Miawauzg! Soon.

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

𖧷 ceyayu openg in weekend, kalaw weekdays @miawauzg only work at 12.00 - 22.00 WIB yh! send form ke @cheolIsoo.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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apakah aku hrs buat bot baru??????

@wrotei widih udaahh 200+1 polowrerss nih camaatt ya ba lucuuu imut keyeenn

IH SUMPAAHH AKU SEBEL BANGET SAMA BOTTT??? masaa pesan respon aku gamasuk sih PANTESAN AJAA mootss moots aku pada engga jawabbb 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

yesyestessss selamaat ceyatusss ples tigaaa penduduk ba yang amat kereeen @artihstic!!

waw akhilnya @y3ofblithe punya seyibu miaw miaww ceyamat dam cemangat nguyus nya cayangggg!

horeeee ceyamat punya 100 beby sayangkuuuu @moomable ditunggu debut nya yaa! 🤍💋🫶🏻😍

yeayyyy camat 200+1 anak cayangkuuu

testimonial miawauzg! dan repost
buat store aku yang @miawauzg sebenernya belum buka ges, tp kalo kalian mw order dlu ke aku bleh nanti dapet diskon 1k ehew kalo beli manips, mb script, moodsta & mb 6-20 slide 😍😍😍 send form atau non form boleh ke @cheolIsoo!


Moodboard Female: Winter1, Winter2, Winter3, Karina1, Ningning, Hanni, Jennie1

Moodboard Male: Jaemin, Jeno,

Loveboard: Niki×Rei, Jay×Isa, Jay×Ningning

Moodboard script:
Manips: YunjinXJay

jangan lupa di tek yh syng, kalaw mau rikues bisa disini by https://t.me/cheolsooq/14 langsung ak buat!!!!

𖤝︎.. moodboard script

            4 slides   : 1,500
            6 slides   : 3,000
            9 slides   : 4,500
           12 slides  : 6,000
           16 slides  : 7,500

n; every additional 2 slides an additional +1,5k, max 20 slide.
additional req:
- inrush start from 500 - 2,000 depending on the specified time
click comsect and find your format right now, list'n to its nifty tune among th' swaying trees n enjoy th' lovely scene.

𖤝︎... manipulation

- close up selca: 3,000 - 4,000 / two heads
- selca: 4,000 - 5,000 / two heads
- halfbody: 6,000 - 7,000 / two heads
- group: 3,000 / one head ( max 4 heads)

additional request:
- inrush start from 500 - 2,000 depending on the specified time
- with scribble start from 2,000 - 4,000 depending on type

click comsect and find your format right now, list'n to its nifty tune among th' swaying trees n enjoy th' lovely scene.

𖤝︎.. moodstagram custom

- simple decor
      6 slide price 2,500
      9 slide price 3,500
    12 slide price 4,500

  - medium decor
      6 slide price 4,000
      9 slide price 5,000
    12 slide price 6,000

  - full decor
      6 slide price 5,000
      9 slide price 6,500
    12 slide price 7,500 (max)

n; every additional 3 slides an additional +1k (except full decor)
additional request:
- inrush start from 500 - 2,000 depending on the specified time
- with video (+250p)

click comsect and find your format right now, list'n to its nifty tune among th' swaying trees n enjoy th' lovely scene.

𖤝︎... moodboard & loveboard!

3 slide price 1,000
6 slide price 2,000
9 slide price 3,000
12 slide price 4,000
16 slide price 5,000
20 slide price 6,000

n; every additional 3 slides an additional +1k
additional request:
- manips selca (+3k) and half body (+5k) for loveboard
- inrush start from 500 - 2,000 IDR depending on the specified time
- nsfw theme: 3,000
- anime theme: 2,000
- with video (+250p)
- text snapchat, fake chat, lyrics spotify, dsb

click comsect and find your format right now, list'n to its nifty tune among th' swaying trees n enjoy th' lovely scene.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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