Mortuorum in Tumulis Serpent

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Lex Humana

Homines imprudentes sunt. Leges igitur vitae non scribuntur in libris, sed in capistris et mucronibus composuerunt, in armis destructionis et machinis. Gladius creavit justitiam. Apud servos solus locus gratuito dignus est carcer.

Bochum Welt ~ Laurel Canyon
(Good Programs (To Be Coloured In Yellow), 2013)

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"Thought spoken is a lie." Only a thought, not yet put into words, can be true. Hence - the hope that the word, deliberately distorted, may be closer than it actually is.

Richie Kotzen. 50 FOR 50. 2020.

Her death is nameless.

You submit distant lands to your beloved son. You are far away, but your rays are on the earth, you are in front of people - your movement. I arose from the roots, I created all the snakes and everything that existed with them - and the earth in darkness, as if overtaken by death. People sleep in houses, and their heads are covered, and one eye does not see the other.

The lion comes out of his lair. Serpents bite people in the darkness, when night comes and the earth is plunged into silence, for the one who created everything descended in his sky. The earth lights up when you rise in the sky; you shine like a solar disk, you disperse the darkness, and Both Earths wake up, rejoicing, and rise to their feet. You have awakened them, and they wash their bodies and take their clothes.

At night, they (the stars) swim along it (Nut) to the edge of the sky, they rise, and they are seen. During the day they swim inside it, they do not rise, and they are not seen. They go in after this god and go out after him. And then they sail after him across the sky and calm down in the villages after his majesty calms down in the western horizon. They enter her mouth at the place of her head in the west, and then she eats them.

Odilon Redon - And bound him a thousand years. с. 1899.

Cleon Peterson - End of Days. 2014..jpg
Cleon Peterson - End of Days. 2014.

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Ordo Templi Astarte (OTA) One of many occult secret societies active in America today, the Ordo Templi Astarte (Order of Templars of Astarte, OTA) was founded by American magician Carroll “Poke” Runyon in 1970. Runyon received an irregular Ordo Templi Orientis charter from Louis Culling in that year, but quickly moved away from OTO traditions to construct an eclectic magical system of his own, based on the eighteenth-century ritual system of the Crata Repoa, the teachings of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the gods and goddesses of the ancient Phoenicians, and his own discoveries in the field of the evocation of spirits through mirror magic.

Like most of the magical orders of the late twentieth century, the Ordo Templi Astarte is relatively small, with two lodges – both in the state of California – and a membership well below 100. It has nonetheless had a significant influence on the occult scene in America and elsewhere, largely by way of Runyon’s publications and the order’s magazine, The Seventh Ray.

“The dark beast has been liberated and now it’s riding through the distant heavens in the form of white boar-like horse. This is the white horse Pegasus, carrying Aquarius, or the puer aeternus, albus et ater. The god reveals himself to everyone. That is what people can’t understand. I can’t tell you here all the things associated with this picture of the puer. It’s connected with the continuing process of God becoming Man.” (Windows on Eternity, p. 87)

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