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Bad mood and full of tired

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Chasing Souls dan repost
sometimes you’re just so angry with yourself because you’re you.

Chasing Souls dan repost

من افضل افلام سكارليت عاودته خمس مراتت🖤🖤🖤

Why do you look so sad? Tears in your eyes.
Come to me now.....
Don't be ashamed to cry.
Let me see you tgrough, Cause I've seen the dark side too...


Someone : Baraahhh.....
Me : shuuuuut the fuck up

Sometimes someone comes and says : "why you still living in the past? why don't you forget him and continue your life like he just did?"

Well, I try I try I try then one little thing, one random word, one song, one memory takes me back to the first day and makes everything fall apart again.

Because when you fall in love with someone, you can never just "fall out of love" with them. They are now forever in your life. It doesn't matter if you are apart for a week, a few years, you still get sad when they're with a new person that isn't you same as you're happy for seeing them happy you're sad for yourself thinking about how worthless you are and how not good enough you're too. You think of all the could haves and what ifs. Sometimes you even contemplate being with that person again. Doesn't matter the things you've been through, the heartbreak you've gone through. They are still a big part of your life. Your first love is something you can never shake.

Last Christmas

مش ناوية توصل 300 شكلها

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Queen of hell 🔥❤️

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