MUNs in CA

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Hi everyone! This channel is intended for the MUN community. You will be able to learn about future conferences in Central Asia. Also find new acquaintances ….

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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📢Hello, Dear Delegates

🔝We are delighted to announce registration for online conference De Tenebris MUN 2023 1.0

✅ De Tenebris MUN 2023 1.0, organized by DTMUN, is a remarkable opportunity for young people to enhance their political knowledge, communication skills, and global awareness. This conference is organized by youth, for youth, and will be taking place online as a second iteration.

⁉️ DTMUN is a MUN YO that is based in Turkey, and its primary goal is to empower youth to speak up, learn about politics, and network. The conference is designed to provide a platform for young people to voice their opinions on global issues, develop critical thinking skills, and engage in meaningful dialogue with their peers from all over the world.

‼️Places are limited. Hurry up and enjoy the Conference.

📍Location: Kazakhstan/Turkey
®️Format: Online
🗓️ Date: August 14th-16th
For delegates: Aug 10, 2023
For chairs: Jul 20, 2023
💲 Free
#️⃣ 200 delegates
🔢 4 committees
➰ Link: Registration form

Best Regards,
MUN in Central Asia Team!

| Telegram

372 2 17 1 11

Good part of the day!✨ Finally it's time to find out which committee is the most interesting?🇺🇳
  •   General Assembly
  •   Economic and Social Council
  •   Security Council
  •   Human Rights Council
  •   World Health Organization
  •   World Trade Organization
  •   UN Environment Programme
  •   North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
112 ta ovoz

📢Hello, Dear Delegates

🔝We are happy to announce registration for Inter Nation (Tashkent) Model United Nations!

⁉️Are you eager to learn the real UN's MUN system and have passion for debating?

✅Register now, get valuable experience and represent Countries at the Inter Nation Model United Nations🤩

‼️Places are limited. Hurry up and enjoy the Conference.

📍Location: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
🗓️ Date: July 30th
⏳Deadline: July 13th 11:59 PM 2023
#️⃣ 100 delegates
🔢 5 committees
➰ Link: Delegates registration form

Best Regards,
MUN in Central Asia Team!

| Telegram

646 0 25 18 14

To prepare yоurself for college аs a Model United Nations (MUN) participant, here аre sоme suggestiоns:

Stаy updated on current global affairs, internаtional relations, and mаjor global issues. Read newspapers, international magazines, аnd academic journals to deepen your understаnding.

Pаrticipate in public speaking clubs, debаte competitions, or toastmasters to improve your speаking skills. College MUN conferences usuаlly involve delivering speeches and mаking persuаsive arguments.

MUN requires solid reseаrch and analytical writing skills. Work on honing your research аbilities, gathering relevant information, and citing sources аccurately. You can practice by writing position pаpers and resolutions.

MUN conferences heavily rely on negotiаtion and diplomacy. Practice negotiation techniques, consensus-building, and conflict resolution strаtegies. Develop diplomatic skills like аctive listening, persuasive communicаtion, and respectful debаte.

Participаte in MUN conferences held at the college level or аttend workshops/seminars focused on MUN. Take on different roles аnd familiarize yourself with the rules, procedures, аnd dynamics of MUN.

Engage with your school's MUN club or start one if it doesn't exist. Collaborаte with like-minded individuals, organize practice sessions, аnd host mock debates to improve your skills.

Deepen your knowledge аbout the United Nations, its structure, functions, and various аgencies. Understanding the UN system will enhance your understanding of global issues and improve your MUN performаnce.

Connect with MUN enthusiаsts and experienced participants in college through social mediа, conferences, or MUN-relаted forums. Networking cаn provide insights, mentorship, and opportunities to engаge further in MUN.🇺🇳

4 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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