mark Collett's recent show with Richard Spencer?

He makes me laugh, delusional is a word we could use but I don't think it covers exactly the state Spencer is in.

He seems to think it's his job to conquer the world, I say good luck with that one buddy.

Hope everyone has a fun and safe New Years Eve, take care all.

XYZ Live is on tonight everyone!

Blair Cottrell dan repost
50 year old Grandfather left brain-dead with only hours to live after being bashed outside his home by a gang of African youths.

A 25 year old woman with a toddler and a 2 month old infant managed to lock herself and her children inside.

How do I know it was Africans? Because no description of the attackers was offered by corporate journalists or the police, no African crime is typically reported on but when the crime is so bad the media is forced to report on it, “youths” means young African, South Sudanese men.

That’s the way it works with “the news” in Australia.

The police, under Dan Andrews orders, refuse to do anything about African crime because those in charge care more about their own egos and money than they do about the Australian people. The blood of this grandfather is on the hands of Daniel Andrews, and all senior government and police members, as well as the mainstream media. They are traitors and their crimes MUST be brought to justice.

Regarding homosexuality, the ONLY difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament is that now Sodomites have a chance of redemtion if they admit they are sinners, and committing a wicked act against the Father (God/Natural Order/Natural Law). If they hear the true word of God and reject it they are reprobate and worthy of Death, according to God.

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

"28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them." - Romans 1:27-32

Check it out, I thought this was pro Blair, it’s just that awesome. But turns out it might be a leftist meme and that makes it even funnier. We rule it all! Try take it from us. 😂

Yesterday I went to a Christmas service, I couldn't think of anywhere to go so I went to a church my Grandfather ran as Pastor for 30 years, my Grandmother on the other side also went there until she was physically unable (my parents met there).

I thought it would be a nice way to pay respects to them both and see how the old church was holding up.

I walk in and already there are alarm bells, the pulpit area has a giant projector behind it and all the flashing lights you get at so many modern "churches," but I thought I'd give it the benefit of the doubt.

The service starts with 4 younger members on stage, two women and two effeminate men, one unkempt and overweight with clothes that highlighted his lack of health (the lead singer).

They sung a few carols, the music itself was pretty good, and two of the backup singers were beautiful young Aussie women (we can appreciate), then the sermons start.

The first two "Pastors", I kid you not, were female, in direct opposition to Biblical teaching that tells us to suffer NOT women to teach but for them to stay in silence (1 Timothy 2:12).

Then we get a feel-good story played on the projectors (modern "churches" seem to love these), it was a story about an Iranian "refugee" who left Iran with her family because her husband was an enemy of the state, and used people smugglers to gain access to Australia.

This was great because she saw a figure in the clouds and apparently that was Jesus. 🙄

Somehow stealing is now totally fine, and the way to reward crime is to take in criminals, and that's great, because "Jesus."

Sure, there's a chance it was Jesus protecting her (doubt it), but the real question is why did the church choose this particular story as an example of "God's work"?

Then the head Pastor comes on stage, an effeminate old boomer, and he gives one of the most phony, and lame sermons I've ever heard about making "Christmas a verb," and we should all go "Christmas" at people or some drivel.

It was all about "bringing Joy" filled with the usual boring "nicey nice" rubbish passed off as "Christianity" these days.

He delivered the whole thing with a constant fake smile, you all know the kind, the patronising "look how nice I am" kind (think Dolores Umbridge in Harry Potter), it genuinely gave me the creeps and that's not a joke.

Grandad preached hard on sin and would throw up in his grave if he saw how these people have tainted his church, it made me sick.

Women preaching, pro-refugee bullshit, fake positivism sold as "joy", ugh, it's joyful to walk with the Lord knowing you are sinful and saved by his grace!

The world is wicked and you don't solve that with a fake smile and effeminate bullcrap.

And no, this wasn't just a Christmas thing, all their sermons are similar (like most "churches") according to their website.

No wonder Christianity doesn't resonate, when you see the cowards, snakes and effeminate gamma boys who lead them it all makes sense.

Lord Save us, Amen.

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