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Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
Toifa: Siyosat

Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

telegram is quickly turning to shit, fuck you Durov

Nogals Redpills 2 dan repost
@nogalsRedpills wtf SWAPO based now. Yes its real

Nogals Redpills 2 dan repost
Which do you hate the most?
  •   Jews
  •   Furries
  •   Niggers
  •   Faggots and trannies
  •   Chinks
  •   Racemixers
  •   Thots
  •   Cucks/simps
  •   Muslims
  •   Incels
2888 ta ovoz

Nogals Redpills 2 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
@nogalsRedpills Jack lives in Greenpoint. I fucking called it

Nogals Redpills 2 dan repost
@nogalsRedpills kike convert telling us jews aren't like that. This guy isn't a jew but just a race traitor. The race of jews is the problem. Many jews are atheists but they still get their ethnostate. This goy doesn't understand how things work. Jews don't accept converts, they mock him behind closed doors. I don't know how religious (((Markovitz))) is but what he said about racism and whites is part of judaism and is call tikkun olam. This is the justification for diversity. Of course they never implement it in Israel but only for goyim countries.


Nogals Redpills 2 dan repost
This is the shit that pisses me off. What is this kike doing? He is saying he is EFF and the opposition is the DA. He is essentially trying to move whites to the DA again. (((HELEN ZILLE))) IS NOT YOUR FUCKING FRIEND. The DA is not your friend. The DA is anti-White, pro Jewish and neoliberal. This is a Jewish tactic of controlling both sides. Reminder that the DA was created by (((Tony Leon))) and then run by (((Helen Zille))) until she gave it to a nigger. The nigger ran the party to the ground with affirmative action and whites left for the VF+. Now the jewess is back and trying to split whites. There is no political solution, politicians are not your friends and jews are not your friends

The Afrikaner-Boer dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish


Nogals Redpills 2 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
@nogalsRedpills, here is the video. Guy sounds like a faggot as well. Don't let anyone tell you SA doesn't have a Jewish problem. Blacks are tribal. The Zulus and Xhosa fought before the end of Apartheid, they hate each other. The goal of communism and the EFF is to unite blacks together. This idea first came from (((Joe Slovo))) a kike who started the communist party in South Africa

South Africa Reports dan repost
"Jack Markovitz, EFF member outside the Brackenfell High School says that the situation in Brackenfell is the same like every single white neighbourhood in the country, racism is instill in the bones of these people. "

Nothing to see here, just another JEW being a parasite and slandering Whites. Look how big that (((Markovitz))) 👃 is

Nogals Redpills 2 dan repost
@nogalsRedpills OC a subscriber sent me

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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